Slasherverse - Viewing/Reading Order

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Aug 30, 2018
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This is not a traditional shared universe. Rights issues prevent these from crossing over beyond references, but there's a loosely defined reality in which the main Slasher icons co-exist. There are character crossovers, like Stretch from Texas 2 in Hatchet III, and references to the other killers in other films, such as The Mask of Leslie Vernon treating the Halloween, Friday and Nightmare series to be canonical to it's continuity.

The Evil Dead was shown as an in-universe movie in A Nightmare on Elm Street. This is either an unrelated movie in-universe that just happens to look exactly like The Evil Dead or Freddy is using his powers to broadcast the events of The Evil Dead on TV using the Army of Darkness timeloop.

Evil Dead 2 and Ash vs Evil Dead both show Freddy Krueger's glove in the Knowby cabin. Freddy likely spent some time here at some point. Friday the 13th: Part 2 is playing in the cinema in 1982 in Ash vs Evil Dead. This fits with the Adam Green's Hatchet comic, which takes place in 1985 and is about the production of an in-universe movie based on the Victor Crowley legend known as Hatchet-Face. The characters in the comic references A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre as existing films. Based on connections in Friday the 13th: The Game and Hatchet II, these must be in-universe movies based on the legends.

Rick Cologne from Friday the 13th: Part VI: Jason Lives appears in Shocker under his mother's maiden name Pastori, as revealed in Friday the 13th: The Game.

Child's Play #1 features an out-of-continuity page with Chucky standing triumphantly amidst various slasher killer masks and weapons. Jason, Leatherface, Michael and Freddy are all represented, as well as a facehugger from the Alien series. Child's Play #2 references a Dream Killer who has plagued Springwood, Ohio for years.

In Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings, the pages with which Pumpkinhead is summoned with are from the Necronomicon, with the same design seen in the Evil Dead franchise. In Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes, a ton of Lament Configurations can be seen on Dr. Fraser's desk.

Jason vs Leatherface is a crossover between Friday the 13th and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It has many continuity errors, but my best explanation is Jason somehow ended up chained again prior to Part VII, while Nubbins and Drayton Sawyer were resurrected using magic or cloning by the Illuminati. We know the Sawyer family is more than human sometimes in canon, such as a 137 year old Grandpa Sawyer dying in 1986 only to be magically alive again in 1996, and Bubba surviving a chainsaw through the chest as well as an explosion. Otherwise, the comic is best seen as non-canon.

Bride of Chucky starts with a scene in an evidence locker, showing various other collected evidence from other slasher killers. Jason's mask, Freddy's glove, Leatherface's chainsaw and Michael's mask appears. Michael's mask helps prove that Halloween 4-6 is the canonical version of events for this universe, since it was left on the ground in Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers.

Jason Goes to Hell featured the Necronomicon from the Evil Dead series. The director came up with the idea while talking with Sam Raimi. "She [Pamela Voorhees] makes a deal with the devil by reading from the Necronomicon to bring back her son. This is why Jason isn't Jason. He's Jason plus The Evil Dead, and now I can believe that he can go from a little boy that lives in a lake, to a full grown man in a couple of months, to Zombie Jason, to never being able to kill this guy. That, to me, is way more interesting as a mashup, and Raimi loved it! It's not like I could tell New Line my plan to include The Evil Dead, because they don't own The Evil Dead. So it had to be an Easter egg, and I did focus on it…there's a whole scene that includes the book, and I hoped people would get it and could figure out that's what I'm up to. So yes, in my opinion, Jason Voorhees is a Deadite. He's one of The Evil Dead. It absolutely is canon." Jason is also killed by the Voorhees (Kandarian) dagger. Canonically, this would be a separate copy of the Necronomicon, like the one seen in Evil Dead (2013).

Freddy's glove grabs Jason's mask at the end of Jason Goes to Hell, teasing the future Freddy vs Jason film. Freddy vs Jason is a crossover between Friday the 13th and A Nightmare on Elm Street.

The comic book A Nightmare on Elm Street: Special features a newspaper with the headlines "Leatherface Returns".

Parker O'Neil from Frozen appears in Hatchet 2 talking to news cameras about her lawsuit and settlement against the ski mountain from the film. Jason Voorhees and Leslie Vernon are referenced in the film as other existing killers.

According to Caroline Williams, her character in Hatchet III, Amanda Fowler, is a continuation of her other character, Vanita 'Stretch' Brock, from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2. This proves that this universe follows the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre timeline.

Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon is set in this universe, referencing the characters and showing the towns from the Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween series. Chucky is also referenced. Michael Myers was involved with at least 4 different incidents, further solidifying that this follows the Halloween 4-6 timeline.

The Lament Configuration appears in Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. Based on every other reference being counted as each series being canonical, I can only assume that the intent was to imply that Hellraiser actually happened within the universe of this movie even though it's a small easter egg. The Bride of Chucky contains a reference to Pinhead, where Chucky thinks a man with pins covering his head looks familiar. There was also plans to have Pinhead in Freddy vs Jason at one point, and there was to be a Hellraiser and Halloween crossover at another time.

Eugene in Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon was intended to be Billy from Black Christmas. David J. Stieve stated "I can confirm that Eugene has always been Billy in my mind. Scott (Wilson) would be the right age for him, and it always fit for me that Eugene would have that "old school" nostalgia and slight professional jealousy that even though he was a pioneer in the business of fear, he never achieved the fame or notoriety of his successors (Michael, Jason, etc)." This connects Black Christmas into the universe.

Soon after this, Scott Glosserman confirmed that the events in The Toolbox Murders were another job by "Eugene". It appears that Kent Kingsley is Eugene's real name, and he became Billy after the events of the movie. Billy and Kent look very similar to one another so they can easily be made into the same character. Kent is supposedly killed off-screen, but he must have survived his wounds, perhaps even having had brain damage that regressed him into his maniacal state.

The comic book Freddy vs Jason vs Ash is a crossover between the Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street, and Evil Dead franchises, and a sequel to Freddy vs Jason based on the original script that pits them against Ash Williams from the Evil Dead franchise. It definitely takes place on Earth-818793, part of the Marvel Multiverse and designation of the Army of Darkness comics along with the rest of the Dynamite Comics Universe. It is not part of the universe of the Evil Dead films.

In Friday the 13th: The Game, the fifth Tommy tape mentions that Tommy got kicked out of four programs. One in Westin Hills (A Nightmare on Elm Street), another in Smith's Grove (Halloween), Glen Echo (Behind the Mask) and New Orleans (Hatchet), with Tommy claiming to hear a man crying for his father in the nearby swamp every night while he was in New Orleans Psychiatric, a reference to Victor Crowley.

Possible Inclusions
Fluffy's crate appears in Jason Goes to Hell. It looks visually different to the version in the short, and it doesn't make sense how it would end up in the Voorhees house. It can be assumed that this is perhaps a different crate from the same exhibition. The Necronomicon and Deadites appear in the Creepshow TV series. Michael's mask appear in that same episode.

Sharknado Universe
Vanita 'Stretch' Brock appears in Sharknado: The 4th Awakens. Because of her death in Hatchet III, and the apocalyptic ending, it can assumed that this is an alternate version of Stretch, and the Slasherverse is created at the end of The Last Sharknado: It's About Time. Z-Nation is set in the Sharknadoverse, and is about the zombie apocalypse. If this were to fit within the Slasherverse, I assume Z-Nation is set in the new timeline and the near future and leads into the apocalyptic ending seen in Ash vs Evil Dead and perhaps the Army of Darkness: Director's Cut. Due to the parody nature of the Sharknadoverse and how convoluted it is, I'm not including it, but it can be considered an alternate timeline branching from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2.

Darkman vs Army of Darkness is a crossover between Evil Dead and Darkman, and is set after the events of Darkman III: Die, Darkman, Die. Arguably it could be canon, but I feel more comfortable placing it in a standalone Darkman continuity due to the nature of Evil Dead comics being standalone.

The Army of Darkness versus Reanimator: Necronomicon Rising is a crossover between the Evil Dead and Re-Animator film series. It's confusing in when it is set in the Re-Animator timeline but most likely between Re-Animator and Bride of Re-Animator. Arguably it could be canon, but I feel more comfortable placing it in a standalone Re-Animator continuity due to the nature of Evil Dead comics being standalone.

Bubba Ho-Tep
Army of Darkness/Bubba Ho-Tep is a crossover between the Evil Dead film series and Bubba Ho-Tep. It is a sequel to both Bubba Ho-Tep and the Bubba Ho-Tep and the Cosmic Blood-Suckers comic book. Arguably it could be canon, but I feel more comfortable placing it in a standalone Bubba Ho-Tep continuity due to the nature of Evil Dead comics being standalone.

Alternate Continuity
The Dynamite Comics Universe (Earth-818793) features near identical versions of Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Charles Lee Ray and Victor Crowley. They are, however, different to their cinematic counterparts.

For example, the Earth-818793 version of Jason Goes to Hell took place 10 years earlier than it does in the cinematic timeline, and Freddy and Jason's comic book stories never occurred in that reality. Hatchet/Slash was said to be set between Hatchet II and Hatchet III, though it couldn't be because Hatchet III picks up immediately after Hatchet II, and it couldn't be set between Hatchet III and Victor Crowley. Logically it would be set prior to the first film, but official word places it after Hatchet II as does the established timeline of Hack/Slash. Interestingly, both a variant of Herbert West from the Re-Animator films and an original Dynamite Comics version of the character exist in this universe. This appears to be a simple continuity error, but you could head-canon them as family relatives.

Franchise List
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Black Christmas
The Toolbox Murders

Friday the 13th
Evil Dead
A Nightmare on Elm Street

Child's Play
Freddy vs Jason
Behind the Mask

1957 - Friday the 13th: The Game Pamela Tapes 1-20
1967 - The Toolbox Murders
1968 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x01, "No More Mr. Nice Guy"
1973 - Petals
1973 - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Intro
1973 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
1974 - Black Christmas
1975 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x07, "Sister's Keeper"
1978 - Within the Woods
1978 - Halloween
1978 - Halloween II
1979 - Friday the 13th
1979 - Friday the 13th: Pamala's Tale #1-2
1979 - KISS/Army of Darkness #1-5
1981 - A Nightmare on Elm Street
1982 - Evil Dead: The Game Knowby Recording 1-8
1982 - The Evil Dead
1982 - Evil Dead: The Game Knowby Recording 9
1982 - Evil Dead 2
1982 - Evil Dead: The Game Knowby Recording 10
1982 - Army of Darkness: Director's Cut
1982 - Army of Darkness (Ending)
1982 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x04, "Photo Finish"
1983 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x12, "It's My Party and You'll Die If I Want You To"
1984 - Friday the 13th: Part 2
1984 - Friday the 13th: Part III
1984 - Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter
1984 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 1-3
1985 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 4
1985 - Adam Green's Hatchet #1-3
1986 - The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2
1986 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge
1987 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors
1987 - Hellraiser
1987 - Hellbound: Hellraiser II
1988 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
1988 - Pumpkinhead
1988 - Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
1988 - Child's Play
1989 - A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
1989 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 5
1989 - Friday the 13th: A New Beginning
1989 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 6-8
1989 - Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers
1990 - Freddy Krueger's A Nightmare on Elm Street #1-2
1990 - Nightmares on Elm Street #1-2
1990 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 9
1990 - Friday the 13th: Part VI: Jason Lives
1990 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 10-11
1990 - Child's Play 2
1990 - Child's Play #1-5
1991 - Leatherface: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre III
1991 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x02, "It's a Miserable Life"
1991 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x03, "Killer Instinct"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x04, "Freddy's Tricks and Treats"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x05, "Judy Miller, Come on Down"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x06, "Saturday Night Special"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x08, "Mother's Day"
1992 - Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x09, "Rebel Without a Car"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x10, "The Bride Wore Red"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x11, "Do Dreams Bleed?"
1992 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x12, "The End of the World"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x13, "Deadline"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x14, "Black Tickets"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x15, "School Daze"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x16, "Cabin Fever"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x17, "Love Stinks"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x18, "The Art of Death"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x19, "Missing Persons"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x20, "The Light at the End of the Tunnel"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x21, "Identity Crisis"
1993 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 1x22, "Safe Sex"
1993 - Shocker
1993 - Pumpkinhead: The Rites of Exorcism #1-2
1993 - Pumpkinhead II: Blood Wings
1994 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 12
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x01, "Dream Come True"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x02, "Heartbreak Hotel"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x03, "Welcome to Springwood"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x05, "Memory Overload"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x06, "Lucky Stiff"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x07, "Silence Is Golden"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x08, "Bloodlines"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x09, "Monkey Dreams"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x10, "Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x11, "Dreams That Kill"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x13, "What You Don't Know Can Kill You"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x14, "Easy Come, Easy Go"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x15, "Prime Cut"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x16, "Interior Loft"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x17, "Interior Loft - Later"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x18, "Funhouse"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x19, "A Family Affair"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x20, "Dust to Dust"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x21, "Prisoner of Love"
1994 - Freddy's Nightmares: A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Series 2x22, "Life Sentence"
1995 - Nightmares on Elm Street #3-6
1995 - Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers
1996 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation
1997 - Friday the 13th: Part VII: The New Blood
1998 - Friday the 13th: Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan
1998 - Friday the 13th: The Game Tommy Tapes 13
1998 - Child's Play 3
1998 - Bride of Chucky
1999 - Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
1999 - A Nightmare on Elm Street: The Beginning #1-2
1999 - Hellraiser: Inferno
1999 - Halloween #1
1999 - Halloween II: The Blackest Eyes
2000 - Jason vs Leatherface #1-3
2001 - Satan's Six #4
2001 - Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday
2001 - Halloween III: The Devil's Eyes
2002 - Hellraiser: Hellseeker
2003 - Freddy vs. Jason
2003 - Friday the 13th: Special
2004 - Seed of Chucky
2005 - Chucky's Family Vacation
2005 - Chucky Invades Psycho
2005 - Hellraiser: Deader
2005 - Hellraiser: Hellworld
2005 - Friday the 13th: Bloodbath #1-3
2005 - Friday the 13th: Fearbook
2006 - Pumpkinhead: Ashes to Ashes
2006 - Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
2007 - Hack/Slash Annual Number Three: Hachet/Slash
2007 - Adam Green's Hatchet: Vengeance #1-3
2007 - Frozen
2007 - Hatchet
2007 - Adam Green's Hatchet #0
2007 - Hatchet II
2007 - Hatchet III
2007 - Pumpkinhead 4: Blood Feud
2007 - Friday the 13th #1-6
2007 - Friday the 13th: How I Spent My Summer Vacation #1-2
2008 - Friday the 13th: Bad Land #1-2
2008 - Friday the 13th: Abuser and the Abused
2008 - Freddy vs Jason vs Ash #1-6
2009 - Chucky Invades Drag Me to Hell
2009 - Hack/Slash vs. Chucky
2009 - Chucky #1-4
2009 - Chucky (Vol. 2) #1
2009 - A Nightmare on Elm Street: Special
2010 - A Nightmare on Elm Street: Paranoid #1-3
2010 - Evil Dead: Extended Cut
2010 - A Nightmare on Elm Street: Fearbook
2011 - A Nightmare on Elm Street #1-8
2011 - Hellraiser: Revelations
2012 - New Line Cinema's Tales of Horror, "Copycat"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x01, "El Jefe"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x02, "Bait"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x03, "Books from Beyond"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x04, "Brujo"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x05, "The Host"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x06, "The Killer of Killers"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x07, "Fire in the Hole"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x08, "Ashes to Ashes"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x09, "Bound in Flesh"
2012 - Ash vs Evil Dead 1x10, "The Dark One"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Ash's Killer Crib
2013 - Curse of Chucky
2013 - Chucky Invades Mama
2013 - Chucky Invades The Purge
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x01, "Home"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x03, "Last Call"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x04, "DUI"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x05, "Confinement"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x06, "Trapped Inside"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x07, "Delusion"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x08, "Ashy Slashy"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x09, "Home Again"
2013 - Ash vs Evil Dead 2x10, "Second Coming"
2015 - Shemps: So Good You'll Urinate
2015 - Shemps: Serous Beer For Serious Evil
2015 - Shemps: Better Than a Bear Trap
2015 - Shemps: The Official Beer For Bad Decisions
2015 - Shemps: A Full Body Beer
2015 - Shemps: Don't Think, Drink Shemps
2015 - Shemps: Never Too Early
2015 - Shemps: Who Gives?
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x01, "Family"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x02, "Booth Three"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x03, "Apparently Dead"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x04, "Unfinished Business"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x05, "Baby Proof"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x06, "Tales from the Rift"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x07, "Twist and Shout"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x08, "Rifting Apart"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x09, "Judgement Day"
2016 - Ash vs Evil Dead 3x10, "The Mettle of Man"
2016 - Ash4President: Purple Mountains

2016 - Ash4President: Borders
2016 - Ash4President: Gender Equality
2016 - When it comes to America's next President, why settle when you can have it all? Vote #Ash4President. #NBCNewsForum
2016 - Ash4President: Legalizing Marijuana
2016 - His stimulus package will be huge. #Ash4President
2016 - As Melania always says- pull out. #Ash4President
2016 - Ash4President: Creating More Jobs
2016 - Ash has the biggest caucus God ever created. #Ash4President #DebateNight
2016 - Ash4President: Smear Tactics
2016 - Ash4President: Men, Women and Demons
2016 - Ash4President: Common Sense Candidate
2016 - Fracking: drilling deep and releasing a mixture at high pressure... Sounds like something else we'd like to do. #Ash4President
2016 - Ash4President: Vote Ash
2016 - Ash will start out his presidency with a bang! Or two. Or three. #Ash4President
2016 - Ash4President: Healthcare
2016 - We're stronger together with Ash in charge. #Ash4President
2016 - It's the economy, stupid! And Ash is going to be good at it. #Ash4President
2017 - Victor Crowley
2017 - Cult of Chucky
2018 - Hellraiser: Judgment
2018 - Pumpkinhead #1-6
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Arguments
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Partying

2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Sex
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: College
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Driving
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Teen Pregnancy
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Crime

2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Summer Jobs
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Drugs
2018 - Ash vs Evil Dead: Who's Your Daddy?: Bad Influences
2019 - Victor Crowley's Hatchet: Halloween Tales
2019 - Victor Crowley's Hatchet: Halloween Tales
2019 - Child's Play: Chain of Chucky
2020 - Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2020 - Victor Crowley's Hatchet: Halloween Tales II
2020 - Chucky Meets Michael Myers
2021 - Adam Green's Hatchet: Unstoppable Horror
2021 - Chucky 1x01, "Death by Misadventure"
2021 - Chucky 1x02, "Give Me Something Good to Eat"
2021 - Chucky 1x03, "I Like to Be Hugged"
2021 - Chucky 1x04, "Just Let Go"
2021 - Chucky 1x05, "Little Little Lies"
2021 - Chucky 1x06, "Cape Queer"
2021 - Chucky 1x07, "Twice the Grieving, Double the Loss"
2021 - Chucky 1x08, "An Affair to Dismember"
2021 - Victor Crowley's Hatchet: Halloween Tales III
2022 - Hellraiser
2022 - Chucky 2x01, "Halloween II"
2022 - Chucky 2x02, "The Sinners Are Much More Fun"
2022 - Chucky 2x03, "Hail, Mary!"
2022 - Chucky 2x04, "Death On Denial"
2022 - Chucky 2x05, "Doll on Doll"
2022 - Chucky 2x06, "He is Risen Indeed"
2022 - Chucky 2x07, "Goin' To The Chapel"
2022 - Chucky 2x08, "Chucky Actually"
2023 - Wait for It
2023 - Chucky 3x03, "Jennifer's Body"
2023 - Chucky 3x01, "Murder at 1600"
2023 - Chucky 3x02, "Let the Right One In"
2023 - Chucky 3x04, "Dressed to Kill"
2023 - Chucky 3x05, "Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Murder"
2023 - Chucky 3x06, "????"
2023 - Chucky 3x07, "There Will Be Blood"
2023 - Chucky 3x08, "Final Destination"
2023 - Evil Dead Rise
2127 - Hellraiser IV: Bloodline
2455 - Jason X
2455 - Jason X: Special
2455 - Friday the 13th: Jason vs Jason X #1-2
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This is very impressive. But I feel like there is a TON more stuff that needs to be added. Like the Hellraiser, Puppet Master, Leprechaun, and Amityville series.

Are you going by this?:
I'd need to see what connects each series first of course. I've just included what I feel to be most certainly connected franchises. Lots of these are validated by each other, like Nightmare/Friday > Hatchet > Behind the Mask > Halloween and Chucky, with Chucky connecting back to the others.

I do want to add more to the possible Inclusions list though.
Oh, I didn't include the crossovers set on Earth-818793 (Dynamite Comics Universe). That universe seems to be a version of the Slasherverse where most of the films happened, but with the timeline shifted in some places. I guess it's similar to what Earth-5556 is often seen as to Doctor Who.

So Hack/Slash vs Chucky, Hack/Slash vs Hatchet, Hack/Slash and Ash, Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, etc. all take place in a universe where Evil Dead is set in the present day, Stephanie Kimble (baby from Jason Goes to Hell) was born much earlier (she was a teenager having sex in FvJvA 2 but in the film timeline she'd have been 9 years old by the time the comic occurs), and the other Friday/Nightmare comics never happened.
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Would you consider the Dead By Daylight game canon?
Hm... I'd say it's canon to the Slasher Multiverse at least. I imagine lots of characters were brought into the DBD Realm though the multiverse. I think a lot of the characters have different histories in that game that can be explained as divergent timelines.
This is very impressive. But I feel like there is a TON more stuff that needs to be added. Like the Hellraiser, Puppet Master, Leprechaun, and Amityville series.

Are you going by this?:
I'm not going by that, no. I do like lots of the ideas though.
I know I said that I'm not counting Pumpkinhead... but I learned the context of the scene isn't background decoration and implies that the page that summons Pumpkinhead is from the Necronomicon.

Also, it appears in a tie-in comic.
Behind the Witch, you can see the eyes and nose of the book.
This seems to depict a page from the Necronomicon.

So, should I include it? It still seems like a small connection compared to the other franchises, and isn't really validated by anything else.
Oh, I didn't include the crossovers set on Earth-818793 (Dynamite Comics Universe). That universe seems to be a version of the Slasherverse where most of the films happened, but with the timeline shifted in some places. I guess it's similar to what Earth-5556 is often seen as to Doctor Who.

So Hack/Slash vs Chucky, Hack/Slash vs Hatchet, Hack/Slash and Ash, Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, etc. all take place in a universe where Evil Dead is set in the present day, Stephanie Kimble (baby from Jason Goes to Hell) was born much earlier (she was a teenager having sex in FvJvA 2 but in the film timeline she'd have been 9 years old by the time the comic occurs), and the other Friday/Nightmare comics never happened.
The only way FvJvA would work would be to assume that the same events occur in the cinematic universe, that Tommy is 14-15 in Part V and Part VI, and that Stephanie is 14-15 in the comic... where she's engaging with a 20 year old... jeez. If you can accept Tommy is one year younger in Part V somehow, it is slightly less strange at 16 but that's still pretty bad. Oh, and the other Friday/Nightmare comics couldn't be canon to it. All Evil Dead comic references are just shared events between Earth-818793 and the Slasherverse, or just one of those non-canon dates. The only reason why that would even be considered is because the people who worked on the book considered themselves as the sole continuation of the original timeline... even if that doesn't entirely make sense.

It doesn't make sense for me to do that I think, but yeah. I suppose you could throw in a bunch of crossovers from Earth-818793 at that point though. Canon becomes pretty confusing if you start doing that.
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The only way FvJvA would work would be to assume that the same events occur in the cinematic universe, that Tommy is 14-15 in Part V and Part VI, and that Stephanie is 14-15 in the comic... where she's engaging with a 20 year old... jeez. If you can accept Tommy is one year younger in Part V somehow, it is slightly less strange at 16 but that's still pretty bad. Oh, and the other Friday/Nightmare comics couldn't be canon to it. All Evil Dead comic references are just shared events between Earth-818793 and the Slasherverse, or just one of those non-canon dates. The only reason why that would even be considered is because the people who worked on the book considered themselves as the sole continuation of the original timeline... even if that doesn't entirely make sense.

It doesn't make sense for me to do that I think, but yeah. I suppose you could throw in a bunch of crossovers from Earth-818793 at that point though. Canon becomes pretty confusing if you start doing that.
Edit: Scratch that. If you ignore Jason being underwater in the prologue of Part VII, you can make it work. Might do an alternate viewing order for Earth-818793, or at least Army of Darkness and Slash/Hack comics. Place the Evil Dead trilogy in 2005, place Friday the 13th 7-9 in 1991-1992, remove all the Friday and Nightmare comics, remove Ash vs Evil Dead, now you have the Earth-818793 timeline.

Should probably do viewing orders for the other worlds too, like H20, Halloween 2018, Texas 3D, etc.
Possible Inclusions
Vanita 'Stretch' Brock appears in Sharknado: The 4th Awakens. Because of her death in Hatchet III, and the apocalyptic ending, it can assumed that this is an alternate version of Stretch, and the Slasherverse is created at the end of The Last Sharknado: It's About Time. Z-Nation is set in the Sharknadoverse, and is about the zombie apocalypse. If this were to fit within the Slasherverse, I assume Z-Nation is set in the new timeline and the near future and leads into the apocalyptic ending seen in Ash vs Evil Dead and perhaps the Army of Darkness: Director's Cut. Due to the parody nature of the Sharknadoverse and how convoluted it is, I'm not including it, but it can be considered an alternate timeline branching from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Part 2.
What about the Netflix series Black Summer? It's written as the prequel to Z-Nation.
There's a Darkman/Army of Darkness crossover comic that acts as a sequel to Darkman III, and also isn't set in the huge Earth-818793 Dynamite Comics continuity. Assuming it doesn't contradict Ash vs Evil Dead that much, Darkman, Darkman II: The Return of Durant, Darkman III: Die, Darkman, Die, Darkman (1993 comic) and Darkman vs Army of Darkness could easily fit into the main continuity that's been built here.
There's a Darkman/Army of Darkness crossover comic that acts as a sequel to Darkman III, and also isn't set in the huge Earth-818793 Dynamite Comics continuity. Assuming it doesn't contradict Ash vs Evil Dead that much, Darkman, Darkman II: The Return of Durant, Darkman III: Die, Darkman, Die, Darkman (1993 comic) and Darkman vs Army of Darkness could easily fit into the main continuity that's been built here.
Yep, that brings us to a total of 49 connected films across 12 different franchises in a loosely connected universe, and most of them are pretty much affirmed canon because of the Friday the 13th game connecting to Hatchet connecting to Behind the Mask connecting to, well, all of them.

It really just depends on how strict you are though.
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Of all the timelines i'll think to see here this is one that i'll never thought someone would make

I've been following the Slasherverse for years, this will help my investigation for more connections (since it ties with AVP that ties to Angel that also brings the Westphall Hypotesis... better to not dig on that)
I think the Chucky comic with a facehugger is on an out-of-continuity page, to be fair. It does support the connections I guess. A Weyland organisation is mentioned in Jason vs Leatherface, but that comic is pretty messy. It wants to be a sequel to Jason Lives but a prequel to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I think you can toss it in with the Texas 3D canon prior to the original film, since we have no idea about the Jason Voorhees of that reality.

As for Angel, Weyland-Yutani existed in modern day in the Buffyverse whereas it wasn't founded until 2099 in the Alien Universe through the merger of the Weyland and Yutani corporations. Though, we know that the Predators exist in that universe though a cameo in one of the comic books, along with, erm, Hellboy apparently.
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There's also a standalone Army of Darkness/Bubba Ho-Tep comic book that acts as a sequel to Bubba Ho-Tep, a movie where Elvis Presley, played by Bruce Campbell, faked his death. Ash states that he was thinking about his own mortality because he's getting close to the age Elvis was when he died. Elvis Presley died at 42 years old. Ash should be 45 years old by this point (based on a drivers license prop) assuming Bubba Ho-Tep is set when it released (2002). He should have already passed that age in reality, but eh.

Oh, and Elvis seemingly died at the end of Bubba Ho-Tep, but I guess it's an easy retcon to make. Say he just passed out from his injuries but barely survived, then it's fine. I'm sure that's what the intention is as far as the comic goes.

Mind you, these comics are certainly in continuity with the Darkman and Bubba Ho-Tep film series. Because of how many Evil Dead comics there are that aren't part of the film canon, it's hard to say whether they're separate or connected with the films. One thing that does help tie it in with the Evil Dead film/show continuity is Ash's age, since in most Evil Dead comic timelines they retcon the original films to take place in modern day. In these, we see Ash after his trilogy in approximately 1994 and 2002.

Basically, up to you whether these are alternate versions of Ash from the Darkman and Bubba Ho-Tep universes.
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Interesting to note, most of these characters were turned into films in-universe. In Freddy vs Jason vs Ash, Army of Darkness is playing in theatres. In Ash vs Evil Dead, Friday the 13th: Part III is playing in theatres. In A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Evil Dead is playing (although it has to be unrelated in-universe because of the timeline). In Adam Green's Hatchet comic, Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre are in-universe films despite the Hatchet films treating Jason Voorhees and Leslie Vernon as real killers.

Some filmmakers must have made films about the real killers I suppose. Just like we make movies about real life events.

So, Halloween III: Season of the Witch could be canon if there was anything to actually link it in the first place.
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I think it's of note that Halloween #1, Halloween II: The Blackest Eyes and Halloween III: The Devil's Eyes attempt to merge the 4-6 and H20 timelines. Halloween III: The Devil's Eyes is set 1 year after a version of H20 (even though it says it's set in 2001?) and Laurie went mad after killing Myers and became the next Shape. Of course, if you were to merge these, she went mad because she actually killed an innocent man, not the real Myers. The only issue is she kinda lost her eye and it's back to normal in Resurrection. You could explain these discrepancies of course, but they're still officially separate timelines and the comic is very much a continuation of the 4-6 timeline really. I just thought that was interesting.
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