olivier coipel

  1. Ice

    X-Men: Return of Magik One-Shot

    http://images.comicbookresources.com/solicits/marvelcomics/200809-advance/sm/XMROMAGIK_COV.jpgX-MEN: RETURN OF MAGIK Written by C.B. CEBULSKI & CHRISTOPHER YOST Penciled by DAVID AJA, NIKO HENRICHON & DAVID YARDIN Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL At long last, Magik is returning to the Marvel Universe...
  2. Ice

    Thor series discussion [Straczynski/Olivier Coipel; spoilers]

    Read the article at Newsarama. His return has been hinted at for months, a bastardized version of him played a supporting role in Civil War, and his fans have been patiently drumming their fingers through it all, waiting and waiting for the real Thor to return to the Marvel Universe...
  3. Ice

    House of M series discussion (spoilers)

    Damn. That was one hell of a way to begin the series. The dialogue was so perfect, I don't see how Bendis could have outdone himself anymore. The art was B-E-A-UUUTIFUL. Loved how everyone looked. Just seems like MARVEL and Olivier Coipel go hand in hand. Wish this guy still does UXM! Unto...