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We would love for you to become a member tho, but maybe you can talk about the additions in the respective threats. You seem to care a lot about timelines and would fit right in here. We can always need people like you. Hope you're well, and if that worls for you, the stuff will be forgotten, even by Judge Dreddpool
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Yeah, I will add them to the threads, but I want to keep my own. If there is a way to make them private I would like that, if not, that's fine.
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good morning Scott. I'll link my thread for u coz i have lots of dates for other media covered. You can totally use them:

also the cybertron games are in the same universe as the prime cartoon. Vector Prime got it wrong.
Hi, I saw your Gotham timeline puts season 3 in 1989. In S03E09, Alice Tetch's police file puts her death on November 11, 1985. I was wondering if you knew about this?
Yes I've aware of that. The GCPD files have a heap of conflicting dates in the show so you can't take it for truth. How I came with the year is a lot of year-by-year analysis and math.
Do you still remember your original reasoning? I'd be interested in hearing it.
It's a long one, and it's 3 am so I will when I have the time.
(I promise I didn't pull 1987-1992 out of my dairy-air lol.)