Am I the only person who actually likes Ultimate Iron Man?

In the UU they should improve upon characters. Take out the crappy parts and add things that enrich the character. Giving Ultimate Iron Man a brain body is not an improvement on 616 Iron Man.

Usually when they do comic movies, I think its fine to make changes to the original story, but only if they make it more interesting and believable. One of the things that pissed me off about "Constantine" was that they turned Lucifer into a pervey old dude. In the comics he looks like what he's supposed to look like: A downtrodden, fallen angel. More of a tragic character. In the movie they went with the an old evil version because apparently the general public can't wrap their heads around the idea that Lucifer's not that bad of a guy. The comics gave a much better representation of the character than the movie. A similar thing has happened with UIM. They've introduced an element to the character that has hurt him rather than help him.

It sucks. Its pointless. It goes against everything the UU is about.
Johnny Bravo said:
The rest of the team was a super-soldier, a mutant, a god/mental patient, and a schizophrenic scientist who can grow to 60ft tall.

Hank Pym isn't a schizophrenic. He isn't delusional, doesn't see and hear non-existant stuff. He's certainly depressed and has a number of issue going on, but from what we've seen so far schizophrenia isn't one of them. And you call MWoF a ****ing idiot. Hypocrite. ;)
TheManWithoutFear said:
Honestly Hank Pym is the most misunderstoood character in the UU. As hard as Millar tries to make it obvious to everyone... no one will ever get him.

Dude, I get him fine. I'm no wife-beater (though I wear them sometimes...bum-bump-bump!), but I know what its like to deal with depression and be on a steady diet of Prozac. That was my point, he's not schizo by any means. Ultimate Mr. Sinister, he's totally schizophrenic, but not Hank.
Can we PLEASE stop bashing and insulting one another and DISCUSS the issues and not argue. Some of us like UIM, others don't. No one is going to change any one else's opinion, so we should move on with a more civil discussion about Iron Man. He's a human brain, get over it. I mean I don't know what else to say, you can't change what has been done, so why take it out on others? And now I am so very sorry I ever asked about Card being a homophobe. Yes, his morals are s***, but the 1st amendment protects what he says, so we're just gonna have to live with the fact that OSC is just that way. The only thing that's going to change that is (and please forgive me if I sound too much like Ultimate Emma Frost) education. We have to edjucate people into realising that gay people are no different that anybody else. I mean look at Colossus and Ultimate Colossus. The only difference is Colossus has a thing for Kitty, and Ultimate Colossus has a thing for Northstar. The person doesn't change, and showing people, like Card, such things will help them better understnd people who live lives outside the norm. I mean, DIrishB and MWOF, you two have got to be my favorite people on this forum, and this is just bringing out the worst in you two (at least from what can be told in your writing). Perhaps somebody should lock this discussion up, because everyone just seems to be getting angry.
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DIrishB said:
Hank Pym isn't a schizophrenic. He isn't delusional, doesn't see and hear non-existant stuff. He's certainly depressed and has a number of issue going on, but from what we've seen so far schizophrenia isn't one of them. And you call MWoF a ****ing idiot. Hypocrite. ;)

Touche. My bad, wasn't thinking.
I agree with Hawkeye. I just wanted to know why everyone disliked it so much, and it has devolved into rants.

I just personally like the book and I'm sick of everyone bashing every time the words iron, man, tony, or brain are brought up in any sort of combination there in.

I think it would be interesting to see someone come in here and rip ultimates 2 apart, if only to see how you would all react.
Hawkeye101 said:
And who knows maybe Reed's mother was exposed to radiation when she was pregnant with reed, making him freekishly smart.


moonmaster said:
Could you imagine how pissed people would be if Batman got superpowers? "See, after Bruce's parents were killed he fell in a puddle of radioactive waste, and that's why he's so smart!" Characters like Tony Stark are supposed to represent the best in human achievement, as opposed to a normal guy who gets a leg up on everyone else.

Excellent example.

TheCell said:
That's stupid. I want to know where the character came from. I like origins.

I love origins....but only when they stay true to the character.

TheCell said:
Yes, its nice to have a normal character every once and a while, but that was the defenders now, wasn't it?

Who's normal? He's freakishly smart and an amazing businessman, not to mention a playa. Stark is anything BUT normal.

TheCell said:
Plus, I think it is pretty cool that Tony would be smart enough to hide this information from Nick Fury.

You're assuming Fury doesn't know.
I thought we WERE talking about how he wasn't normal. He's a super genius, and i think the explanation helps support the reason as to why he would make the armor. How is him being a genetic freak changing his true character?

And yes, I'm assuming Fury doesn't know. If he does, kudos to him.

Plus, I'm prersonally hoping that the brain issue is neutralized by the end. Ultimate universe is just starting, and they're already having continuity issues because of ultimate team-up.

Heh, funny idea. Maybe the bio armor is the reason that Black widow is betraying the ultimates.....
Hawkeye101 said:
Can we PLEASE stop bashing and insulting one another and DISCUSS the issues and not argue.

Dude, thats about 95% of the content of this site's posts. You take that away and UltimateCentral fades away... ;)

Some of us like UIM, others don't. No one is going to change any one else's opinion, so we should move on with a more civil discussion about Iron Man. He's a human brain, get over it. I mean I don't know what else to say, you can't change what has been done, so why take it out on others?

Isn't that exactly what Card did with Ultimate Iron Man? And who's taking it out on anyone else besides Card himself?

And now I am so very sorry I ever asked about Card being a homophobe. Yes, his morals are s***, but the 1st amendment protects what he says, so we're just gonna have to live with the fact that OSC is just that way. The only thing that's going to change that is (and please forgive me if I sound too much like Ultimate Emma Frost) education. We have to edjucate people into realising that gay people are no different that anybody else. I mean look at Colossus and Ultimate Colossus. The only difference is Colossus has a thing for Kitty, and Ultimate Colossus has a thing for Northstar. The person doesn't change, and showing people, like Card, such things will help them better understnd people who live lives outside the norm. I mean, DIrishB and MWOF, you two have got to be my favorite people on this forum, and this is just bringing out the worst in you two (at least from what can be told in your writing). Perhaps somebody should lock this discussion up, because everyone just seems to be getting angry.

Huh? I thought I was being pretty open-minded (with exception to Card). All I was saying was I didn't agree with his views and giving my reasons why I feel that way (which if I'm not mistaken are also protected by the First Amendment), both in regards to his personal views and the story he's written.

I think you're missing a lot of the sarcasm. Most of what we say in regards to each other is good natured ribbing. I consider the people on here my "Forum Friends" (and yes I've already put in a copyright on that term ;) ), and just like my real-world friends, I joke, cajole, etc with them, and they do the same. No one is trying to step on anyone's toes or hurt anyone's feelings (except for Card's). I'm going to mail you a sarcasm detector so you don't misread the jokes. ;)

Johnny Bravo said:
Touche. My bad, wasn't thinking.

Its ok, we're used to it. ;)

(Did you detect the sarcasm there Hawkeye101?)

TheCell said:
Plus, I'm prersonally hoping that the brain issue is neutralized by the end. Ultimate universe is just starting, and they're already having continuity issues because of ultimate team-up.

Oh my God, why do people keep missing this point? UMTU really didn't "create" any continuity issues, it was the conflicting stories that came after them which created those discrepancies. UMTU wasn't the high point of the Ultimate universe by any means, but I'm sick of people always blaming them for the continuity problems. Again, the UFF series (which came out AFTER) did that, Card's Ultimate Iron Man series (which came out LONG AFTER) did that beyond belief. So why does UMTU deserve any blame? I really wish people would actually look into what they're talking about more often instead of basing their views on others' assumptions. No offence Cell, but your argument there wasn't very valid.
TheManWithoutFear said:
What DIrishB said...

It's not the teamups fault. Bendis came first and other writers don't want to listen to him.

Preach it MWoF!! Like I said, they may not have been the greatest Ultimate stories, but they did set up many of the character's and origins (even if they were almost carbon copies of 616) and it was the writer's who came after that ****ed it all up.
If I was a writer I'd **** up those stories too. They sucked. :D

I don't think any of the writers care about continuity, maybe only Vaughn a little bit. I now read the titles as seperate as possible, instead of having them as a universe... :shock:
ProjectX2 said:
If I was a writer I'd **** up those stories too. They sucked. :D

I don't think any of the writers care about continuity, maybe only Vaughn a little bit. I now read the titles as seperate as possible, instead of having them as a universe... :shock:
See that's just bull****. You shouldn't have to do that. I don't understand why they make it so hard on everyone. It's not difficult to keep continuity straight. They must drink a lot over at Marvel.

And Vaughan, like I always said, is the best at what he does.
TheManWithoutFear said:
See that's just bull****. You shouldn't have to do that. I don't understand why they make it so hard on everyone. It's not difficult to keep continuity straight. They must drink a lot over at Marvel.

And Vaughan, like I always said, is the best at what he does.

Exactly. To me, it makes the story less tangible and less valid when you're crossing over with characters from other books, yet can't keep continuity valid between them. Thats retarded.
TheCell said:
Plus, I'm prersonally hoping that the brain issue is neutralized by the end.


What would be the point of that? If the "brain issue" is what makes him smart, and it is "neutralized" at the end of this story, then he wouldn't be smart for Ultimates.
UltimateE said:

What would be the point of that? If the "brain issue" is what makes him smart, and it is "neutralized" at the end of this story, then he wouldn't be smart for Ultimates.


*as he stares off into space with blank eyes, drool drips off his chin*

" me...Iran Men..."

*picks his nose and eats it*

"Can-can-can-can...I...have a...cookie?"

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