New Hitch interview

14rdb said:
Hitch and Millar always teased that Superman would be their dream project to do together

Superman is the traitor!!! I knew it!:D

Seriously though, I'm pretty optimistic about the end of the series after this interview.

Dr. Strangefate said:
The Stark Funded Avengers will be a politically neutral defense team....
That would make me so happy. What happens to Nick Fury? Still head of whatever the remnants of SHIELD are? He's so connected to all the ultimate books I can't see him moving to Ultimates-only, but what clout does SHIELD have without them? Meh, It's time he got bumped off, anyway. Cocky SOB.:x
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I'd be sad to see the Ultimates leave the triskellion and for Fury not to be a regular member in the UU.

He's one of the most realised characters in the UU and deserves more than the odd crappy cameo in USM.
I agree -- I would love to see the 'Ultimate Avengers' go independent and let Loeb and Joe Mad take on that story (as we suspect will be the case).

And then create another title that covers Fury building a new Ultimates squad, using the already existing Reserves, augmented by a new core team featuring ultimate versions of classic Avengers that haven't been introduced yet (or at least haven't been official members of the team like Falcon and Captain Marvel). Put a creative team on that title that are closer to Millar & Hitch in terms of style.

It will never happen, but I think it would be fantastic if done correctly. And yes, Fury does need to be more than a Ultimate Universe bit player. In many ways he is currently the lead character in one of Marvel's two biggest books. If he finds himself on the sideline following U2, something is wrong.
If The Ultimates were to leave SHIELD, why not Ultimate Nick Fury as a fifth title? A cool, espionage genre series, like Global Frequency or 24 or Livewires or what-have-you, the comic equivalent of James Bond going on all these crazy missions against remnants of Weapon X, AIM, Hydra, and so forth. SHIELD would give him a supporting cast like his Howling Commandos and as we saw in the Annual, he can hold an issue by himself, plus it could slow down from time to time and have him deal with political crises like Ex Machina or West Wing - only better.

Or Fury could actually resign from SHIELD and become an Ultimate.

I think if The Ultimates broke away from SHIELD, an Ultimate Nick Fury ongoing may not be such a bad idea.
Bass said:
I think if The Ultimates broke away from SHIELD, an Ultimate Nick Fury ongoing may not be such a bad idea.

It has come up as a rumored title more than once.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Sounds like something similar to what's going on with Fury now in 616.
Some major event corrupts SHIELD and Fury has to fight his way to bring it back together.
Am I wrong?

The only difference (and it's a major one) is that that story (in the 616) is being written pretty much by BENDIS!, which means it could go on for an eternity. The only reason Mark's story will go on longer than it needs to, is because Hitch will take long to draw that breathtakingly beautiful detail he does so well!

BENDIS! can't touch Millar right now! I'll miss Mark while he's gone and I'm definitely picking up everything he's left for us (UFF, Ultimates 2 and 1985, plus The Vision backups) and then some!

Bass said:
I think if The Ultimates broke away from SHIELD, an Ultimate Nick Fury ongoing may not be such a bad idea.

Eh, I don't know about that. A title that focuses on Fury would kind of take away from some of the mystery and haughtiness that are a large part of his character. Plus I really don't know if the character could carry a book of his own. He works best as the guy pulling the strings, and a book focusing on the puppeteer instead of the puppets, like I said, ruins that sense of mystery and unknown. A mini-series could work quite well, but an ongoing, I doubt it.

But I'm usually wrong anyway so you shouldn't even have bothered reading that.
DIrishB said:
Eh, I don't know about that. A title that focuses on Fury would kind of take away from some of the mystery and haughtiness that are a large part of his character. Plus I really don't know if the character could carry a book of his own. He works best as the guy pulling the strings, and a book focusing on the puppeteer instead of the puppets, like I said, ruins that sense of mystery and unknown. A mini-series could work quite well, but an ongoing, I doubt it.

But I'm usually wrong anyway so you shouldn't even have bothered reading that.
I thought the idea was to focus on him as head of shield, not Nick in particular.
Bass said:
If The Ultimates were to leave SHIELD, why not Ultimate Nick Fury as a fifth title? A cool, espionage genre series, like Global Frequency or 24 or Livewires or what-have-you, the comic equivalent of James Bond going on all these crazy missions against remnants of Weapon X, AIM, Hydra, and so forth. SHIELD would give him a supporting cast like his Howling Commandos and as we saw in the Annual, he can hold an issue by himself, plus it could slow down from time to time and have him deal with political crises like Ex Machina or West Wing - only better.
Maybe he couldn't hold his own title, but I think this would work.
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How about making The Ultimates, Ultimate Avengers and Ultimate Nick Fury alternating miniseries. First an Ultimates mini, then an UA mini, then an UNF mini, and then back to Ultimates etc. They would take the space of one continuing book. Or else have two series bimonthly on alternating months. 'Cause, you know, they've said they want to keep the number of series to a minimum.
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I'd love an Ultimate SHIELD mini, especially if the Ultimates become the Ultimate Avengers...
Pandrio said:
I thought the idea was to focus on him as head of shield, not Nick in particular.

How are you going to have a book about a character without at least a large portion being focused on the character, head of SHIELD or not? There should be some character development, and this is where I see the problem coming in. Like I said, part of Fury's charm is that there's very little we know about him. We assume he's single and married to his job, but do we know that for sure? I doubt he has a life outside SHIELD, for a number of reasons, but its possible. Also, the book would get tiresome if there was none of that character development and growth, and honestly I see Fury as pretty set in his ways and not likely to change at this point. This makes it hard to have any type of internal conflict. And that means not much story other than what the plot offers. And after awhile of that, people will lose interest. Thats why I said it could work as a mini-series, but an ongoing Ultimate Nick Fury title probably wouldn't end up lasting too long, or at least be any good for too long.

Dr.Strangefate said:
I'd love an Ultimate SHIELD mini, especially if the Ultimates become the Ultimate Avengers...

It'll happen eventually, or at least a Fury/SHIELD mini, thats all but guaranteed. Assuming Fury stays in power after the Ultimates 2 conclusion.
I was assuming that the "Ultimate Nick Fury" series would essentially be a superhero equivalent of James Bond - which has had 20 movies. One movie would probably equate into 6 issues. That would be 120 issues.

Considering writer changes and 'changes of direction' and what have you, I find it unbelievable that an Ultimate Nick Fury series would inherently be unsuccessful. I don't doubt that 120 issues of Super James Bond would get tiring after #4, but I think with a level head and a good writing team, such a series would be a hoot to read.

But then that's true of everything. If a comic has a good creative team on it, it'll be good.

Even Ultimate Bon Jovi versus Muhammed Ali.

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