Superman Returns continuity question

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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2018
United Kingdom
Which cut of Superman II is ("vaguely") canon to Superman Returns? Both have contradictions, I'm just wondering which is closer to the history Singer wanted.
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Which cut of Superman II is ("vaguely") canon to Superman Returns? Both have contradictions, I'm just wondering which is closer to the history Singer wanted.

Good question. I've been meaning to buy/ watch the Donner cut, but never got around to it.
I've got both. I'm sure that either cut is not exactly the same as the Singerverse. Singer did denounce elements of the first two as non-canonical. Personally, I'm leaning to:
Superman: The Movie: The Richard Donner Cut
Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut

Obviously there is no Richard Donner Cut of the first superman, but he wanted the movie to end without the time travel. This works with Singers comment about the time travel scene from that movie not existing in his universe. He also said the magic kiss never happened, so again, leads to the donner cut of Superman II. Donner also said he liked the idea of people calling Superman Returns Superman III, if that even makes a difference.

See, I'm planning to watch the Singerverse before Crisis on Infinite Earths (and the other shows, Batman '66 and Black Lightning included). Currently I'm going with:


S Returns: Prequel: Book 1 of 4: Krypton to Earth


Superman: The Movie: Special Edition


Superman II


S Returns: Prequel: Book 3 of 4: Lex Luthor
S Returns: Prequel: Book 4 of 4: Lois Lane

S Returns: Prequel: Book 2 of 4: Ma Kent
Superman Returns


Crisis on Infinite Earths
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