Ultimate Central: The Fanfic - volume 5

nigma said:
yea....you had too many ideas in one thing....if this was say...a two parter it might have worked.
I thought was what was good about it being a one-shot. It had all these throwawys for humor, but didn't really screw anything up. So, even though all that happened, it didn't really affect the story. And after Doc's run, yes it was good to have a funny issue that bases on the Avatars. Yeah, so for the once-in-a-while-all-funny issue, it was good.:D
Pandrio said:
I thought was what was good about it being a one-shot. It had all these throwawys for humor, but didn't really screw anything up. So, even though all that happened, it didn't really affect the story. And after Doc's run, yes it was good to have a funny issue that bases on the Avatars. Yeah, so for the once-in-a-while-all-funny issue, it was good.:D
That's what I was going for. :twisted: Thanks Pandrio.

BTW credit goes to Bass for his scene he thought most of it up. Which I thought was hilarious.

Although I did have an idea for a serious spin-off regarding some of the cameoed characters.

Guij's is in the hands of the next writers (I've talked to them about it already).

But I did toss an idea to the higher ups about Ultimate-X coming back and targeting UltiamteE. If they succeeded we all lose our powers so it becomes a big crossover event and we all team up to stop them.

That was shot down because E didn't want to start a website war. Which is understandable.

The other idea I'm letting someone else write but that's top secret.
TheManWithoutFear said:
But I did toss an idea to the higher ups about Ultimate-X coming back and targeting UltiamteE. If they succeeded we all lose our powers so it becomes a big crossover event and we all team up to stop them.
That would of kicked ***, but I understand why E wouldn't like it. Someone should definatly write a big crossover event though
Pretty good job. The ending had me LOL-ing.

Icemastertron was gazeing deeply into his autographed picture of Justin Timberlake. "To Louis. You are the 'coolest'. Love, Mr. Article". He let out a sigh.
There's no 'O' in my name. But good try. :D
TheManWithoutFear said:
Damn. Sorry about that. Admit that was a good use for you sigpic though. I swear I built my issue around that scene. It was the first thing that popped into my head.
And that scene was written well. It made me laugh out loud. :lol:
I thought the John Q. Public character should have been more developed. We don't even know how he died, or how long it took for his healing powers to kick in.

The ending (the two Avatars smiling at each other and then going home together) hinted at some sort of....relationship.

I read it all, however, and it was well worth the waste of time.
Hmm, this was kind of corny, but that made it fun. Good job.

I hope there's no relationship between MWoF and I. He was my father in the Squirrel Wars!
John Q. Public said:
I thought the John Q. Public character should have been more developed. We don't even know how he died, or how long it took for his healing powers to kick in.

The ending (the two Avatars smiling at each other and then going home together) hinted at some sort of....relationship.

I read it all, however, and it was well worth the waste of time.

So you like it?
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About Guij's powers...

I gave Guij the oppurtunity to name them. He went with the "I don't exist theme" in his subnic. He appears as if he's inside out and occasionally fades in and out of reality. It's crazy but cool. Perfect for the chaos of that fight which someday hopefully you'll get to see... :wink:
Ultimate Gambit said:
So you like it?

Compared to what? Moby Dick? In my job, if a reader makes it to the end, it was successful. (Which is why my industry is dying). Gotta say, though, the gay ending twist was unexpected.
Dr. Strangefate: You're awesome. Your arc officially kicked the **** out of mine.

MWoF: Great issue (especially the Bass scene).
I would like to categorically deny any involvement in or support for MWOF's story.

The opinions in his story do not reflect those of this site or it's administrator.
TheManWithoutFear said:
:twisted: So you didn't like it? It was the Leia swimwear I bet.
That was my favorite part of the issue.
I found the whole thing wonderfully irreverant.

The Bass Lak Tus scene, all I did was come up with the doritos thing and the spaceship name and appearance. The rest was MWOF - especially the Bendis, OSC stuff and the wonderful "Oh Goody Golly Gee!" :lol:

What's amazing is MWOF totally pre-empted me. I was going to have E in a slave Leia bikini with doritos, and myself doing my best Jabba impression. I didn't tell him, he just plucked it directly from my brain, the ***.

I really enjoyed the one-off MWOF, lots of fun. :)
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