jeff parker

  1. whig4life


    What are your thoughts on the sentry? I've been reading Capt. Marvel (volume 1&3)and miracle man recently. Really great stories. For this reason I thought about giving the Sentry a chance even though I am not at all familiar with him, just the basics. Is he a good/interesting character? What...
  2. nigma

    The Hulks (after WWH)

    Since I don't feel like creating a new thread for each of the Hulk Titles, We'll just talk about them all here, lets say any story line since the end of World War Hulk......good? if the mods come up with a better title, then change it. Incredible Hulk: #613 We see The Hulks other son, the...
  3. Ice

    X-Men vs. Agents of Atlas (Discussion/Spoilers)

    Two-issue stint coming in October. X-MEN VS. AGENTS OF ATLAS #1 (of 2) Written by JEFF PARKER Penciled by CARLO PAGULAYAN Cover by ED MCGUINNESS Variant by TBA Zombie Variant by GERALD PAREL It's a monster-sized throwdown as the Agents of Atlas go toe-to-toe with the Uncanny X-Men...
  4. Zombipanda

    Agents of Atlas Discussion

    So, has anyone else picked up this book? Because it's awesome. Quick and clever and featuring a cheesy back-up where Wolverine carries a gun.
  5. SSJmole

    X-men First Class (discussion/spoilers)

    Don't post a lot about 616 stuff this made me sit up and think "oooohhh that''s actually looks cool" Preview pics : I may be wrong in saying this but going back and doing stories in original continuity sound kind of like Marvel are coping the All-star idea but i may...