Well-Known Member
Since I don't feel like creating a new thread for each of the Hulk Titles, We'll just talk about them all here, lets say any story line since the end of World War Hulk......good?
if the mods come up with a better title, then change it.
Incredible Hulk: #613 We see The Hulks other son, the one that has been in the back stories of the Hulk Comics come to the forefront. he's mad at Daddy and Mommy and Big Twin brother and lets just say he missed out on a therapy session or two. so, does he the next best thing. take over a world, enslave the people into slave zombie things and go to earth.
if the mods come up with a better title, then change it.
Incredible Hulk: #613 We see The Hulks other son, the one that has been in the back stories of the Hulk Comics come to the forefront. he's mad at Daddy and Mommy and Big Twin brother and lets just say he missed out on a therapy session or two. so, does he the next best thing. take over a world, enslave the people into slave zombie things and go to earth.