mike deodato

  1. ProjectX2

    Avengers Secret Avengers general discussion

    Brubaker and Deodato on Secret Avengers. I like Brubaker. I don't care about Deodato. I think these two comics need better artists.
  2. E

    Spider-Man Sins Past: brilliant or despicable? (spoilers, of course)

    I was rereading Sins Past yesterday and reveling it it's brilliance (one of the few JMS AMS stories I've really liked), and I was wondering who else thought it was brilliant? Who hated it and thinks it's crap? I loved it first of all because it was a compelling story that fits in perfectly...
  3. Nurhachi

    Thunderbolts discussion (spoilers)

    Just for MWOF #1: One Step Forward * Abner Jenkins (MACH IV) announced that he was putting the Thunderbolts back together. He first seeks out his ex girlfriend Melissa Gold (Songbird) and convinces her that he needs her on the team. Shes skeptical, but decides to join at least for a little...
  4. E

    Avengers New Avengers discussion (#1-20; spoilers)

    We've got a thread devoted to Disassembled - here's one for New Avengers. PopCultureShock has a very brief preview of #1: http://www.popcultureshock.com/reviews.php?id=3638 Pick it up, read it, and let's discuss... :D