Adventures of Tog & Proj. The Comic Series!

This is the Monday of Mondays! Season 3 finale! Episode 15!


Thanks for all those who've come back every week! Coming this summer will be Season 4! STAY TUNED!
Beatles references Here, There, & Everywhere!
Welcome everyone, to a brand new season!

Lots of good things coming up, including a new character!

Another 15 episodes! Four specials!

Let's get it started! Season 4, Episode 1! HOORAH!

Season 4, Episode 3 is something new with an actual multi-episode arc! It'll be a 3-part story, with each part throughout the season.

ice are you really a midget
I could tell he wrote it by all of the science.
Poor TOG.

Still, I think he's much more miserable in real life.

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