Just a reminder for all interested parties regarding something coming out tomorrow. :D

Already preordered from the UC Store.

Thanks for the heads up though.
So I read it today and I really liked it. It's just a really fun comic, and I loved how Atomic Robo and the Action Scientists were pointing out the physical impossibility of most of the crap they deal with (though it's certainly possibly with Imaginary Physics...which is still theoretical). Robo and Jenkins are awesome to the max. My only complaint is that there could be more exposition/introductions (I can't remember most of the Scientists names) but it's forgivable seeing as how they are secondary characters in the first trade.

My favorite issue was probably the one where Robo goes to Mars, but NASA doesn't pack any reading material. Also, the B issue where Thomas Edison sends the ghost of Rasputin to assassinate Tesla had me laughing.
Woo hoo!! I'm glad you guys like it!! Now if only amazon could restock it...
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IGN has a cool interview with the creators on the next Atomic Robo mini: Atomic Robo and the Dogs of War, here.

They also have some pages from the mini, and it looks like it's shaping up to be awesome.

EDIT: Also, I'm tagging this thread since the search function can't seem to understand the terms "Atomic" and "Robo".
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I read the first 6 (5?) issues and bought the TPB but I have yet to re-read it. It's on my to-read pile.
Clevinger recently posted a short Atomic Robo comic as filler for his webcomic, 8-Bit Theater.

The best bit is probably the editor's note.

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