Best USM cover so far

the watcher said:
Why didn't you just ask what was the best cover out of the whole Ultimate line.
because there is no question that its this one-

the watcher said:
Why didn't you just ask what was the best cover out of the whole Ultimate line?

Why would he do that if he made the thread in the USM forum? I think he knew what he meant.
Lithium said:
because there is no question that its this one-

Completely agree.....the art plus the actual issue itself makes it perfect
One handing Iron man's helm. A definite plus. Spiderman covers actually don't impress me. Too much color and not enough detail.
If i wanted the best cover for the whole Ultimate line it wouldn't be on USM topic would it :)

I have seen many other nice covers that i have forgotten. Like USM #59 (again spidey is stuck with the arms of doc ock).

About the whole ultimate line. Yup Ultimates 2 #4 is a grreat pick , but as the Ultimate Ultimate Iron Man fan my pick would be Ultimates #2 , super-detailed interior-exterior picture of the Iron tech.
Personally I like Ult. Six #5, the one with all the sand hands grabbing Spidey, but I couldn't find a good pic of it.
I dont buy the issues but i do love this cover i found online

Word. Another good one.

I think it's safe to say that USM has had some of the best Ultimate covers... Ultimates comes in a very close second.
I think USM covers are usually pretty good.

Most of the covers from the Venom arc solid and I always had a fondness for the one where Venom is howling at the moon.

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