Captain America - The Winter Soldier (SPOILERS)

How would you rate Captain America: The Winter Soldier?

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I read a theory online that "The Other" - the commander of the chitauri who seems to speak on behalf of Thanos is actually the Grandmaster and is manipulating everyone (including Thanos) for his own purposes. Maybe he is the one who gave Loki the sceptre. It seems unlikely that anyone could manipulate Thanos successfully, but when both Loki and Thanos are involved, everyone is trying to manipulate everyone else. Or maybe Thanos entrusted Loki with the sceptre to help him steal the Tessaract and conquer the earth, but Thanos was expecting to get both back once the chitauri won earth for Loki. Anyway, I'm assuming that the sceptre DOES contain the mind gem until it is confirmed otherwise.

That's a cool theory. But like I said, I just don't see Thanos willingly giving up a gem even if it's only temporary. It's possible the Other did so without Thanos' knowledge, and if he does turn out to be the Grandmaster, that'd be awesome. And it would lend credence to the Other being able to manipulate Thanos. But I don't see Thanos allowing the Other to give Loki a gem, since I'm sure Thanos has at least some knowledge of who Loki is and his capabilities and penchants for trickery. So yeah, the Other/Grandmaster theory would be the only way I can see it working, since it's done without Thanos' knowledge. Of course, I think it's safe to assume Thanos has done his research on the gems, and knows the forms or likely (or at least possible) locations of at least some of them (hence him having Nebula and Gamora tracking down the orb in the GotG Prelude #1 comic, though he was wrong about the location). The fact Collector knew the exact and accurate location of the orb (revealed in the GotG Prequel Infinite comic) shows there are some who know more about the gems (or certain gems, anyway) than Thanos. So that could lend credence to the Other/Grandmaster theory.
My buddy brought up a good point regarding "mutants" in the MCU, or rather how they're getting around not being able to use mutants. It was mentioned in the mid credits scene that many of Hydra's test subjects had died, and Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were the only survivors ("miracles"). His theory is that there are some people genetically predisposed to being able to survive the various methods of becoming a super-human, as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch did. Also, considering how many of the Extremis test subjects blew up, they weren't genetically pre-disposed to surviving, but some (like Killian and Savin, etc) were. Even Red Skull/Captain America/Hulk could possibly play into that, but don't necessarily have to. Michael Peterson/Deathlok also works into the theory through the Extremis giving him his original abilities before he got blown up and all cybernetic.

It alters the original comic mutant approach in a sense and adds in various comic book science approaches. I thought it was an interesting view and one that could very likely end up playing out in future films as a way of introducing more heroes and villains.
His theory is that there are some people genetically predisposed to being able to survive the various methods of becoming a super-human, as Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch did.

Last time I checked that's what an Inhuman is.
Isn't an Inhuman someone who just gains their powers through exposure to the Terrigen Mists? Do only some of them survive? And the Inhumans all gain their abilities from the Mists, not a variety of different methods.

So how is that an accurate comparison?

Inhumans gain their powers by the mist, but who says there needs to be mist in the universe?
Not usually, but again, there would be no mist and even if there was they could make it so they did die from it.
So yeah, the potential Hydra moles make future plans very interesting.
And with Hydra confirmed to play a role in Avengers 2 (some pics of tanks with the Hydra logo on them from the Avengers 2 set have surfaced online), I'm thinking they are going to ally with Ultron, at least until Ultron likely turns on them.

What if using Iron Man's Tech, they unknowingly make Ultron.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Saw this Saturday morning...It was really great. It was slow to get going but once it did it really delivered.

I don't love Agents of SHIELD but now I feel like I need to catch up to see what's going on. I'm 3 episodes behind.

I really liked the takes on Batroc and Zola. I'd love to see Zola with a bigger future role in everything/anything.
The Redford-Newman Reunion and 10 Other Super Easter Eggs Hidden in 'Captain America: The Winter Soldier'

4. Steve's To-Do List: Man out of time Rogers, who has seven decades of pop culture to catch up on, keeps a little notepad of recommendations for essential reading/viewing/listening. Among the cultural signifiers spotted: "I Love Lucy," Nirvana, Steve Jobs, Thai food, and "Star Trek/Wars" (how will Steve react to seeing a guy who looks a lot like Nick Fury as a Jedi in the "Star Wars" prequels?) Fun fact: Disney tailored each of those lists for different countries.
Found this conversation on Tumblr between a dad and his son when they saw the movie and it's hilarious:

dad: oh god it's starting shut up i've been waiting for this for months
(movie starts)
dad: i don't know what's happening but the french guy fighting cap looks like french macklemore
me: how do you even know who macklemore is?
dad: i'm hip. i'm cool
me: don't you do it
dad: i'm gonna pop some tags, only got 20 baguettes in my pocket
(five minutes later)
dad: is that the Falcon? that's totally the Falcon
me: how do you know?
dad: i used to read the comic books trust me on this i'm an expert. his superpower was that he could talk to birds
me: birds?
dad: i mean in hindsight it probably wasn't the most useful thing ever
dad: if this winter soldier is supposedly a ghost in the machine that nobody's ever seen, and nobody will ever catch, you would think showing up in broad daylight and blowing up cars would not be his modus operandi
dad: how the heck did he laser through concrete??
me: idk dad it's nick fury he can probably do whatever he wants
dad: i'm sorry attractive nurse who just so happens to live next door, my heart belongs to a seventy year russian dude with a bionic arm
me: what
dad: nick fury isn't dead. justice never dies. he probably has a billion clones in some top secret storage facility, just waiting for their organ harvest.
me: ew dad gross no
dad: i really relate to that apple store employee
me: we all do dad
dad: oh that's that guy from the first movie! i remember him! he was my favorite, his eyes were so blue, and he loved steve so much. i wanted them to get together
me: dad good god
dad: he was a little less marilyn manson at that point though
dad: not that guyliner isn't a good look for this guy
dad: when a deadly russian assassin wears eyeliner, it's 'he's so dreamy' and 'wow what a badass'
dad: but when i do it it's 'you're too old' and 'bald guys can't pull off make-up'
me: dad it was halloween and it was one time you need to let this go
dad: so bucky barnes, aka cute cocky guy who died in the first movie, aka steve roger's best friend/boyfriend, is a top secret super scary brainwashed hydra agent?
me: mmm-hm
dad: called it
dad: do you think single handedly destroying jets is just a common, everyday thing for cap? punch a few tanks, feed a few pigeons, take out a plane, help old ladies cross the street...
dad: captain america is like your grandad minus the booze and the cussing
dad: in all honesty that was a little anti-climactic
dad: i was 100% sure nick fury was gonna descend majestically from the heavens, 'All I do is Win' blaring in the background, and single-handedly save everyone's ass
dad: scarjo and chris evans are two of the most beautiful people in the world and they are both in this movie and i don't know how to feel about it i have butterflies in my stomach i'm a schoolboy again
me: you know on second thought we should have brought mom
dad: where's hawkeye? where's bruce? where's tony? where's thor? WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER AVENGERS AS THE ENTIRETY OF SHIELD IS COMPROMISED AND NICK FURY DIES
me: maybe they figured steve could handle it
dad: maybe they're all lazy *******s

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Parody YouTube channel inspires tighter logic in 'Captain America'

"The Honest Trailers YouTube channel has been skewering Hollywood movies for two years now, making fun of obvious cliches and plot holes in movies like Twilight, Transformers, and superhero franchises. But Captain America: The Winter Soldier may be the first movie to beat Honest Trailers at its own game.

When the honest trailer for Winter Soldier came out last month, subscribers were surprised to discover that it really didn't make fun of the movie at all. Actually, Honest Trailers could barely find anything to pick apart, with most of their criticisms being linked to other parts of the Marvel franchise. "This one was hard, you guys," they wrote in the video summary.
Parody YouTube channel inspires tighter logic in 'Captain America'

"The Honest Trailers YouTube channel has been skewering Hollywood movies for two years now, making fun of obvious cliches and plot holes in movies like Twilight, Transformers, and superhero franchises. But Captain America: The Winter Soldier may be the first movie to beat Honest Trailers at its own game.

When the honest trailer for Winter Soldier came out last month, subscribers were surprised to discover that it really didn't make fun of the movie at all. Actually, Honest Trailers could barely find anything to pick apart, with most of their criticisms being linked to other parts of the Marvel franchise. "This one was hard, you guys," they wrote in the video summary.

haha, yeah I watched that a couple of days ago and was impressed by how positive the video was.
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