Detective Comics or Batman?

Which one did you think was the best?

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Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004
Both of the first issues are out of the new team's runs, so I thought I'd make a poll to see which one you think is better.


Detective Comics #821 by Paul Dini and J.H. Williams III, or Batman #655 by Grant Morrison and Andy Kubert?
Well, I'm going ot have to wait till Firday to vote, but I'm expecting to go Morrison. I want some good old fasioned over the top Batman. And a dead Joker. Morrison is promising both.
Batman..... The two page spread where the Joker has a bunch of disabled kids tied together and dangling from his Jackercopter is hilarious. Also, I want to know what the new Batmobile is like.

Morrison added some humor, but it's still classic Bats. I'm looking forward to it.
Detective Comics.

It had a much better story and was interesting. The art, on the other hand, I didn't really care for. Bruce's face changed from one panel to another. One part he looked Asian, old, young, etc. I did like the art with the Facade fight scene.

I liked Andy Kubert's art on Batman better than JH Williams on Detective.
Going strictly by the first issue, Detective.

But if those issues are self-contained stories, and Morrison is just kicking off a larger arc, it's not really a fair comparison.
Dini has stated that if you look closely, the issues will tie up.
ProjectX2 said:
Dini has stated that if you look closely, the issues will tie up.

Right, but his issues have the bonus of being self-standing. Morrison's aren't.
Batman. I happen to like the over the top idea of ninja-were-bats. Certainly beats a ninja dressed as a bat.
Baxter said:
Batman. I happen to like the over the top idea of ninja-were-bats. Certainly beats a ninja dressed as a bat.

or anything else on the face of the earth, for that matter....

except maybe dinosaur cowboys.
T-Rex's in F-14's are the best.
Baxter said:
Nothing beats Dinosaur Cowboys.

Except for Time-Traveling, Racist, Dinosaur-Riding, Half-Cyborg Cavalry Captains From The 19th Century:

Totaly new tangent, but the best villian ever is the borg. Cyborg-zombie-communists (Collective, remember) from space. It hits everything but nazi.