In a grim future, an organization has succeeded in crippling one of the world's greatest Super power. England is now under the control of an unknown organization. Their members are unknown, their motives are unknown, and how the bloody hell they organized and took over England is unknown. They have thousands of troops to annihilate any type of resistance, the country is under a martial law, and they have threaten the world not to interfere, or else they'll launch every nuke Britain has. MI6 headquarters have been destroyed, M calls in every agent in the field he can get a hold of, but only one will have the slightest chance of hope. He is Bond, James Bond in...
James Bond - Clive Owen
The story will follow James Bond after he gets the return order from M, he immediately abandons his current mission and proceeds back to England. With the assistance of old friends he finds the means to sneak back into his own country. Finding the country in shambles, the citizens unwilling to help out of fear. He is a different man for it. Before his mission were fun, they were a challenge for him. Fight the bad guy, play the hero, rescue the damsel, throw out a feel witty one liners, and save the day. But now after spending half his life stopping men attempt to take over the world or destroy England one has finally manage to do it. It all suddenly hits home to Bond and he feels an obligation to right this wrong.
I'm afraid my knowledge of British actors is limited, but I feel Owen would be great. He fits this depressed character pushing forward on determination and pride alone. He has the looks, he has the charm, and I have a feeling he could do a perfect accent.
M - Sean Connery
This siege hits no one harder that M, having everything he bled for, his life works crumble. The majority of his subordinates are dead, he looses people he used to see everyday of the week, his friends, including Miss Moneypenny (which hits Bond especially hard). But he pushes forward, keeping a clear head on the situation and what to do next.
Since Sean Connery is retiring, I feel he needs one good last role, something we can all remember proudly as his last screen appearance. And I feel it should be in a Bond film, which makes a prefect bookend to his career.
Scarlett Papava - Monica Bellucci
Scarlett is agent 004, she is one of the handful of people who escaped with M during MI6's destruction. She accompanies Bond on his mission into London to find and take out the organization and take back. She remains cool headed during much of the movie, and gets puzzled why Bond, with his reputation, never makes a move. The reason being he is too focused on the, what may be his most important, mission. Not wanting to take this situation lightly as he always did. Of course they do to do that they love to do. She is primarily an expert with weapons and hand to hand combat. She looses her cool after witnessing her sister murders by the troops.
I am in love with Monica Bellucci and with do anything to find a reason to look up her pictures. But better yet she's a damn good actress, see Tears of the Sun. She makes the perfect Bond girl with out sacrificing talent like some previous Bond films had done.
Felix Leiter - Cuba Gooding Jr.
While debriefing with M on a joint mission, CIA agent Felix Leiter was among the handful of people who escaped MI6's destruction. Bond, Scarlett, and him form the three man team assigned to go out a head of the rest on reconnaissance. Learning as much as they can about the enemy and relay the information back. Among the three Felix is able to remain calm, distancing himself from the real life terror, but never forgets right and wrong.
Cuba Gooding Jr. is an awesome actor, I really wanted to have a character outside of the normal British agents to provide a different point of view on things. I also find it a cool tidbit that Cuba was once considered by a director to play Bond.
Q - Michael Caine
Bond's first mission from M is to locate a retire Q and rendezvous at his home. M knows Q still tinkers and would always have a good supply of gadgets, just in case. Q will be in contact with Bond's team throughout the movie, helping out how ever he can.
I had a lot of trouble coming up with a Q, its hard to find a british actors who is the right ages, has that ingenious look and can deliver a good one liner. Caine can do all of that and then some.
The Villains
Wolf - Rockmond Dunbar
Wolf represents the classic Bond lead henchman, the man who usually stands quietly by the top dog's side and presents a formidable opponent to Bond. Unfortunately for Bond, Wolf is not and silent standee, but an active former black ops agent who can rival Bond in Strength, skill, and determination. Bond's usual tricks won't work on the Wolf.
For Wolf, I wanted someone who is intimidating and basically looks like he can kick your ***. In Prison Break, Dunbar radiates bad assery.
Mr. Nye - Peter Stormare
Throughout the film, Bond's team has difficultly decerning what groups are responsible for the take over. The storm trooper they defeat appear to be from all over, from different military fractions, to Islamic extremist, to ever British secret forces. As is turns out Bond mission at the start of the movie is to locate a team of missing Bristish Special ops. The answer to this riddle is Mr. Nye. He is a hypnosis expert and has set up a system to keep all the troops in a suspended state of illusion, each one believing they are protecting their own country. Its up to Bonds group to discover how everyone is kept hypnotized and free the organization's straggle hold.
I love the creepiness Peter Stormare can bring to a role. A very sinister and scary character, who finds sick pleasure in making a fantasy world seem true.
Olympus - Johnny Depp
Olympus is the enigmatic leader of the oranization known as the Ouroboros. He has a deep hatred of England and the rest of the modern world. He one day wishes to spread his rule across the globe in an insane attempt to end wars and create peace.
In thinking of an actor for this part, I really wanted someone who can be inventive and play with it. This will basically be what ever Johnny Depp wants it to. I'm letting him run free with this and see what he does with it.
This movie will see Bond having to take on new challenges, working to avoid detection at all costs. Because one wrong move will mean the end of free will. In the end, M and his team dies a heroic death and Bond destroys the hypnotic transmission freeing the troops. England falls into anarchy as Bond is named acting director of MI6 in hopes of bringing England back, for Queen and Country.