Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
Hot damn!!!! My girls Misty and Colleen are back!!!! And they brought friends....
The basic rundown---Misty Knight and Colleen Wing used to run "Knightwing Restorations", serving as bail bondswomen to the C/D-list super-powered criminals such as Mysterio and Rhino. But with Civil War in full blaze...they have been approached by Iron Man and Friends to help out with their side. But Knight/Wing aren't interested in choosing sides. Instead they come to a compromise---in exchange for govt paychecks and benefits along with Stark resources......they'll hunt down the unregistered villains. And with that---Misty and Colleen put together a group of their own bounty hunters and go to town.
While I have yet to read anything from the Gray/Palmiotti duo that is groundbreaking or a must read---they are consistently entertaining. They bring me the steady entertainment that USM should be.
The art from Tucci/Palmer isn't a huge departure from the art of Khari Evans' work in the most excellent "Daughters of the Dragon"....but it's still a subtle change. If I had to describe it, I'd say "less sexy".
This book is like McDonalds. It's not great and you could do without it......but you know damn well you crave that Big Mac. So give in to the urge and check this out.
The basic rundown---Misty Knight and Colleen Wing used to run "Knightwing Restorations", serving as bail bondswomen to the C/D-list super-powered criminals such as Mysterio and Rhino. But with Civil War in full blaze...they have been approached by Iron Man and Friends to help out with their side. But Knight/Wing aren't interested in choosing sides. Instead they come to a compromise---in exchange for govt paychecks and benefits along with Stark resources......they'll hunt down the unregistered villains. And with that---Misty and Colleen put together a group of their own bounty hunters and go to town.
While I have yet to read anything from the Gray/Palmiotti duo that is groundbreaking or a must read---they are consistently entertaining. They bring me the steady entertainment that USM should be.
The art from Tucci/Palmer isn't a huge departure from the art of Khari Evans' work in the most excellent "Daughters of the Dragon"....but it's still a subtle change. If I had to describe it, I'd say "less sexy".
This book is like McDonalds. It's not great and you could do without it......but you know damn well you crave that Big Mac. So give in to the urge and check this out.
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