How does Geldoff fit in?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2005
Can-Ad-Ah dont ask me where it is i don't know.
ok watshisface said in one on the USM letter pages that Geldoff was the first hint towards a big ultimate universe event in(last) DEC which we all know is the coming of galcatus but my problem is how does he fit in, my theory is that Geldoff is in fact from Latvaria and if hes connected could the UFF and iron man and thor be meeting with doom in ult secret issue three? :shock:
Bringing him into Secret would be a little random and out of place, having Geldoff (who's clearly a little stupid in the first place) surrounded by scientists....

He may show up again but I don't think it will be in the trilogy. I hope to God he's not the secret weapon behind the end of the Ultimate Trilogy.
Perhaps Latveria is a US territory or a Genoshan territory rather that is trying to further counter the mutant race with born and bred super heroes.
Goodwill said:
Perhaps Latveria is a US territory or a Genoshan territory rather that is trying to further counter the mutant race with born and bred super heroes.
Haven't they already stated that its just an eastern European nation? I think in the Spidey issues, or maybe UFF.
Latveria hasn't been mentioned in either. If it was anything it was the Team-Up issue or UXM that answered that. As far as its government goes, we know nothing about it.
Goodwill said:
Latveria hasn't been mentioned in either. If it was anything it was the Team-Up issue or UXM that answered that. As far as its government goes, we know nothing about it.
I'd check Geldoff's appearances in USM, particularly once he's back at the X-mansion when Prof X is outlining what happened to him. If I recall correctly, he starts out something like "Geldoff is the product of an experiment in the eastern european nation of Latveria" or something to that effect. I don't have my issues so I can't check but if someone who does would, that would be nice.
Caduceus said:
I'd check Geldoff's appearances in USM, particularly once he's back at the X-mansion when Prof X is outlining what happened to him. If I recall correctly, he starts out something like "Geldoff is the product of an experiment in the eastern european nation of Latveria" or something to that effect. I don't have my issues so I can't check but if someone who does would, that would be nice.
Read through that issue and found nothing about that. The experiment was mentioned but not Latverias location.
In USM #42 Geldoff does say "I originally came from Latveria. I vas adopted by an American family two years ago and I come here to go to school." so where ever Latveria is, it's not in USA.
Ultimate Warrior said:
Read through that issue and found nothing about that. The experiment was mentioned but not Latverias location.
In USM #42 Geldoff does say "I originally came from Latveria. I vas adopted by an American family two years ago and I come here to go to school." so where ever Latveria is, it's not in USA.
Ok, I'm going crazy-er. Thanks for checking UW
We'll have to look into it more... I did agree with you on the Eastern part until UW said something. I guess I'll take his word for it.
A FEV that has powers similar to that of Boom Boom. He got them at birth because he was genetically altered when he was a fetus. He was supposed to open the door to this huge UU conflict, but, so far, we haven't seen anything.
Maybe there were plans for Geldoff, but perhaps those changed once Doom made his actual appearance. I mean, I can't recall off the top of my head the time between the Geldoff arc in Spider-Man and the start of the Fantastic Four...but maybe back when Geldoff showed up and this big plan with Latveria was thought out it was a time when the F4 and potentially therefore Doom and Latveria were all sort of around. Like the Team-UP and the Special and the various little magazines or something with the F4 pictures on them. You know, back when Millar and Bendis just dropped hints about them already existing.

But then they all got the much cooler ideas for Doom and his shanty town and decided that the Geldoff Latveria idea wasn't as good so it was kind of dropped or ignored or reworked somehow.

At least that's my Devil's Advocate guess.

Or, perhaps, as I imagined it in the first place, Doom had no real role and it would have taken up UXM's time. Now, around that time Bendis was on the title, he could have done something, but I guess he felt he had to wrap up whatever he was leading into with his government espionage deal.

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