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New review of a terrible album:

Discovery - LP

Srsly, avoid like the plague.
I've been wanting to listen to this...
It's an interesting album. I don't know how you'd feel about it. It's definitely more accessible than their other albums. (Their last album was a full cover of the Black Flag album "Damaged", done from memory, often with different lyrics and melodies, and done in Dirty Projectors' style of orchestral pop instead of hardcore punk. They also did a concept album about Don Henley from The Eagles. Yep.)
At first I thought you were reviewing the score which I thought was pretty good.
That Green Day one on there (21 Guns I think is the name) is the biggest piece of **** I've ever heard, including anything by Miley Cyrus.
I'm sure if it had Miley Cyrus or the Jonas Bros. in it or something it could probably be given a better score. After all, they're marketed to little kids who don't know any better.

Nickelback and all the other horrible bands that appear on that soundtrack are corporate ****rock marketed to grown men who probably think hip-hop is destroying the world and are so musically illiterate as to believe that those bands are somehow "keeping rock 'n' roll alive" and that they aren't as marketed and processed as the Disney pop or radio hip-hop when they most certainly are. Grown men like...
I like the Linkin Park one...:oops:

Just kidding.
moonmaster the hipster garabe i've ever seen

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