Is Dr. Strange unchanged in the Ultimate Universe?


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
Or is he still magic based? I ask because I know the Ultimate Universe likes to stick to science and was wondering how he fit in. I personally enjoy the science approach. Never did care for magic or a bunch of gods and demons and devils.
MarvelWarrior said:
Or is he still magic based? I ask because I know the Ultimate Universe likes to stick to science and was wondering how he fit in. I personally enjoy the science approach. Never did care for magic or a bunch of gods and demons and devils.

Still magic based. They also have him as sort of a mystic adviser for Hollywood types - not sure what others thought of that but I thought it was a cool touch.
Goodwill said:
Also, the main Strange is actually the son of the original, who perished in some interdimensional fight. ;)

Did he die? I pushed most of that story out of my mind :sick: but I seem to remember that he had disappeared and they haven't seen him in years - his fate is unknown. I could be wrong...
UltimateE said:
Still magic based. They also have him as sort of a mystic adviser for Hollywood types - not sure what others thought of that but I thought it was a cool touch.
Compound and I like to refer to him as Deepak Chopra meets John Constantine.
UltimateE said:
Did he die? I pushed most of that story out of my mind :sick: but I seem to remember that he had disappeared and they haven't seen him in years - his fate is unknown. I could be wrong...
It's more like his fate is unknown. The Strange Arc in All-Stars had me really messed up too because I couldn't figure out who stepped in during the Nightmare Sequence. Was it Strange or Stange Jr.?
Strange thus far:
Doctor Stephen Strange was a gifted surgeron who ends up killing his wife and unborn son in a car accident. The same accident ruins his special hands. He travels to the Ancient One to to study the magic arts where he eventually becoms the Sorceror Supreme. Thus far we have only seen him fight Dormmamu [funniest name to say outloud]

All above is almost the 616's Strange verbattum but....

Doctor Strange befirends Clea and Wong in his journeies. Not long after Clea and Strange ebcame romantically involved, Clea became pregnant. Before the baby is born, Dr. Strange dissappears without a trace. Many years later, his son, Stepehen Strange Jr. [he's about mid-20s], is threatened by Xandu while he is just learning how to use the mystic arts. He barely defeats Xandu. Several months after, Strange is revealed to be a celebrity of sorts, very open about his magic abilities. When the creature known as Nightmare is able to enter Stranges mind, before truly feeding of his fear he enters young Spider-Man's body. Strange then learns of the creture through Wong and wit a lot of effort confronts the demon and banishes it. No science involved.
Now you see why I don't have as many posts as you guys, I tidy all my thoughts into one neatly-packaged post.
It seems like Doctor Strange in the Ultimate Universe, is a result of a What If (616) Doctor Strange had a baby....and called him Stephen Strange too!

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