JSA Classified series discussion (Spoilers!)


Jun 15, 2005
New arc featuring Wildcat and Flash...

Begins with crazy cult leader dragon guy kidnapping a kid with meta-human powers using the Spear of Destiny (which has the ability to control super-humans).

Meanwhile Flash is having a party for the JSA members before the crisis just to enjoy the moment. Elsewhere Wildcat is at the headquarters having a party by himself and the sculptures of dead enemies and friends.

Flash, after the party, realizes the Spear is back when he becomes beligerent and hits his wife. He quickly gets out of there and heads to the headquarters and tells Wildcat whats up. They reminise (spelling?) about the history of the spear and head out to Zattanna because Fate and Spectre are gone.

When they get there Zattanna's former roommate greets them and lets them in. The spear takes control of her (she has slight magic abilities) and Flash gets her to the hospital, when he gets back he is controlled by the Spear.

Disappointing especially after last arc which was awesome but not too bad (or maybe its my love of Flash) 6 out of 10.

The begining was creppy and very good and Wildcat among the statues of the dead was good too, but I thought the rest had poor dialouge and just wasn't that well written.
Zatanna has slight magical abilities? She's pretty powerful man. Deffinatly more than slight. Probably just behind Dr. Fate (RIP) and Jason Blood (Why wasn't he in DoV atall?). Deffinatly higher than the Marvels thanks to control alone.
JSA Classified #9

8 out of 10
A lot better better than last issue.

Mind controlled Flash and Wildcat fight and eventually evil serpent dude comes in and knocks them both out. When they awake they're in a prison which is "if you step across this line you are mind controlled". Flash kills Wildcat to get rid of his magic nine lives and Wildcat goes in and starts whoopin on the servants. Flash crosses the line and does as much damage as he can before Wildcat knocks him out with one punch to make sure he doesn't get mind controlled. Serpent dude tries to escape but the kid that he mind controlled in the beginning blows up his ship along with himself. Flash and Wildcat go back to hq and talk until they are thrown into a time warp.

Everything felt right this issue and made sense, considering that it was Wildcat vs Flash at some points. I also thought the kill scenes were really well done and I could feel the emotion behind them. Good two issue arc overall.
Re: JSA Classified #9

Remember, if it's not an ultimate book, then it can't have it's own seperate issue discussion thread.
Baxter said:
Zatanna has slight magical abilities? She's pretty powerful man. Deffinatly more than slight. Probably just behind Dr. Fate (RIP) and Jason Blood (Why wasn't he in DoV atall?). Deffinatly higher than the Marvels thanks to control alone.
There was an issue I think of his with the Spectre, where they had some sort of understanding... I think...
thee great one said:
There was an issue I think of his with the Spectre, where they had some sort of understanding... I think...
See now I didn't pick up the latest Demon series. I love him as a guest but don't think he's pulling an ongoing.