Magic in the Ultimate Universe

Solaris said:
from reading bass and guijllons, and you guys agreeing with one another, is this whole magic - no magic thing nothing more than a matter of semantics?

incidentally, i agree with you both :D

I'm glad to hear it, and we're both right. I am however, that little bit more right than Bass. Because he's just a little bit wrong.


That's him on the left with some cheap ladyboy hooker he picked up and a girl I don't know.
Guijllons said:
Erm, yes, or course. I don't think anyone would disagree with you there, or have said anything to the contrary to that.

But, just tell that to MWoF, he wants Galactus to be a big guy in a purple suit :)

Ok number 1. I went through this entire thread looking for "Loki"... way to be confusing Bass :lol:

2. Never said I wanted Galactus to be in a purple suit. I just want him to be big and humanoid.

3. I think the only person who should handle "Magic" is Doctor Strange. I found it very interesting that we were lead to believe that handling magic is a very difficult thing to do... so I think only the masters should be involved with magic and right now that's Strange and no one else
Guijllons said:
But there is no basis for magic. It's just a lot of old hoohar. We know mutants are hoohar too, but there is that slightest link to science. Magic, there is none.

It's a lazy plot device, it means you can get away with anything, there are no limitations.

Not so. As Ray Bradbury (I think) pointed out, the science of today is the magic of yesterday. I have no problems with magic being in the UU IF the rules for it are laid out and not violated, at least not without cause or justification. That and I've always hated those incredibly stupid sounding incantations that Dr Strange and crew always do. I'm more of a Buffy magick lover. They wave their hand, maybe mutter a word or two, and a wall o' knives goes a flyin'
Bass said:
My point is this: Magic can be in the Ultimate universe, provided that they handle it as well as they've handled Science.

hmmm...and considering that the science presented is nearly all fantasy, this gives the writers a hell of a lot of leeway.
Well personally I'd love to see Magic in the UU. I think if you look at it in terms of science being our way of explaining what we know about the universe then just because 'magic' can't be explained by science doesn't mean its not possible. The thing that really draws me to the UU is the fact that most things are dealt with in a realistic way. From my point of view it's like what our world would be like if super soldiers started poppin up everywhere. And if you look at it then there are people who believe in magic (whether its real or not I'm not gettin into that one :p ) and some who practice it. If you take something like Wicca as an example, they believe in magic as a way to gently nudge reality to do what they ask but basically it comes down to a more complicated way of praying. That's how i'd like to see magick in the UU, but pushed up a notch or two so it allows people to have some amount of power. and i wouldnt say that only some people should be able to do it. I think anyone should but only some should be good at it. Also if you look at it from a literary perspective magic is a good story tool, if handled correctly. I wouldn't want to have really uber powerful characters using magic to solve everything. I've got to admit i'd love to see a Constantine type character(yeah i know it would be lame) using mainly his wits and subtley using magic when it was needed
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Ultimate Magic?

Hey, i may be wrong, so not gonna be all Mr. Fact. Just curious, someone in the Ultimate Xmen annual was surprised they had magic, but in USM, wasnt having Dr. Strange also magic in the ultimate universe?
icemastertron said:

Do you believe in Magic? The...

*Stops singing*

Why is everyone staring at me?
I prefer....

Got to believe in magic / Tell me how two people find each other? / Cause it's magic when two people fall in love....

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