Marvel's movies vs DC's.

Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)


The Hollywood Reporter has an article about how Marvel's going to beat DC to the punch on getting their big team-up film in theaters.


The Marvel one will be better anyway I think as they are building up back stories first so come avengers we can get a better story with out a big "this who he is" thing.

The Justice league one I was looking forward to even it is cgi but It wouldn't be as good.

So the fact we get the kick *** one first can only be good, right?
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

The justice league movie is destined to be crap anyway and I hope it doesn't get made this generation. As much as I love JLU and that stuff, I think DC superheroes, especially in the movies, work better on their own anyway.

Avengers, on the other hand, has every chance at being spectacular.
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

DC can't hold a candle to Marvel when it comes to film. It's not their fault. Being leashed by Time Warner means they're at the absolute mercy of the studios.

You've got to be impressed with the savvy Marvel has used to jump into the industry. They exert major creative control over almost all of their properties in film.

And that Justice League movie just sounds horrible.
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Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

DC can't hold a candle to Marvel when it comes to film. It's not their fault. Being leashed by Time Warner means they're at the absolute mercy of the studios.

What about Batman begins and Superman I & II?
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

What about Batman begins and Superman I & II?

Let's not forget why Batman Begins and Superman Returns took so long to get made. It's because they were at the mercy of producers and studio heads. Batman Begins and Superman were both lucky enough films to have writers and directors who understood the source material. The problem with DC being so beholden to Time-Warner is that their characters are at the mercy of all the divisions, particularly merchandising. The toys rake in more cash than the films themselves do.

Marvel, OTOH, has full creative control, and can create a film universe with the same sort of editorial comic continuity as the comics, since there's direct and exacted control over most of their properties (Spidey and X-Men excluded. probably Daredevil, as well).
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

The problem with DC being so beholden to Time-Warner is that their characters are at the mercy of all the divisions, particularly merchandising. The toys rake in more cash than the films themselves do.

That would explain Catwoman , Batman and robin and returns.
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

That would explain Catwoman , Batman and robin and returns.

and this anime spin-off of the Dark Knight, although that's the way to do it if you can. Use side projects to pimp merchandising and leave the director to tell his story.
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

Leave Marvel to the movies. DC to the animation. Nuff' Said.
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

This argument can be resolved in only one way:

Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

I just hope we get some great movies coming from both universes.
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

A big CGI Justice League movie sharing no continuity with the other franchises - whether they were ever even really planning something like that - would've been awesome, for all the reasons that I already explained and am too lazy to look up right now.
Re: "Justice League vs Avengers" (Marvel's movies vs DC's)

The Justice League movie they were working on would have been horrible and could have ruined the DC Universe on film in one terrifying swoop. I hope they finally get movies off the ground for Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash... Maybe after that they can think about JL, but not now, and not the way they were. I think in terms of movie quality DC and Marvel are about even.

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