Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
This is too good a topic to not continue....
From another thread:
Mask squinting.
Please to be explaining the logic?
This is 95% serious discussion.
I get that it's an artistic preference and its usage is up to the creative team....I, myself, find it appropriate at times and understand the logic in using it from one standpoint. But logically, E is correct. There is no reason for mask squinting.
Your rebuttal?
From another thread:
.....and just when they change it even more!
And you wonder why you never make it past the first round of the Greatest Member.
Listen, I never made it because I was TOO great. That contest is beneath me - I'll leave it to you commoners.
If that's what you tell yourself at night....then ok. Sounds like someone's just mad because the rest of the world doesn't share the same beliefs of mask-squinting as him.......
There is no logic in mask squinting!
You really should open up the Mask Squinting thread in Museum.
Believe me, if I thought there would be actual discussion I would love to. But everything as just going around in circles and the discussion was too off-topic near the end. And no one would offer a counterpoint to my points, they just kept talking about how it was cute and how much they liked it. :roll:
Comic book readers are dumb.
You have a point.
I think this post best summed up the argument:
plungingforward said:The Mask squint (and the thought balloon) is an artistic technique. A stylistic choice. A tool. Any tool can be abused, or used as a crutch. Some folks will like certain techniques, others won't.
This is a preference argument in disguise, and as right as certain people might think their preferences are, Logic CAN'T dictate preference.
Might as well try and logically argue a vanilla ice-cream lover (those commie bastards!) into prefering chocolate. Sure it is fun, but it is never going to accomplish anything.
His logic is flawed there, too. The ice cream analogy is a poor comparison.
The discussion was specifically about logic. I didn't ask anyone to qualify their preference using logic, I asked people to qualify the logic.
Mask squinting.
Please to be explaining the logic?
This is 95% serious discussion.
I get that it's an artistic preference and its usage is up to the creative team....I, myself, find it appropriate at times and understand the logic in using it from one standpoint. But logically, E is correct. There is no reason for mask squinting.
Your rebuttal?