i may be the only one, but i find your joke about peeing on God's throne to be offensive ZP. I'm not angry and I know that we're not on the same page at all in our worldviews or beliefs and that's fine, I expect a certain level of joking and irreverence about faith and God. Good natured joking is part of what makes this board so fun, but we all need to be respectful of each other in the areas of beliefs, lifestyles, race, nationalities, and Kristen Kreuk. I have my own opinions and beliefs about many of the things you guys believe in, many of the lifestyles you live, etc, and I even poke fun at you for them but I would never want to be disrespectful to any of you in an area that mattered (and i hope you would call me out on it if I do cross the line). All I ask is the same in return. I'm okay with jokes aimed at religion, Christians and even directly at myself, and I can usually appreciate the humour in them, but I actually believe in God and worship Him, so I ask that you not make fun of my God or make jokes that are directly disrespectful to Him (for example, jokes about peeing on His throne).