[IMGL]http://ultimatecentral.com/images/news-millar.jpg[/IMGL] The latest Wizard features Mark Millar and Greg Land talking about the first arc of Ultimate Fantastic Four, including possibly the biggest Ultimate event yet (Ultimate Fantastic Four spoilers ahead).
"The First arc is sure to raise some eye-brows, as Miller plans to introduce a new wrinkle that could spell the first hints of a long-awaited development for the Ultimate Universe.
"Reeds finds something on the other side of the Negative Zone (N-Zone) that appears to be a mirror univere of sorts," reveals Miller. "As far as he's concerned, it's slightly warped reality where he's much older, is married to Sue and has couple of kids. However, as everyone who's ever read a comic understands, he seems to have stumbled across something very very close to what we call the regular Marvel Universe'"
Does this mean the Marvel U. and the Ultimate U. are finally going to collide Crisis on Infinite Earths-Style?
"There's a lot going on," Says Miller, " including a threat I'm pretty bloody delighted with. But this might-just might-be the crossover some people have been waiting for since the Ultimate Universe was created."
Mark Millar replied in the thread at Millarworld,
"I can't believe this info has been released already. Bloody Hell!
Cover is being drawn as we speak, but I can't wait to get this out there. Honestly have never had as much fun as I'm having on UFF. It's six issue arcs every issue with this little book. First up is X-Over. That's all I'm saying."
Taken from Wizard and Millarworld
"The First arc is sure to raise some eye-brows, as Miller plans to introduce a new wrinkle that could spell the first hints of a long-awaited development for the Ultimate Universe.
"Reeds finds something on the other side of the Negative Zone (N-Zone) that appears to be a mirror univere of sorts," reveals Miller. "As far as he's concerned, it's slightly warped reality where he's much older, is married to Sue and has couple of kids. However, as everyone who's ever read a comic understands, he seems to have stumbled across something very very close to what we call the regular Marvel Universe'"
Does this mean the Marvel U. and the Ultimate U. are finally going to collide Crisis on Infinite Earths-Style?
"There's a lot going on," Says Miller, " including a threat I'm pretty bloody delighted with. But this might-just might-be the crossover some people have been waiting for since the Ultimate Universe was created."
Mark Millar replied in the thread at Millarworld,
"I can't believe this info has been released already. Bloody Hell!
Cover is being drawn as we speak, but I can't wait to get this out there. Honestly have never had as much fun as I'm having on UFF. It's six issue arcs every issue with this little book. First up is X-Over. That's all I'm saying."
Taken from Wizard and Millarworld