More delays for Ultimate Nightmare #5 - now scheduled for 2/23

ultimatedjf said:
Hey, since I have a terrible memory (despite there being a handy dandy previously page), do you think I should reread Issues one through four of Ult. Nightmare before I get #5? I believe I've only read the second and third one once.

I would read the first issue. If you read the 1st and 5th you would pretty much know what's going on. 2-4 is just detail.
Hey, that's where it's at... That's what I wanted to say, believe me, but I couldn't get it out. I just think you need to remember mostly everything in the fourth issue to get what's going to happen in the last. That's where most of the answers came from anyway. The first issue just told you why they were going to where they are.... Tunguska, right?

I've read, re-read and re-re-read Ultimate Nightmare 1-4 over and over again.

It's like watching a really cool show on cable and you suddenly lost your connection just when it was getting good.




(PS: They best not dissapoint me! lol)
Well put... This is especially true of this series, since it's been adding up (slowly) and, finally when we get to the answers, it cuts off... That ALWAYS happens.
who now has a #5?

UltimateE said:
[imgl][/imgl] Ultimate Nightmare #5 - is being even further delayed and is now scheduled for 2/23/05. The book is now almost 3 months late considering its original solicitation date.

The original Marvel solicitation reads as follows:

Pencils by Young Guns Artist TREVOR HAIRSINE
Cover by Young Guns Artist JIMMY CHEUNG

PART 5 (OF 5) The final chapter. The explosive conclusion as the Ultimates take on Ultimate X-Men in the wastes of Tunguska. But beyond the battle is the dreaded final secret hidden in this awful place for decades. It will be worth the wait. 32 PGS./MARVEL PSR …$2.25

UPC: 5960605552-00511
We're so past ridiculous now. 3 months. :roll:


I've really had it with this delay. This is just getting past ridiculous! They should at least tell us WHY it's being delayed, ONCE AGAIN, so we can know who to mean who to blame. :innocent:

I don't think Secret will be that bad, because I'm betting that if it's not completely done, it's close.

Yeah... McNiven had already released previews of Secret, so there isn't going to be a problem with that at all, but, yeah, thing just aren't adding up!

At least this way there is no possibly conceivable way that Ultimate Secret will come in late...

By all accounts Secret is basically done. It was only pushed back when Nightmare started getting delayed. So, no.

Oh c'mon. US is just 4 issues, and since it was solicitated back in October's previews, and McNiven has done's done. There's just so much time from when he started the issues, to when it comes out/finishes, that this won't be delayed.

Oh my Joe. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Oh, this is priceless on so many levels.
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Yeah, there was a huge gap inbetween issue 2 and issue 3, because they took McNiven off of Secret because Bendis 'needed' him for a New Avengers arc

Ah, yes. I thought you meant for #1.

Good times. Good times.
Yeah, the fact that Secret was later than Nightmare, the fact you were all acting like the world was ended because an Ultimate book was delayed 3 MONTHS (if you only knew), the fact that you had so much faith in Steve McNiven never posisbly putting out a late book. . . just pure gold all around.
Yeah, the fact that Secret was later than Nightmare, the fact you were all acting like the world was ended because an Ultimate book was delayed 3 MONTHS (if you only knew), the fact that you had so much faith in Steve McNiven never posisbly putting out a late book. . . just pure gold all around.

McNiven didn't actually put out a late book....

(Civil War doesn't count - by all accounts the delays had to do with him not getting enough time to get a head start on the series)

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