Saw V: When Will It End?

I haven't watched any of them, though I would like to.
I would say that Jigsaw sits with the likes of Jason, Freddy, and Chucky, as iconic horror villains. I have loved all of the Saw movies, so if you haven't seen them check them out!
I'm not a huge fan of this whole new flash of torture horror. The first Saw was innovative, and after that, I guess they've been technically good... But they really just seem gruesome for the sake of being gruesome. It's not terrifying in any resounding way, just exploitative. Don't get me wrong. I dig violence as much as the next guy, but I really just feel dirty and sick watching these movies.
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I'm not a huge fan of this whole new flash of torture horror. The first Saw was innovative, and after that, I guess they've been technically good... But they really just seem gruesome for the sake of being gruesome. It's not terrifying in any resounding way, just exploitative. Don't get me wrong. I dig violence as much as the next guy, but I really just feel dirty and sick watching these movies.

Totally agree with you on all counts.
BUT they've also been known to deliver some pretty incredible twists in the plot, too. You get the gore, sure, I do agree with you on what you said... But you get something outta these movies that you don't in movies like Hostel or other recent horror films. I'm telling you, Saw is good.
BUT they've also been known to deliver some pretty incredible twists in the plot, too. You get the gore, sure, I do agree with you on what you said... But you get something outta these movies that you don't in movies like Hostel or other recent horror films. I'm telling you, Saw is good.

Yeah, but they aren't really twists with any deeper bearing. They're window dressing to connect scenes of grotesque torture. Sure, there's attempts to make the villain sympathetic and give a logical twist to his motivations, but they're ultimately just gloss. They don't really say anything about profound about the human condition, which is what a horror movie should do. Or at least, the more grotesque and realistic a horror movie gets, the more of this it needs to provide.

skotti-chan said:
Totally agree with you on all counts.

It's just like watching the dirtiest pornography I could possibly picture. Worse. I couldn't in a million years come up with the ideas they come up with, and I'm a pretty imaginative dude.

I wonder how long it will take for them to go the New Nightmare route and have a Saw-inspired killer in the real world using elaborate traps to torture and kill the makers of the franchise? ;) That I'd go see.
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I haven't watched any of them, though I would like to.

Saw movies are waaaay overrated. Each has a bunch of strangers who are subjected to extremely ridiculous torture methods.

Though, Marky Mark's brother is in a few of them. He's pretty cool.
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Apparently, the title speaks to both fans and critics.

This includes the first promotional poster.


I'm a big fan of the series and will definitely go see this... Although I can understand those who think this is being taken too far.

I hate the Saw series.

The first movie was an attempt at fusing a suspenseful and complex story with gruesome horror, the problem was that the people behind the movie were far too untalented to actually pull something like that off. So instead you get a lame movie with an interesting premise and a stupidly convoluted plot.

Plus, the style of the movies pisses me off. It's like they hired a team of 14 year old death metal fans to make sure the movie is as "hardcore and metal!" as possible. The editing is hilariously terrible: In the one with Donnie Wahlberg, there's a part where he gets some kind of shocking news and then they proceed to do a thirty second sequence of jumpcuts and spinning camera shots of his randomly screaming and hitting things in anger. The funniest part is the twists they always do. They have to go back and fast forward through every scene in the movie in order to point out to you how the twist works, like someone trying to awkwardly explain a joke. Apparently, they assume that people who go to see these movies are too retarded to pay attention to the basic plot points of the movie they've been watching for the last 80 minutes.

I don't have much problem with the violence, besides the way it's marketed. The Saw movies are kind of designed so that teenagers can pretend like they've seen some really extreme horror movie. As someone who - for better or worse - has seen plenty of traumatizingly violent horror movies, Saw might as well be Sesame Street. That's not to say that violence makes a good horror movie, but I just dislike the way that the movies market themselves as being so extreme and gory.
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I don't have much problem with the violence, besides the way it's marketed. The Saw movies are kind of designed so that teenagers can pretend like they've seen some really extreme horror movie. As someone who - for better or worse - has seen plenty of traumatizingly violent horror movies, Saw might as well be Sesame Street. That's not to say that violence makes a good horror movie, but I just dislike the way that the movies market themselves as being so extreme and gory.
They're like snuff films, except not hot.
What about movies like the Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, and the Village that rely on flashback sequences to reveal their twist? What do you say about those? I don't see how the Saw movies are any different in the sense that, it's all there, but it's subtlties (sp?) that make it. :) Next time you go see a Saw movie, try to enjoy it instead of being a message board comic fan that will diss everything.
What about movies like the Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, and the Village that rely on flashback sequences to reveal their twist? What do you say about those? I don't see how the Saw movies are any different in the sense that, it's all there, but it's subtlties (sp?) that make it. :) Next time you go see a Saw movie, try to enjoy it instead of being a message board comic fan that will diss everything.

Goodwill just served.

Saw series are all right. Once most thing turn into franchises (especially horror genre) they tend to Outdo themselves though.
What about movies like the Usual Suspects, Sixth Sense, and the Village that rely on flashback sequences to reveal their twist? What do you say about those? I don't see how the Saw movies are any different in the sense that, it's all there, but it's subtlties (sp?) that make it. :) Next time you go see a Saw movie, try to enjoy it instead of being a message board comic fan that will diss everything.
I don't think I remember those movies (Haven't seen the Usual Suspects) reviewing the entire film while dramatic "OMFG!" music plays in the background, especially when the twist wasn't even very complex or difficult to understand.

And I'm not "diss"ing it because I'm some nerd who over-analyzes everything, I just don't like watching ****ty horror movies that think they're far smarter than they actually are.

The first Saw was forgettable and poorly executed and it doesn't deserve an endless parade of trashy sequels.

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