Shadowpact Series Discussion


My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
Jan 31, 2006
Zoo Atlanta
Is Shadowpact deserving it's own topic? Who knows? But I just read it, and I figured it deserved talking about, if only because I have a question or two. But to start with, let me summarize for anyone who hasn't picked it up.

It's a nice premise for a comic's start. Willingham presents a pretty wicked group of villains, with what seems to be good foils for every character. There's potential for each character to really complement a character of Shadowpact without coming across as a bizarro version of them. The premise is interesting. The bad guys trap this town where no one can get to them and set up a lottery to decide who will get murd for a necromantic ritual. It reminds me of that old story The Lottery and I think it works, because I haven't seen it in a comic before. It also provides an interesting twist on tthe typical hostage situation because there's always the odds that, even if they don't act up, they might get butchered. Rex The Wonder Dog is always awesome, although he seems to have a weird hard on for Detective Chimp here.

The art's pretty good overall. It reminds me of Golden Age style comics. I think it works for the line. It's colorful enough, and makes things clear that it's not a superhero comic, and it's intended to be fun. It comes across thematically as kind of a throwback, and I think that works well. My only real problem with the art is Detective Chimp. The way Billingham draws him, he looks like a pre-pubescent sidekick. And his new costume is awful.

With that out of the way, I think there's a major mistake in continuity. The story is framed. Superman discovers the town, and the Shadowpact goes into it and gets trapped. And they're locked away in the bubble for a year. The status of the team at the start of the comic seems to insist that this takes place after Crisis, but Superman still has his powers when he discovers the bubble. Presumably they're supposed to come out of the bubble at the end of this arc, and then they'll be thrown into One Year Later continuity, but if that's the case, then Superman should have been depowered when he found the bubble. Am I missing something in the timeline here? Or is this just a big continuity error?

Either way, what does everyone else think of the first ish?
With that out of the way, I think there's a major mistake in continuity. The story is framed. Superman discovers the town, and the Shadowpact goes into it and gets trapped. And they're locked away in the bubble for a year. The status of the team at the start of the comic seems to insist that this takes place after Crisis, but Superman still has his powers when he discovers the bubble. Presumably they're supposed to come out of the bubble at the end of this arc, and then they'll be thrown into One Year Later continuity, but if that's the case, then Superman should have been depowered when he found the bubble. Am I missing something in the timeline here? Or is this just a big continuity error?

Yeah I noticed that too.

Anyway I loved the new villain team and first issue. I don't like the new costumes. The old ones kicked ***.

I got this today. I have yet to read it, but I'm excited.

Detective Chimp is the greatest fictional creation ever.
Most of the new costumes aren't all that good. I think that The Enchantress has a good one, but after the bid Suicide Squad run I just read I'm hooked on her classic one. Nightshade's is good, a nice touch of classic charleston, vut Detective Chimp? Why does he need a jumpsuit?

I dug it. Deffinatly going to keep up with the book.

Because I thought this issue was great fun. And the reveal at the end was awesome.
I dropped it after issue 13, sorry.

It is pretty good though, but as I've stated before, I'm dropping almost everything, and it's not spectacular.

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