To say Uncanny X-Men (or any X-book) sucks right now just because "it's X-Men" is ludicrous and ignorant, I'm sorry to say. And I'm not saying this as an X-Men fan, but as a comic fan in general.
It's understandable to not like X-Men because of convoluted history or whatever other reason you might have. And it's also understandable saying that nothing 'major' has happened to them in a long time. But you can't really just blame something being boring just because "they are." Anyone can say that about any book, and that's quite an unfair judgement. If you're going to say that the status quo of Spider-Man has been changed back, then so have the X-Men's. They had it changed back before Spider-Man did. Of course, it's not being done as well as it is for Spider-Man, but that's a different story.
Now, I will admit that the X-world right now isn't doing very well. I've talked this over with others on MSN before. But it's not because "it's just X-Men."
*Uncanny right now is fine, but yes, it's not one of Fraction's strongest works at the moment. He has good ideas, but they're not at a level that really hypes up anything for the X-Men.
*X-Men Legacy is probably the best right now, though yes, nothing "new" either. But it's great exploring Xavier's past and its connections now.
*Astonishing X-Men is a huge letdown. Terrible coloring that brings the art down lots of notches, issues that seem to come out whenever the season changes, slow moving story where you forget what happened in the issue prior because the issues are released months apart...
And seriously, E? X-Men embodies everything that is wrong with comics? You couldn't be further away from the truth. I'd like you to really explain that fully as to how X-Men = everything that is wrong. Because I bet you that whatever you'd say can be said about any other book, meaning that if it's true for them too, then that means the other books are what's wrong with comics.
What's wrong with comics is what happened in the 90s. Hologram covers, variants galore and what-have-you. But stories or franchises that don't suit your liking? Come on.
Not really, in fact I'd argue they've become more relevant. They are an endangered species fighting tooth and nail to survive, clinging to a shred of hope that things will get better. It's just that the stories being told aren't capitalizing on the new angle. They've basically took the original X-Men concept and turned it on it's ear, where once they were a blossoming new species fighting for mere acceptance, now they are a withering blip on the evolutionary scale fighting to merely survive.
Good way to put it.