Suicide Girls?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2005
Metro Manila, Philippines
Is anybody here at UC a member of the amateur porn site SuicideGirls?

This is supposedly no ordinary whack-off material. It's shamelessly advertised as a kind of database for 'quirky', or 'alternative', or 'punkrock' gals who like to get naked, and the people who love them for it. As SPIN magazine puts it, "they're the girls next door -- but more colorful and with better record collections". Members of this subcultural pr0n network can read each others journals (semi-public), browse the message boards (open to all), and share or view each others pics (commercial access only).

More importantly, they also have a work-safe area for interiews with a surprisngly diverse number of famous cool people, including musicians (The Postal Service, Rob Zombie, The FLaming Lips), actors (Jared Leto, Jason Schwartzman, David Cross), and even comic book writers (Jhonen Vasquez, Neil Gaiman, Frank Miller)! Supposedly, this is a testament to the Girls' tastes, although you'll notice that most are written and conducted by the site's straightwhitemale co-founder Daniel Robert Epstein.

But what about the self-produced porn, you say? What makes it any different from other sites?

Well, for starters, there's a modicum of honesty or integrity associated with 'real', ground-up punk initiatives, as SG often claims to be. Feminist sex hub Nerve gushes that SG is a "throwback to the glamorous pin-up days ... the models are artistically bent emo, goth, and punk rockers". It feels safer to assume that when a Suicide Girl mentions she likes giving footjobs, she says so because she means it not because she's attempting to direct hits toward her page, or earn one more cherished subscription, or maybe -- just maybe -- score a PayPal donation from an eager sucker hoping for a more personalized view of her skilled little tootsies.

The ethics of SG's operations can -- and should -- be debated, amidst the hype it's recieved (Dave Grohl[!] enthuses that SG "[tears] down that Pamela Anderson image"). But the fact remains: so-called punk media appears to produce more down-to-earth, non-sensationalized ways of addressing sexual desire.

What do you think? Can there ever be such a thing as "progressive porn"? Or can it never be more than a potentially harmful and exploitative guilty pleasure?
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All I know about that site is that one of the girls plays Amanda in saw 2.
D.I.Y. Porn (no pun intended) has always been more appealing to me. And Grohl is right, it does take steps to remove the idea that only skinny blonde americans are attractive. What's annoying is that a statement has to be made about it being 'progressive porn', aren't we over the idea that girls are being exploited by the sex industry already?

Porn's porn, I think the major difference with this site is that a lot of the girls are doing it more for kicks than for cash.
Guijllons said:
Aren't we over the idea that girls are being exploited by the sex industry already?
Oh come off it! (No pun intended.)

Blanket generalization much?

Is sex tourism not part of the sex industry? White dirty old men taking advantage of budget airfare and lop-sided exchange rates to enjoy a quick romp through the tropics, with neithter responsibility nor respect for the women whose services they plan to employ. It may be mutual and consensual, but it doesn't mean it's fair, just, or non-exploitative.

My girlfriend Claire works for an organization whose advocacies include documenting the struggle against human trafficking, which is carried out in part to expand the global sex-trade, including young-but-legal Filipinas. Granted, there are all kinds of gray areas involved here. Motivations like poverty, financial need, and a sense of familial obligation. But there's no question that exploitation is a definite possibility.

For these women and girls, there are no sex-workers unions, no legit health benefits, and no legal recourse for professional protection.

So while both Claire and I do support the idea of eventually legalizing, legitimizing, and institutionalizing the sex industry, there's still a long way to go to make it as secure and professional, as say, pro sports or fire-fighting, where there's an inherent prospect of hazard involved.

Obviously, the Suicide Girls have it a lot better. But that's no reason to go declaring that the sex industry is totally non-exploitative.
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compound said:
Oh come off it! (No pun intended.)

Blanket generalization much?

Is sex tourism not part of the sex industry? White dirty old men taking advantage of budget airfare and lop-sided exchange rates to enjoy a quick romp through the tropics, with neithter responsibility nor respect for the women whose services they plan to employ. It may be mutual and consensual, but it doesn't mean it's fair, just, or non-exploitative.

My girlfriend Claire works for an organization whose advocacies include documenting the struggle against human trafficking, which is carried out in part to expand the global sex-trade, including young-but-legal Filipinas. Granted, there are all kinds of gray areas involved here. Motivations like poverty, financial need, and a sense of familial obligation. But there's no question that exploitation is a definite possibility.

For these women and girls, there are no sex-workers unions, no legit health benefits, and no legal recourse for professional protection.

So while both Claire and I do support the idea of eventually legalizing, legitimizing, and institutionalizing the sex industry, there's still a long way to go to make it as secure and professional, as say, pro sports or fire-fighting, where there's an inherent prospect of hazard involved.

Obviously, the Suicide Girls have it a lot better. But that's no reason to go declaring that the sex industry is totally non-exploitative.
I was replying to your original point about the fully legal and legitimate sex industries, not the slave trade.

A local massage parlour got busted recently for importing girls from eastern Europe on the promise of a British passport. That has nothing to do with legitimate pornography. Perhaps your pulling too many things under the same blanket.
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Ultimate Quicksilver said:
Holy crap i think one of this girls is a friend of mine :shock: :shock: :shock:
I'll probably come across like some quasi-Marxist/Frankfurt School pop theorist or cut-rate Frederic Jameson for saying this, but i'll do so, anyway...

I think that's defintiely a step forward to know that sexual desire -- one that's strong enough to pay for -- can take the shape and form of a person whom we might know personally, or as an acquaintance. Somebody real. Somebody 'imperfect'. And not some bull**** expensive-but-trashy air-brushed platinum-blonde ideal being sold to us by Maxim or Hugh Heffner Inc.

The fact that mooks like me are willing to fork over hard-earned cash to see nudie pics of somebody who looks a girl Ultimate Quicksilver knows is a sure sign that there's hope for Western Civilization yet.

Unless it happens to be Ultimate Quicksilver's girlfriend on the site. In which case, he better make sure that she gets the bill, next time they're on a date. Oh, and could she possibly give me some freebie pics? That **** can be expensive.*

* Exchange rates and whatnot. (The Peso is doing 54 to the Dollar, at the moment -- and that's considered strong by the standards of the local currency market!)
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compound said:
Somebody real. Somebody 'imperfect'.
And this is something I've always stood by. It's the imperfections that make one person beautiful to another. In an age where porn is so readily available and we can see any host of average (such is the reasoning behind attraction) girls with 'enhancements' to make themselves better, they totally miss out on that simple tiny flaw that can make any person beautiful and rise above the dross.

And although this is slamming the point home rather further than it needs, I dig scars on girls. Not the self inflicted kind that one may well see on Suicide girls, but the accidental kind, the mistakes. Perhaps I'm just an old romantic and thinks it's somehow poetic. Or I may just like rough women. I'll ask my mother.

That was way off the point hey.
I'm not going ot engauge in the morality debate as I'm pretty open minded about people selling themselves off (Hell, I'd support bills to legaly sell your organs if it were proposed). All I have to say is that I've meet two girls (Ones a regular at the resteraunt I work at, another in a strip club in west virgina) and they've been fairly normal people taking advantage of a service. And hot.
Baxter said:
I'm not going ot engauge in the morality debate as I'm pretty open minded about people selling themselves off (Hell, I'd support bills to legaly sell your organs if it were proposed). All I have to say is that I've meet two girls (Ones a regular at the resteraunt I work at, another in a strip club in west virgina) and they've been fairly normal people taking advantage of a service. And hot.
If they like comics too you're onto a winner.
All I have to say is that I've meet two girls (Ones a regular at the resteraunt I work at, another in a strip club in west virgina) and they've been fairly normal people taking advantage of a service. And hot.
So... did that result in anything?

(Really just bumping this thread for any newer users who might want to add something to the debate.)
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So... did that result in anything?

(Really just bumping this thread for any newer users who might want to add something to the debate.)

Well the WV one is too far away to work regularly and the one that came into my restaurant always does so at the beginning of the night when I'm too busy to try anything. Damned work.
how is this appropriate?
It's a civilized, rational discussion of an otherwise taboo topic.

We're not getting into graphic detail about sexperiences. We're having a reasonable conversation about the consumption of adult entertainment. That's not much different from discussing most Alan Moore comics.

If you believe otherwise, then ignore the thread.
It's a civilized, rational discussion of an otherwise taboo topic.

We're not getting into graphic detail about sexperiences. We're having a reasonable conversation about the consumption of adult entertainment. That's not much different from discussing most Alan Moore comics.

If you believe otherwise, then ignore the thread.

I don't really care. i am gonna ignore it because i'm on the low end of the teen stick.

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