Supreme Power: Hyperion Discussion (Spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
So, who else picked this up? (2nd Spoiler warning)

Good things and bad in the first issue here, and I can draw the line extremely clearly. The story was, as usual, interesting and well-written. The art was god-awful.

Well, in short, the new General, whose name I still can't remember, so I'll call him One-arm Steve, is putting a team together new superbeings to take Hyperion in, or destroy him. While the introduction of these characters is done smoothly, and the reader manages to learn a lot about heroes that would like to discuss it (Arcanna, Emil) and a little bit less about the more mysterious of the lot, such as Nuke. The characters are, for the most part, intriguing. Emil, resident super-genius, is interesting because, as One-arm Steve states, he is the first superbeing to have a power that isn't blindingly obvious. Arcanna, and her motivation, is well written. She understands she could pull a Wanda (her powers are basically Scarlet Witche's), and she doesn't want that to happen, so she is going to the source, Mark. Shape ... is provocative. In short, he's mentally handicapped. Severly. Imagine the Blob, but mentally handicapped. You feel bad for the guy, because he's being so easily manipulated. I'm not so down with how Nuke was introduced. In Gary Frank's original sketches, Nuke was to be an anti-government type, kind of the anti-Mark Milton. Now, he seems to just be like Hyperion in the sense of powers, but not purpose. Though, I trust JMS, and I'm sure he will be fleshed out more.

The story and dialogue flow smoothly, occassionally cutting to Hyperion hanging out in the Artic. Typical JMS goodness. Miss the original characters though.

The art looks like it was done in a day, maybe. It's god-awful. I have no idea why they would put an acclaimed (if simple) artist on Nighthawk, and someone who looks like they're a rank amateur on Hyperion, which is un-doubtedly the more important of the two.

Story: 4 stars
Art: 1 star
Overall: 3.5 stars (this is a story intensive book)
Could've sworn there was a thread for this already....

Yeah, not too crazy about the art either. I have to think they got Jurgens for his Superman past (he was one of the main forces behind the Death & Return of Superman). Hyperion is very Superman-esque, obviously.

The story was pretty good...I wish I had my Squadron Supreme TPB so I'd know if these are new characters or new versions of SS characters. If they are revisions, cool. But if much at once.

This book is interesting because super powered beings are REALLY super powered. I mean, these are some heavy hitters.
i know that arcanna and nuke are revisions, don't knwo about the other two.
iceman said:
i know that arcanna and nuke are revisions, don't knwo about the other two.

All 4 are revisions. Emil was also known as Master Menace. Shape was bald and wasnt fat
Emil was Master Menace wasn't he. Nuts. I miss the armour. We'll see how he turns out.

For me, the big problem was how the issue opens with a quote from Frankenstein, and then a quote from Paradise Lost. JMS has a library card. I get it. Move the **** on. I dunno why, but it really, really pissed me off.

Thankfully, the issue was actually engaging (and the Frankenstein quote was really very clever) so I'm happy.
The final issue, #5 came out today. Anyone get it?

I was hoping for a bigger, more significant ending, like the "real" Hyperion dies and Squadron Supreme starts off in this alternate Earth. Although it wasn't really an alternate Earth, so that was kind of cool. It was the next best thing, anyway - having a sort of predetermined ending to the series and watching things unfold as we work toward it.

One interesting thing is that future is 2 years off, and Stan said he had been locked up for 2 years. So something should be happening with that soon. Although "soon" is a relative term with this book. :D

I really like the new versions for most of the characters, although I don't think JMS handled Shape particularly well. He didn't come off as someone who was dumb, he came off as someone who underwent a botched lobotomy, who in no way could hold down even a janitor job.

But overall this was good. I wish they would have just made it Supreme Power instead of Supreme Power: Hyperion; it didn't really focus on Hyperion and his biggest part in the series came in the last issue. Oh well.
Nighthawk was a much better read, I have to say....

Dr. Emil is still the most intriguing character to come out of all of this.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Nighthawk was a much better read, I have to say....

I agree, and it's because it focused on Nighthawk. The Hyperion mini was just another Supreme Power mini and it focused more on Dr. Emil, Shape, and Arcanna.
Dr.Strangefate said:
Nighthawk was a much better read, I have to say....

Dr. Emil is still the most intriguing character to come out of all of this.

I just hope they don't call him "Master Menace". Just let him be like Lex Luthor.
I've not been enjoying this mini. I should be getting the final issue next week as my LCS ran out.
Bass said:
I've not been enjoying this mini. I should be getting the final issue next week as my LCS ran out.

The setting of the story (Which E mentioned) made the mini, in my eyes.

Everything else was pretty mediocre.
Lynx said:
The setting of the story (Which E mentioned) made the mini, in my eyes.

Everything else was pretty mediocre.

Yes - the last issue tied things together nicely. They probably could have cut this down to 3 issues and not lost much story, which is funny because the last 2 issues were so late.
I liked this series up til the last 2 issues, i don't want to know where the squadron supreme book is going.....
And where its going kinda sounds lame anyway.
I just don't want Hyperion to be this real dick, who controls people

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