The Attitude of the Fandom


The member formerly known as skotti-chan
Jan 15, 2005
I just left the DC Message Boards wanting to kill someone, and I've found myself asking a serious question to myself. Why do comic fans have so much hatred for something they profess to love?

I admit, there are certain creators I've thought about beating with an aluminum bat, but there seems to be this common cloud of hatred on comic message boards. People scream and rant about things as minor as costume changes to teams shuffles, blaming the writer (and sometimes the artist) for ruining their childhood idols. Instead of voting with their dollar, they go on and on about how their specific vision for the character should be the only one that should ever be used. As if the editorial staff will one day show up and go "You!! You're right, we've all been fools!! Thank you for correcting us!"

If you don't like a certain arc, creator, even costume...DON'T BUY THE BOOK! I swear to god, wasting valuable bandwidth because you're butthurt is asinine at best.

Forgive my rant, it's been a thorn in my paw recently. Makes me want to not do comics.
I just left the DC Message Boards wanting to kill someone, and I've found myself asking a serious question to myself. Why do comic fans have so much hatred for something they profess to love?

I admit, there are certain creators I've thought about beating with an aluminum bat, but there seems to be this common cloud of hatred on comic message boards. People scream and rant about things as minor as costume changes to teams shuffles, blaming the writer (and sometimes the artist) for ruining their childhood idols. Instead of voting with their dollar, they go on and on about how their specific vision for the character should be the only one that should ever be used. As if the editorial staff will one day show up and go "You!! You're right, we've all been fools!! Thank you for correcting us!"

If you don't like a certain arc, creator, even costume...DON'T BUY THE BOOK! I swear to god, wasting valuable bandwidth because you're butthurt is asinine at best.

Forgive my rant, it's been a thorn in my paw recently. Makes me want to not do comics.

It's because comic books is all these people have.
It's all you have pandaface. with you delapidated eyeball. I like that thorn in my paw reference. Makes me think of cats. I don't like cats per say. I love dogs however.....and if I ever go to Southside Comics again and hear someone who smells of b.o. and rat poison ranting about how civil war had no impact and big changes two months after it's over.....I'm gonna pop a claw and cut a mother****ing rug like a disco strut.
I think I hate fans in general.
I think I hate fans in general.
Being a fan is over-rated.

Seriously, why can't I just 'really really really really like something'?

I think the problem I have with 'being a fan' is that there's an implicit assumption that you swear allegiance. I'm not saying you generally become part of some group cult or anything like that.

But rather, calling yourself a 'fan' means you subscribe to what is supposed to be 'right' about a character or an idea, instead of just choosing to like/love/worship something the way you like/love/worship it and practice that like/love/worship on your own terms.

In short, my view towards 'fandom' in general is the same view I have towards organized religion. I understand that it has a fundamental value for some people, but it's not FOR me.
Obsessive nerds are, in fact, losers. It just goes with the turf, unfortunately. I'd suggest just ignoring them for a few weeks.
Forgive my rant, it's been a thorn in my paw recently. Makes me want to not do comics.

You can always do me instead.

But I get what your saying. I think some people buy these comics, and enjoy them, but don't want anyone else to knwo that, so they bash em all the time. I only buy the comics I enjoy, and simply don't bother with the rest of them because I don't enjoy them.

Which means I buy about two comics a month. And those I usually wait for trades.

I think I hate fans in general.

Well, you do hate everything. So this makes sense.

Seriously, why can't I just 'really really really really like something'?

I really really really really really like your necktie.
Now that I've slept off most of my angry, I have to admit, the part that annoys me the most is the irrational reason for the hate the fans spew.

Example, what set me off was a thread on Monster Society of Evil. The irrational reasons they were using to throw hate; Jeff Smith's art is too cute, he made Billy & Mary look like 5 year olds (sorry, they look more like 8-9 to me, but fine), and here's the kicker; because Jeff didn't pay his dues (because he went from Indy to a major book without having to do the crap books first).

I couldn't imagine the hate they were spewing. I can understand rational complaints like writing style, lack of storytelling ability, but this was seething hate. Instead of "yes well, I don't think I'll be picking up this book anymore", it was "Oh this guy sucks, he's nothing but a retard for not seeing the character the way I see the character." God forbid you disagree, then all of his/her friends will ambush you on not only that particular thread, but on EVERY thread you've posted.
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Man, they picked on Jeff Smith?


Yeah, and looking back on it, I probably got more butthurt because Jeff's a local guy and I adored Bone (sue me, I'm a girl). That being said, that doesn't invalidate my annoyance with the industry's fans.
Yeah, and looking back on it, I probably got more butthurt because Jeff's a local guy and I adored Bone (sue me, I'm a girl). That being said, that doesn't invalidate my annoyance with the industry's fans.

Unfortunately, when you're into a "geek" hobby like comics (Or Star Wars/Trek, LotR, anime, etc), you get, as Houde said, a lot of asshats. They're wannabe snobs.

'Course, I've done my fair amount of hating recently (Directed solely at the Ultimate line), but at least I had my reasons.
Yeah I dislike hardcore fanatics but I hate the fanatics that don't know ****. Its okay not to like something and be upset for spending money on it, but to go nuts for stupid reasons is just... stupid
Fans are like anyone - some are wonderful, some are jerks. Some can walk away from things that piss them off, and others need to vent. Some can hold dicussions and do things that don't revolve around them being the centre of attention by being the sole opposing viewpoint, and some can't.

General blanket terms of negativity are what's pissing you off. Best not to compound it by giving fans a general blanket term of negativity in response. :)
Fans are like anyone - some are wonderful, some are jerks. Some can walk away from things that piss them off, and others need to vent. Some can hold dicussions and do things that don't revolve around them being the centre of attention by being the sole opposing viewpoint, and some can't.

General blanket terms of negativity are what's pissing you off. Best not to compound it by giving fans a general blanket term of negativity in response. :)

I didn't intend to blanket term, I intended to voice my ire with those select few who annoy me. Hence, the examples.
and here's the kicker; because Jeff didn't pay his dues (because he went from Indy to a major book without having to do the crap books first)

Gotta agree; that's a ridiculous criticism.
UC seems to walk the fine line from going overboard into the cliche fan hating everything.

We praise and rave and overhype the things we love. (Nextwave, Punisher, Fables)

We hate and seeth and burn and rape the things we hate (Ultimate Iron Man, Ultimate Deadpool, Ultimate Clone Saga, Mighty Avengers)

And instead of just hating it, we gave rational reasons for hating it.

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