The Cake is a Lie


The member formerly known as skotti-chan
Jan 15, 2005
Since after about 15 minutes of looking, I couldn't find a thread on Portal.

As much as I loathe Valve and the corpulent bastard Gabe Newell, this was arguably one of the most fun (and funny) games I've played in a while.

I've never really drawn game fanart until now.

I never made it to the end, was there ever cake?

Yes and no

After Chell escapes the facility, and before the end theme, there is a cake. Also, when go back to the main screen, after beating it, there is a cake on the table.
Cool Picture Skotti

hope you don't mind but from title I had to post this
I wish I could play it, but unfortunately, my graphics card has been overheating and crashes on any Orange Box game. Hopefully, my genius friend will be able to pinpoint the problem and fix the bastard.

Because, I am dying to play Portal, Half Life 2 and Team Fortress 2.
As much as I loathe Valve and the corpulent bastard Gabe Newell, this was arguably one of the most fun (and funny) games I've played in a while.
This remark intrigues me. Explain to me why this is so.

I love teh game developer gossip and/or back stabbing.
"Good news. I figured out what that thing you just incinerated did. It was a morality core they installed after I filled the enrichment center with a deadly nuerotoxin to make me stop filling the enrichment center with a deadly nuerotoxin."

"Oh, you think you're doing some damage?! 2+2 is… 10… in base four, I'm fine!"

"That thing you burnt up isn't important to me. Not any more. It's the Fluid Catalytic Cracking Unit; it makes shoes for orphans. Nice job breaking it, hero."

GLaDOS is the greatest thing ever.
I liked this a lot. Very strange atmosphere. A pervading feeling of foreboding and dread mixed rather effectively with an absurd sense of humour. A delightfully unnerving gaming experience.

Very excited for how it tied into Episode 2 as well. Considering where Gordon and Alyx head at the end, could the Portal gun be usable in Episode 3?
This remark intrigues me. Explain to me why this is so.

I love teh game developer gossip and/or back stabbing.

just his overall douchebaggery, his attitude and comments about Mac, Consoles and Chick Gamers just make me want to punch him in the mouth.

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