The Dark Knight {Spoilers Abound}

I've been saying Oldman's performance was probably my favorite since this movie came out (and the same in regards to Begins). I honestly think his performance in Begins might've been one of the reasons the character was given more screen-time in TDK. And hopefully, he'll get just as much, if not more in a third Batman movie (though not too much...its still a Batman movie, not a Commissioner Gordon movie).
"It's just a matter of bringing it back as a reminder for people," a source told the trade.

Good, because I had almost forgotten.

I guess this pushes back a possible DVD release near the end of the year? :(
The Blu-ray covers are badass. Lol, it actually says "Prepare to be Wowed" on the back. The Batpod is cool. Too bad I don't have Blu-ray.
I'd say that's a pretty good list, too. Although, I'd put Dark Knight in the top ten at least. I like how they put Empire in there on top. That's by far one of the most memorable movies ever. Because of "I'm Your Father".

That List = Insanity. Jaws in the top five? Really? And Casablanca not even in the top ten???

Also: One doesn't put a film on a greatest of all time list until it's been out of theaters for at least a year. If its still considered one of the best, then you put it up there. Honestly, While TDK might go somewhere in the top 100 films of all time, I'm not sure it'd be in the top 50.
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That List = Insanity.

Also: One doesn't put a film on a greatest of all time list until it's been out of theaters for at least a year. If its still considered one of the best, then you put it up there. Honestly, While TDK might go somewhere in the top 100 films of all time, I'm not sure it'd be in the top 50.

Definitely agreed. I think it's incredibly unlikely it would break the top 50, and it definitely wouldn't hit the top 20.

:roll: It's like Spike TV put out a greatest films list. Sponsored by amp'd energy drink, and hosted by Dane Cook.

And in between the list, they showed slapstick footage from some of the movies shot with monkeys in costumes instead of people.
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Like, it's a good list... But it seems more like it should be a "Greatest Blockbusters of all time". In which case, I think the rankings fit...

But you have things like Yojimbo and Spirit of the Beehive in the 80's and 90's, and you put Jaws in the top ten? This list is rediculous. Not to mention the fact that Evil Dead 2 is ranked almost 20 spaces ahead of Annie Hall (which is in the high sixties)... Grumble.
I don't look at any list because most are faulty to begin with. There's no point in them for the most part.
I find these lists particularly uninteresting, and this was an extreme example of why.

#493 or something is SUPERMAN RETURNS. SUPERMAN RETURNS is, at best, an okay film. It's not terrible, but it's rather plodding and stupid but with definite charm and a good ensemble cast. The point is, as nice as it is, it shouldn't be in any "GREATEST MOVIES EVER" list. If it is, either you don't know what you're talking about or your list is so big that each individual spot is less considered and thus, less worth knowing.

These lists, I think, should be insightful. You should learn something from it, something ABOUT these films in these selections should REVEAL something to you, otherwise, why know the list at all?

"Greatest Movies Of All Time" is generally rubbish because... have they seen everything ever made? What ACTUALLY makes them great? Do you mean the films you like talking about the most in your film dissertation for uni, or do you mean the films you love to watch again, or the films you have the most respect for? How is GODFATHER a better film than CASABLANCA? What makes it greater?

Bull**** I call to you!

I think a particularly revealing list, one I love to hear, is the "My personal top 10 favourite films" when someone has thought about it. I find these lists revealing about a person in an actually interesting manner. A favourite film is not the film you respect, or the film you have trivia about and can talk about mise-en-scene and what not, no. These films are the films you ADORE. You watch, and everything disappears. For any reason, usually something totally personal and subjective. The film doesn't have to be good. The point is, you get someone to tell you how much they love something. When you consider most publications just either try to teach you jargon to tell your mates to look smart or tell you why a film is rubbish, I'd like more of these lists of pure joy.

So much so, I'm gonna go start a thread 'bout it.

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