The Live Puppy Feed Thread

One of the puppies left earlier but I don't know which colour it was.

The purple puppy is such a dick.
They're so adorable I want to crawl through my computer and lay on top of their fluffyness likely killing them all in the process.

EDIT: I bet E's going to finally close the site down when he sees this thread. Anyone wanna bet me on this?
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Yellowdog is my favorite. He is the archnemesis of Purpledog.
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It just walked out of the screen via the top side. :(

Now i am worried about the possibility of a puppy just laying on the ground outside of the tub...


There must be another area over there...
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EDIT: I bet E's going to finally close the site down when he sees this thread. Anyone wanna bet me on this?

No, I like puppies. They're ****ing adorable.

You want to see the site go down, post something like this for cats. Cats are *******s.
*still doesn't understand the hatred for cats on this site*
Cats are o.k.

but Dogs are much better

real Dogs, none of this fit in your purse bull****, if your Dog is smaller than a cooler you don't have a Dog, you have a Canadian Rat.

I hate little Dogs so much, waste of life, they should all be turned into Bologna and served to handi-capped children.
There is only one puppy there. Where did they all go?

Wait one came in and left.

Than the last one left. Come back puppies.
Well, I still love kitties more than dogs, but seriously, puppies are adorable.

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