The Mystery Arc


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2004
Philadelphia, PA
The new series of questions and answers that Bendis gave us left us scratching our heads about one gaping hole in the USM title. What is this mystery arc that Bendis "Can't speak of publically"?

My thoughts? Personally, I think this is the oppurtunity to bring back Venom. We'll have to see, but I think that a lot of what he's building up now will eventually play out and boil down to Venom, which will likely spill into the countdown to 100 and the 100th issue, following Ben Reilly. This will be interesting...
the return of venom is an obvious choice, but i think its something bigger than that....rather than boggle my mind with USM (which many of you know, for me is inevitable) i can only begin to start suspecting what it could be while reading the arc prior to it....but whatever the arc is..i guarantee its bigger than the whole villain of the arc scenario....something like a status quo change perhaps...
Well, only because he said it himself that he probably wouldn't use the character...

I do have a hunch, though, that it will have to do with all of this clone stuff that he's been setting up... At least, with the genetic tampering Peter is partially responsible for.
I think Guij is spot on.

Either that or the mystery arc is where something happens, and he doesn't want to give away the only turning point USM has seen in two years.

Man, I'm just being a real ***** now aren't I?
As E said-


  • This forum is frequented by minors. Keep conversation in check accordingly, especially in regards to sex, drugs, and/or swears.
  • DO NOT attempt to circumvent the swear filter. Using "@" for the letter "a" or "0" for the letter "O" are examples of this. Offending posts will be edited by a moderator and the offender may face bans. If it is absolutely necessary to swear, just type the word. The filter will pick it up if needed.
icemastertron said:
As E said-


  • This forum is frequented by minors. Keep conversation in check accordingly, especially in regards to sex, drugs, and/or swears.
  • DO NOT attempt to circumvent the swear filter. Using "@" for the letter "a" or "0" for the letter "O" are examples of this. Offending posts will be edited by a moderator and the offender may face bans. If it is absolutely necessary to swear, just type the word. The filter will pick it up if needed.
Acting in an offensive manner is offensive, the words used are not. It's far easier to offend someone by not using "swear" words, they are after all only words. People totally miss the point.
Kids should have a full grasp of language, and this is not just directed at the words used, but at the meanings and the content behind them. People would not be offended by words if they were not informed that they were in the first place, offensive.
whats funny is... my brother said the same thing months ago, and everyone looked at him like he was ranting....maybe it was, but thats no different....worthy of bannishment...........thats for another thread

and in all honesty(not tryin to offend anyone)...if bendis made that arc an ult scarlet spider type stop buying the series and read the trade..if that was crap then im selling all back issues from superstars until hollywood(minus carnage) and THENi would burn the carnage arc.
My two cents about the Mystery USM Arc --

* Ultimate Sins Past

And since that's not realistically an option (oh, dear lord, I HOPE it's not), my real guess is...

* Peter turns 18 and must join the Ultimates (or at least resolve the matter of his illegal mutation status with some degree of finality).
Guijllons said:
Acting in an offensive manner is offensive, the words used are not. It's far easier to offend someone by not using "swear" words, they are after all only words. People totally miss the point.
Kids should have a full grasp of language, and this is not just directed at the words used, but at the meanings and the content behind them. People would not be offended by words if they were not informed that they were in the first place, offensive.
Nonetheless, the point of the swear filter is not to make you come up with special ways to get around it. Its to stop words that don't go. Just type what you want to say and let it catch what it wants to catch. Kids can learn the language from the normal places- tv and their parents. There isn't anyone on here who can realistically claim to be of an age where they don't know most of the swear words anyway.

The Captain said:
whats funny is... my brother said the same thing months ago, and everyone looked at him like he was ranting....maybe it was, but thats no different....worthy of bannishment...........thats for another thread
Stop being dramatic. I don't recall you ever talking about that but it doesn't matter because it certainly wasn't what you were banned for. Stop bringing up your banning every single chance you can then saying "thats for another thread". Your account was used to break the rules, it was banned. Get over it and move on.
I'm guessing that the mystery Arc will be SHIELD vs. Peter...

That, or, if im right about the whole "Deadpool was the mercenary who took down the plane with Peter and Eddie's families in it" idea... Then peter will find that out in the two part arc. Possibly that it was SHIELD who took out his parents.... Then Peter goes nuts, tries to take down those resposible, and then Spiderman is suddenly wanted for arrest. Aunt May would find out, he wouldnt have a home, and the Ultimates would be scouring the streets for him....

Then we have the interesting situation of "what does Matt Murdock do when he catches Spider-Man before SHIELD". I'd bet he helps...

But this is all wishful thinking...
The mystery arc may also be a brand-new villain Bendis created and he doesn't want to spoil him early.
Caduceus said:
Stop being dramatic. I don't recall you ever talking about that but it doesn't matter because it certainly wasn't what you were banned for. Stop bringing up your banning every single chance you can then saying "thats for another thread". Your account was used to break the rules, it was banned. Get over it and move on.

LOL......are you blind??? who was banned for what? me or my brother? we were both banned...i suggest you specify when you comment. Those things are for another thread if they were to every be brought up....the situation is over with..but thats not the problem...the problem is that rules are stated and overlooked when not commenting on how ironic and funny it is , is not the same as me speaking out on the matter(which is useless on a board that is owned by one of the posters) so now, what was it that you were saying??

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