The Wizarding World Timeline


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2022


Simplified Order:
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Timeline 1 - Main Timeline

1st November
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 1:
"The Boy Who Lived"

23rd June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 2: "The Vanishing Glass"

16th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 43-44)

23rd July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 44)

24th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 44-49)

25th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 49-50)

26th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 50-51)

27th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 51)

28th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 51)

29th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 51-52)

30th July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 52-56)

31st July
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 3: "The Letters From No One" (Pag. 56)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 4: "The Keeper of the Keys"
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 5: "Diagon Alley"

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 6: "The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" (Pag. 94)

31st August
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 6: "The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" (Pag. 94-96)

1st September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 6: "The Journey From Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" (Pag. 96-116)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone:
Chapter 7: "The Sorting Hat" (Pag. 117-133)

2nd September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 7: "The Sorting Hat" (Pag. 133)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 8: "The Potions Master" (Pag. 134-135)

4th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 8: "The Potions Master" (Pag. 136)

5th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 8: "The Potions Master" (Pag. 136-137)

6th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 8: "The Potions Master" (Pag. 137-144)

7th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 9: "The Midnight Duel" (Pag. 145-146)

12th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 9: "The Midnight Duel" (Pag. 146-159)

13th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 9: "The Midnight Duel" (Pag. 159-163)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone:
Chapter 10: "Hallowe'en" (Pag. 164)

20th September
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 10: "Hallowe'en" (Pag. 164-170)

31st October
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 10: "Hallowe'en" (Pag. 170-178)

8th November
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 11: "Quidditch" (Pag. 179-182)

9th November
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 11: "Quidditch" (Pag. 182-191)

21st December
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 12: "The Mirror of Erised" (Pag. 192-197)

23rd December
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 12: "The Mirror of Erised" (Pag. 197)

24th December
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 12: "The Mirror of Erised" (Pag. 197)

25th December
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 12: "The Mirror of Erised" (Pag. 197-207)

26th December
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 12: "The Mirror of Erised" (Pag. 207-209)

27th December
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 12: "The Mirror of Erised" (Pag. 209-211)

5th January

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 13: "Nicolas Flamel" (Pag. 212)

26th January
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 13: "Nicolas Flamel" (Pag. 212-217)

27th January
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 13: "Nicolas Flamel" (Pag. 217)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 13: "Nicolas Flamel" (Pag. 217-218)

22nd February
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 13: "Nicolas Flamel" (Pag. 218-223)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 224)

23rd March
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 224-225)

Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 225-229)

24th April
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 229-231)

1st May
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 231-232)

6th May
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 232-234)

9th May
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 234-236)

10th May
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 14: "Norbert the Norwegian Ridgeback" (Pag. 236)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone:
Chapter 15: "The Forbidden Forest" (Pag. 237-240)

25th May
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 15: "The Forbidden Forest" (Pag. 240-242)

26th May
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 15: "The Forbidden Forest" (Pag. 242-255)

1st June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 16: "Trough the Trapdoor" (Pag. 256)

2nd June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 16: "Trough the Trapdoor" (Pag. 256)

3rd June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 16: "Trough the Trapdoor" (Pag. 256-257)

4th June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 16: "Trough the Trapdoor" (Pag. 257-279)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone:
Chapter 17: "The Man With Two Faces" (Pag. 280-287)

7th June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 17: "The Man With Two Faces" (Pag. 287-293)

8th June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 17: "The Man With Two Faces" (Pag. 293-298)

11th June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 17: "The Man With Two Faces" (Pag. 298)

20th June
Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone: Chapter 17: "The Man With Two Faces" (Pag. 298-300)

31st July
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 1: "The Worst Birthday"
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 2: "Dobby's Warning" (Pag. 24-33)

1st August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 2: "Dobby's Warning" (Pag. 33)

4th August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 2: "Dobby's Warning" (Pag. 33-34)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 3: "The Burrow" (Pag. 35-38)

5th August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 3: "The Burrow" (Pag. 38-50)

9th August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 4: "At Flourish and Blotts" (Pag. 51)

12th August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 4: "At Flourish and Blotts" (Pag. 51-55)

19th August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 4: "At Flourish and Blotts" (Pag. 55-70)

31st August
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 5: "The Whomping Willow" (Pag. 71)

1st September
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 5: "The Whomping Willow" (Pag. 71-89)

2nd September
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 6: "Gilderoy Lockhart" (Pag. 90-92)

3rd September
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 6: "Gilderoy Lockhart" (Pag. 92-106)

5th September
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 7: "Mudbloods and Murmurs"

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 8: "The Deathday Party" (Pag. 124)

24th October
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 8: "The Deathday Party" (Pag. 124-132)

28th October
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 8: "The Deathday Party" (Pag. 132)

31st October
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 8: "The Deathday Party" (Pag. 133-140)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 9: "The Writing on the Wall" (Pag. 140-146)

1st November
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 9: "The Writing on the Wall" (Pag. 146)

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 9: "The Writing on the Wall" (Pag. 146-147)

4th November
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 9: "The Writing on the Wall" (Pag. 147-159)

5th November
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 10: "The Rogue Bludger" (Pag. 160-165)

7th November
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 10: "The Rogue Bludger" (Pag. 165-176)

8th November
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets: Chapter 10: "The Rogue Bludger" (Pag. 176-178)
Last edited:
I'm fighting the urge so hard to not re-read the series for the 40th time again now haha. Thank you for the order!
I'm wondering how many universes there are for the wizarding world, knowing how different games (even different ports of the same game) detour from the main book/movie plot.
I'm wondering how many universes there are for the wizarding world, knowing how different games (even different ports of the same game) detour from the main book/movie plot.
canonically only one, since nobody sayed that games and movies are other universes, all of this is supported from the fact that magiority of the canon information about the past events in the wizarding world came from the movies and games. That's why with the upcoming TV Series I hope the clear this out.
Yeah, now that I think about it, Lord of the Rings must be similar.
The Middle-Earth universe has canonically 2 universes:
  • Novels, made by all the novels plus some tie-in games and the Shadow games. This is called the Legendarium also.
  • Movies, made by the 2 trilgies RoP and the Shadow games. This is called The Middle-Earth Cinematic Universe also.
the shadow games basically are the same thing as the Beast Wars Transformers tv series and media. Basically they have lore informatin that goes well with the novels and not the movies, and has lore information that goes well with movies and not with the novels.
The Middle-Earth universe has canonically 2 universes:
  • Novels, made by all the novels plus some tie-in games and the Shadow games. This is called the Legendarium also.
  • Movies, made by the 2 trilgies RoP and the Shadow games. This is called The Middle-Earth Cinematic Universe also.
the shadow games basically are the same thing as the Beast Wars Transformers tv series and media. Basically they have lore informatin that goes well with the novels and not the movies, and has lore information that goes well with movies and not with the novels.
There must be at least another one for the old animated movies (?)
canonically only one, since nobody sayed that games and movies are other universes, all of this is supported from the fact that magiority of the canon information about the past events in the wizarding world came from the movies and games. That's why with the upcoming TV Series I hope the clear this out.
The movies, games and books have to be different universes due to the fact that they differ from one another. This is the case with most adaptations.
canonically only one, since nobody sayed that games and movies are other universes, all of this is supported from the fact that magiority of the canon information about the past events in the wizarding world came from the movies and games. That's why with the upcoming TV Series I hope the clear this out.
I mainly meant with the adaptation games in mind. They have contradicting information about events that transpired, like all the Chamber of Secrets games having entirely different means of Harry getting the ingredients for the polyjuice potion. (like him traveling to Diagon Alley for them in one port for example). The Deathly Hallows Part 2 game also has a scene at the credits where Harry looks into the Pensieve and sees his past adventures starting from the first game (though this could be easily interpreted as a meta scene for the fans).

I agree that the other games can be easily fit into the canon of the books/films, like Hogwarts Legacy.
I mainly meant with the adaptation games in mind. They have contradicting information about events that transpired, like all the Chamber of Secrets games having entirely different means of Harry getting the ingredients for the polyjuice potion. (like him traveling to Diagon Alley for them in one port for example). The Deathly Hallows Part 2 game also has a scene at the credits where Harry looks into the Pensieve and sees his past adventures starting from the first game (though this could be easily interpreted as a meta scene for the fans).

I agree that the other games can be easily fit into the canon of the books/films, like Hogwarts Legacy.
TDH2 game makes the other adaptations canon?
The movies, games and books have to be different universes due to the fact that they differ from one another. This is the case with most adaptations.
I know, that Is the reason why I sayed "I Hope that with the new series WB clear this out" I don't want another raimy Trilogy Like universe.
The Middle-Earth universe has canonically 2 universes:
  • Novels, made by all the novels plus some tie-in games and the Shadow games. This is called the Legendarium also.
  • Movies, made by the 2 trilgies RoP and the Shadow games. This is called The Middle-Earth Cinematic Universe also.
the shadow games basically are the same thing as the Beast Wars Transformers tv series and media. Basically they have lore informatin that goes well with the novels and not the movies, and has lore information that goes well with movies and not with the novels.
I would agree that the shadow games could be set in the Movie universe, but there are so much discrepancies concerning the book's lore, from the timeline not matching up, to characters being inserted where they should not be and the whole Shelob thing that was never implied by Tolkien anywhere that I'd say it would be a stretch adding it to a book timeline, but that is for another thread :p
TDH2 game makes the other adaptations canon?

This is what I was referring to. It's obviously a nod to the whole series of games by the devs to the fans, but could be interpreted as Harry reminiscing of the entire adventure he went through since his first year.
I would agree that the shadow games could be set in the Movie universe, but there are so much discrepancies concerning the book's lore, from the timeline not matching up, to characters being inserted where they should not be and the whole Shelob thing that was never implied by Tolkien anywhere that I'd say it would be a stretch adding it to a book timeline, but that is for another thread :p
You're right about the discrepancies, but there are a lot of things that are possible, Like Shelob.
I would agree that the shadow games could be set in the Movie universe, but there are so much discrepancies concerning the book's lore, from the timeline not matching up, to characters being inserted where they should not be and the whole Shelob thing that was never implied by Tolkien anywhere that I'd say it would be a stretch adding it to a book timeline, but that is for another thread :p
They are certainly not canon to the books and will never be. Tolkien canon is very exclusive. They also take on the esthetic of the films, so they're meant to be part of that world.

Middle-Earth Timelines
Tolkien-Verse (books)
Middle-Earth Cinematic Universe (films, series, Aragon's Quest, War in the North, Shadow I-II)
Gollum Universe (Gollum Game)

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