U.S. Spies Want to Find Terrorists in World of Warcraft


Face-Punching As Foreign Policy
Aug 16, 2005
Be careful who you frag. Having eliminated all terrorism in the real world, the U.S. intelligence community is working to develop software that will detect violent extremists infiltrating World of Warcraft and other massive multiplayer games, according to a data-mining report from the Director of National Intelligence.

The Reynard project will begin by profiling online gaming behavior, then potentially move on to its ultimate goal of "automatically detecting suspicious behavior and actions in the virtual world."

more here

Isn't this. . .I dunno, illegal? Invasion of privacy?
Technically speaking... yes.

But I think a better way to determine that is to read the software EULA that comes with World of Warcraft. It's possible there's a clause there that effectively says you can be spied upon.
Yeah. YEAH! I play Guitar Hero online to stop terrorism too.

I can totally imagine how this happened:

"SPECIAL AGENT ARCTURUS! Are you playing World of Warcraft!?!"

"... Yes."

"You're an FBI agent. You're supposed to be hunting super-terrorists. The kind that can make orchestrate the most brilliant criminal plan ever that people say is too far-fetched for the single most powerful military in the history of mankind yet completely within the realm of power given to a dozen men in towels in a shack in the desert."

"... I am hunting super-terrorists?"

"You're playing World of Warcraft."

"Yes .... um... but... terrorists live in World of Warcraft?"


"... you've seen THE MATRIX, right?"

"Pinko movie."

"Yes, well - see, in THAT film, Ted and Samuel L Jackson are terrorists..."

"'Good' terrorists that beat up FBI agents."

"Indeed. So these terrorists have superpowers and can kickflip **** all over the place because they are using computers."

"Are you saying that terrorists are playing World of Warcraft to train their superhuman powers?"

"Uh huh."

"You're talking nonsense, Special Agent Arcturus. Terrorists live in the desert. They have no access to the kind of fast computers required to play World of Warcraft without inciting horrific lag. However, they can use these same computers to create a precise, pinpoint military operation in an enemy territory which happens to be the most powerful country in mankind's history."

"Uh huh."

"It would've been more believable if you'd said that terrorists were attacking you IN World of Warcraft. Like some guy flew his epic mount into The Valley of Eternal Virginity."

"Uh huh."

"... Are you mining for gold?!"

"Uh huh."

"Security! Get in here!"

"Uh huh."

"Not you too."

"Um... people are like, using World of Warcraft to teleport around our metal detectors and..."

"Fine. Call the media. Tell them that this is legitimate research.

"And fetch me Pong."
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Isn't this. . .I dunno, illegal? Invasion of privacy?

no because it's a public forum which hardly matters to the government at large. Do you remember the illegal wire tapping? heard of Project MKULTRA? google it, wiki it. It's bull**** either way.
no because it's a public forum which hardly matters to the government at large. Do you remember the illegal wire tapping? heard of Project MKULTRA? google it, wiki it. It's bull**** either way.

They're in our heads, man!

Also.... Bass......? That was prestigiously excellent. You should turn it into a one man show.
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no because it's a public forum which hardly matters to the government at large. Do you remember the illegal wire tapping? heard of Project MKULTRA? google it, wiki it. It's bull**** either way.

There als the patriot act.
They tried this with their own games, but no one bought them. So now they'll watch people in other video games.
Yeah. YEAH! I play Guitar Hero online to stop terrorism too.

I can totally imagine how this happened:

"SPECIAL AGENT ARCTURUS! Are you playing World of Warcraft!?!"

"... Yes."

"You're an FBI agent. You're supposed to be hunting super-terrorists. The kind that can make orchestrate the most brilliant criminal plan ever that people say is too far-fetched for the single most powerful military in the history of mankind yet completely within the realm of power given to a dozen men in towels in a shack in the desert."

"... I am hunting super-terrorists?"

"You're playing World of Warcraft."

"Yes .... um... but... terrorists live in World of Warcraft?"


"... you've seen THE MATRIX, right?"

"Pinko movie."

"Yes, well - see, in THAT film, Ted and Samuel L Jackson are terrorists..."

"'Good' terrorists that beat up FBI agents."

"Indeed. So these terrorists have superpowers and can kickflip **** all over the place because they are using computers."

"Are you saying that terrorists are playing World of Warcraft to train their superhuman powers?"

"Uh huh."

"You're talking nonsense, Special Agent Arcturus. Terrorists live in the desert. They have no access to the kind of fast computers required to play World of Warcraft without inciting horrific lag. However, they can use these same computers to create a precise, pinpoint military operation in an enemy territory which happens to be the most powerful country in mankind's history."

"Uh huh."

"It would've been more believable if you'd said that terrorists were attacking you IN World of Warcraft. Like some guy flew his epic mount into The Valley of Eternal Virginity."

"Uh huh."

"... Are you mining for gold?!"

"Uh huh."

"Security! Get in here!"

"Uh huh."

"Not you too."

"Um... people are like, using World of Warcraft to teleport around our metal detectors and..."

"Fine. Call the media. Tell them that this is legitimate research.

"And fetch me Pong."

"kickflip **** all over the place".

I don't get who thinks that terrorists, in their unrelenting pursuit of the destruction of the Wester world, have time to play World of Warcraft.

Or would want to.

Man, I have such a tasteless gag in my head.
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Terrorists on WoW.

This is the logical conclusion of such thinking.


I think we all know just how wrong that is.

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