UC: Stuck

Baxter awoke.

He hoped he had more fanfare when he did, but alas, he didn't. What he did notice was that he didn't have them on anymore, and it seemed he no longer needed them anymore. Which was interesting, because of the accident he had, which started the whole mess of other accidents...

Person: HOLY CRAP!

Baxter sat up, amazed he was able to do that so easily.

Person: Hey, you okay?
Baxter: Yea, yea, just shaken up after the crash, that's all.
Person: My name is J. Agamemnon, this is my girlfriend Hibiki
Baxter: Well, what's the matter.
J. Agamemnon: There's some guy stuck in a tree.
Baxter: Okay....does he need help
Hibiki: Honey, didn't you say he's stuck in the tree.
J. Agamemnon: Yes, yes I did.
Baxter: I hate both of you.

Baxter, in his Hawaiian shirt got up from the beach, and headed towards the treeline, behind him a pair of glasses lay on the sand.


VVD: You okay brah?
Project: Yea, looks like you've seen a ghost.
Houde: I think I may be going insane. And, how does a steamboat crash in the freakin' Mississippi?
Project: I gave you the stats.
Houde: Shove your stats.
VVD: Surf Ninja.
Houde: Excuse me?
VVD: Surf Ninjas. They hide in the surf, and attack people brah, in Hawaii, where I'm from brah, there's loads of them. You have to be careful.
Houde: Surf Ninjas?
VVD: Yeah brah.

Project and Houde looked at each other.

Houde: We should make sure no one hoards food or water. And collect all we can from the boat before budget cuts demands the boat be cut, and somehow be mysteriously released back to sea.
Project: Yeah, we should do that.

They both stand there.

Houde: Well?
Project: Who died and made you leader?
Houde: *sigh* I'll take care of it.
Project: You do that.

Baxter walked into the woods, and looked up the tree to find a man, sure enough, stuck in the tree.

Baxter: Um...can you climb down?
Person in tree: If I could do that, don't you think I already would have?
Baxter: Okay then, let me find some rope, maybe a set of stairs that can be salvaged from the...

The man fell out of the tree, smashing into the rocky ground.

J. Agamemnon: He okay?
Hibiki: I'll try something to test.

She picked up a stick and poked him.

Hibiki: He's dead.
Baxter: Well, that sucks, let's get back to the shoreline.
J. Agamemnon: I wonder what his name was...

The three of them walked away, nonplussed about the whole thing.

The man's wallet falls out of his back pocket. A figure reaches down and picks it up. He looks at the name on the inside.

Secret Guy: Looks like I'm GMaster now.

Stepping over the dead body, he continued into camp.
No, GMaster has a permanent ban. He won't be back.

Folks, let's keep the comments focused on the story, and please stop asking about whether or not you're in it. Ultimate Houde is a very good writer, and I'm certain he has this all thought out. You'll just have to read the story to find out who will appear and what their role will be.....
Still loving this story story dude. Great job. Can't wait to read more
Two men ran around, trying to start a fire.

Why they were trying to start one, when first off, the wreckage of the steamboat was on fire in some points, and yet, these two were trying to start a fire on there own. And infact, have already started several....

Sjmole: Got another going!
Gamma man: Sweet! I can't wait till everyone see how well we can start fires!

The person who had taken GMaster's name walked by them, shaking his head.

GMaster: What are you two doing?
Sjmole: Startin' fires
Gamma Man: Yeah, cause we need em you know.

GMaster looks at the sunlight...

GMaster: Um....no you don't. One, it's daylight, two, we should save the wood, and just make on big fire.
Gamma Man: Naw, we need lots of fires...
Sjmole: Hell ya...I'm making several more.
GMaster: Shouldn't we get all the stuff out of the boat first.
Sjmole: Everyone is doing that
Gamma Man: I just made a Whatever fire! We can burn whatever we want in it!
Sjmole: Awesome idea for a fire man!

GMaster shook his head, and walked away from the two of them. He spotted a small group of individuals, and asummed they may be the leaders. They seemed to be coordinating the survivors as best as they could.

GMaster: Hey, anything I could do?
Houde: Um...you can see if more food needs to be unloaded.
GMaster: You may want to reign in those dweebs over there, they keep making fires.
Houde: Again, jeez, um, VVD, take care of it.
VVD: You got it brah.

He walks off to deal with them. GMaster heads towards the boat to unload more food.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the island, away from the main group

Six individuals sat on the beach, staring at nothing.

Iceshadow: Who knew? Who knew the poop deck of the steamboat actually could seperate from the rest of the ship?
Zombipanda: And end up on the other side of the island.
Random: What? Other side of the island? That makes no sense.
Zombipanda: Plot twist, so we walk back to the main camp, but encounter trouble along the way.

Other places

A Brazilian, with a rifle, and cray looking expression stopped, and look at the sky.

Brazillian: Someone be calling me...

Back at the crash site of the poop deck

McCheese: I feel so used.
Planet-Man: We should begin to walk, and get out of here guys. We need to find food, and water.
Ice: Sounds like a plan, it's just, this place feels weird.
Random: Look, I made a flip book.

they all look at Random, flipping through the pages.

Ice: That's nice, we should get moving.
Planet-Man: We could have used the paper to make a fire.
Random: I just drew on it, we still can use it to make a fire.
Planet-Man: No we can't, it's tainted.
Random: What are you, the girl from Signs?
McCheese: Guys, let's get going. We want to go to Trouble, not have trouble come to us.

They walk off, and Random throws the paper to the ground and follows them. The pages flip in the wind, revealing his tiny flip book story. It was about six people, until one of them killed the rest, because he was a traitor....
... Flip book?

Sweet I can see the future, I'm important!

Maybe I'll make little shorts of the flip book
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... Flip book?

Sweet I can see the future, I'm important!

Maybe I'll make little shorts of the flip book
Can you see the future? I assumed you were the traitor.


Unless you can see the future, but then who's the traitor. Ice, his shadow, Planet-man, or Zombiepanda? Damn, it could even be ME!!!!!!:twisted:

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