thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
Here is where you and read a finished storyline from Ultimate DC. No posting except by the writers.
Arc One - "A Legend Is Born"
Chapter One - The Beginning Of The Legend
It was warm summer morning on a small island hidden from the rest of the world. There was a village that looked like something out of the old history books about Greece. But don't let that mistake you. The year is 1994. Here you find the home of the legendary Amazons. Amazons are warriors at heart. The story is about one Amazon in peculiar. Her name is Diana.
"Diana, where in the devil are you, girl?"
"Right here mom", answered a short girl about the age of 10. Dark black hair that flow like it's living. She wore a gold gown that shines in the morning light. Bright blue eyes that look like it radiates it's own light.
"Where have you been?", asked Diana's mother. She wore a similar gold gown but also a bright gold crown upon her head. She is the ruler of the Amazon. She is in her mid 30's and a sight to behold. Her hair is a bright gold color. "You haven't been to the caves have you?"
"No mom I haven't", answered Diana.
"You know you never could lie to me", snapped her mother. "You know your not allowed there. How can you become my replacement if you can't follow the rules?"
"But mom....", cried Diana. "I was only trying to learn more about the island that I will have to take care of someday."
"This all the Artemis girls fault", sighed her mother. "I never should of allowed her to come stay with us. I'm going to send her back to her village tomorrow."
"Noooo, she's my best friend." cried Diana. "None of the other kids even talk to me."
"This isn't up for argument", snapped her mother. "Now go to your room."
Then Diana stomped off in a hurry. She went up stairs and into her room only to find her younger sister staring at her.
"What do you want Donna?" asked Diana.
Donna looks a lot like Diana. She is about 7 but is wiser than her age shows.
"You should listen to mother Diana. She knows what she's talking about."
"Who ask you anyway. Now I've lost my only friend."
"Why do insist on keep going to the caves? Is there actually anything down there?"
"Yes, look what I found down there, but don't tell mother."
Diane then shows her two metal bracelets with weird symbols on it.
"What are those?". asked Donna.
"I don't know but check this out."
Diana then put the bracelets on and the symbols grew a bright gold.
"Now throw something at me"
"Just do it", ordered Diana.
Donna then picked up a plate at threw it at her and she reflected it with the bracelets. Then Donna picked up at pile of rocks that Diana had been collecting and threw them all at once. To her amazement Diana reflected everyone without really even moving.
"Amazing" exclaimed Donna. "You didn't seem to move".
"I know it just seems that the bracelets do it themselves. I think they are some kind of gift from the gods."
"Mom would love this."
"You can't tell mom Donna. She might think this is some kind of curse."
"How do you know it isn't?"
"Cause it just feels natural."
On a small island hidden off the coast of Greece. Lives the home of the Amazons. Warrior woman that devote their lives to the gods of old. Here we follow the story of the Amazon princess, Diana. The year is 2000. She is now 16 years old and in a fight of her life.
"Come on princess, is that all you got?" taunted Priscilla. She is about the same age as Diana and very beautiful like most Amazons. She has red fiery hair and a temper to match. She wears a red robe and gold sandals.
"You wish you never crossed me, Priscilla"
The two are in a very heated sword fight to found out who the best warrior in Themyscira is. There has always been a rivalry between the two girls. Priscilla resents Diana for being the Queen's daughter and that everything is just handed to her while she has to work hard to get where she is. The swords are crashing and Priscilla gives Diana a swift kick to the gut.
"Mom, Diana appears to have the disadvantage", said Donna. Who is now 13 and looking a lot more like Diana everyday but much different at the same time.
"But looks can be disceiving, Donna. She hasn't lost yet." answered Hippolyta. Diana and Donna's mom and Queen of The Amazons.
Priscilla then charged Diana and their swords crashed and they were locked together.
"I am going to make you look lika fool, princess and take what I rightfully deserve" snarled Priscilla.
"I have never done anything to you Priscilla but I won't give in to you or anyone else."
"You were born"
Then she overpowered Diana and knocked her sword out of her hand and went to strike her. But Diana blocked with one of her metal bracelets and then gave Priscilla a punch to the abdomen. She grabbed her sword and swing it at Priscilla. She tried to block but the force behind Diana's swing broke the sword in half. This caused Priscilla to be knocked to the ground. Diana then shoved her sword right to the edge of her neck.
"That's enough", said Hippolyta. "You both proved yourselfs well, but Diana is the winner."
"This isn't over princess, not ever will in be over", whispered Priscilla to Diane.
"You done well my daughter", said Hippolyta. "You have proven yourself to the entire colony."
"You kicked butt sis" cheered Donna.
"Thanks Donna."
"I have something to show you my daughter", said Hippolyta. "If you will excuse us, Donna."
"But I want to see to", whined Donna.
Then the two of them left the battle arena and walked to the palace and then went to a special door carved with a Golden Snake.
"Here where you shall receive your reward"
Hippolyta led Diana into a small round room. The room was tall but not wide by any means. In the middle stood an altar with sunlight pouring onto it all heavenly like. On the altar stood a bright golden lasso.
"Here it is", said Hippolyta as she picked up the lasso and handed it to Diana.
"But this is just some rope. What am I supposed to do with this?"
"It's not just some rope. It's a magical lasso blessed by the Gods. Anyone wrapped in it would only be able to speak truth. It is also unbreakable."
"Now go and rest my daughter, you must be tried after such a battle."
Diana left her mother and went to her room. She sat there for a while and stared at her new lasso. After awhile she decided she should change out of her battle clothes. She noticed her favorite robes are missing.
"DONNA!", screamed Diana.
"What?" said Donna coming into her room.
"What have you done with my favorite necklace?" asked Diana.
"Nothing. I haven't touched them"
Diana gave her a suspicious look and then remembered her new lasso. Quickly she threw it around Donna.
"Now I ask you again. What have you done with my necklace?"
"I was wearing it and slipped and felled into the mud. I tried to clean it but stracthed then So I threw them into the sea".
"Wow it works", said Diana as she looked at the lasso. Then she took it off of Donna.
:"Wait why in hades did I tell you that?"
"Watch your mouth. It was this lasso I won after the battle"
"You mean that's what Mom wanted to show you."
"Yes. But don't let that make you I forgot about my necklace"
"No Diana wait. MOOMMM HELP ME"
"You know the plan right, Hades?" asked a mysterious figure.
"Yes, master," answered a very large man dressed in black armor. He had a sword at his side and his eyes glowed red. He had black hair and very dark looking. He looked as he hasn't seen the sun in a few years. "I make sure this woman is a tough as you hope she is."
Meanwhile, on the island of Themyscira. The royal family is at dinner discussing the history of the island
"You know during the twilight of the Gods. The Amazons was one of the only tribes that still had faith in the Gods. They rewarded us for being faith by giving us this island and hiding us from the rest of the world," said Hippolyta to her two daughter's Diana and Donna.
"That interesting," said Donna. "What happened to the rest of the world?"
"They were punished for their sins"
"There's more out there, I would like to learn," said Diana staring out the windows at the stars.
"You know it's forbidden for Amazons to leave the island. That the world outside is died and unhabitable"
"I know mother, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to."
"Such an wondering mind could get you into a lot of trouble Diana."
"Life's not worth living if you don't take risk's mother."
But before her mother could say anything back in defense. A loud boom that shook the very foundations. Diana ran to the window and saw explosions off in the distance. Diana ran to grab her armor. A Golden helmet and shield. Diana is very well trained in all kinds of weapons but her first choice is always the battle axe. A bright gold one that she always polishes every day.
"What in the name of the Gods do you think your doing Diana," yelled Hippolyta.
"I'm going to help"
"No, you're not. You're going to stay safe in this house"
"I'm the best warrior on the island. I can help. I'm going with or without you're approving"
Then Diana left and ran toward the battle.
"You just going to let her go?", asked Donna.
"Do I have a choice?" sighed Hippolyta.
Diana arrived on the scene to see a lot of Amazon warriors fighting a big person in black armor.
"Stand out of my way. Do you not know who I am," yelled the black armor warrior.
"Stand Down," ordered Diana. That caused all the Amazons to fall back.
"I am Princess Diana. Who are you and what is the meaning of this?"
The Black Knight turned and looked at her. He kept staring.
"I ask again..." she was interrupted by the knight.
"I heard you. Don't get your panties in a twist. First I came here looking for you, Diana and second I am Ares, God Of War."
"You're a God? Please forgive me for my mistrust. Why am I supposed to believe you? The Gods have never shown their selves to us before."
"You want prove than?"
Ares raised his sword in the air and started glowing. Then lighting started crashing around them without warning.
"It that good enough?"
"I'm sorry for my mistrust," said Diana as she kneed down in front of Ares. "But this as never happen before."
"We've been watching you, Diana and want to test you for a special job we have for you."
"How may I be of service?"
"I want you to fight me"
"What? If I may ask how could I match the powers of a God?"
"So you refuse?"
"No I will do as you ask," said Diana as she got back on her feet and picked up her axe. She swung her axe at him and hit him dead center. He didn't move an inch. She attacked again and again with no luck. Than he smacked her with the back of his hand. Diana got back up with blood running down her face. She tried again. He grabbed her by the arm and slammed her into the ground. Then he put his foot on her chest.
"I thought you'd be more of a fight than this. Pathetic"
"I show you how good I am."
She grabs his legs and knocks him down. Then grabs his sword and shoves it into his armpit.
"Ow you *****, "he screamed in pain.
He punches her right in the jaw. And continuities to beat on her and beat on her.
"Please stop, that's my daughter," screamed Hippolyta as she ran to the battle.
"Oh right take her," said Ares lifting Diana in the air, "But when's she able I'll be back to fight here again"
Then he vanishes. Hippolyta takes Diana, who's a bloody mess, back to their home.
"Oh my.... What happen to hear mother?" asked Donna on the verge of tears.
"Did I do good?", asked Diana.
"You did here a special shot that will help you heal"
She gave Diana a shot of a strange red liquid.
It had been two weeks since Ares attacked Diana. It took her four days to recover from her wounds. Ever since then she had been training non-stop for when he attacks next.
"Diana, it's time for dinner. Mom wants you to come in now," said Donna, walking down to the beach where Diana was practicing with a bow. "It's almost sundown."
Donna is now 17 and is becoming a beautiful young woman. Donna cares more about studying that becoming a warrior like her sister.
"Not now, Donna. I've almost broken my last record of bull-eyes," answered Diana who seems to be out of breath and very distant.
Diana had become a very breathtaking woman. Her body ad fully developed into a very curvy figure. But she still had a presence and stance of a warrior.
"But it's your 21st birthday, sis. You have to come for dinner."
"Fine. I'm coming."
The two of them made their way back to the palace. After dinner, Donna brought Diana to a cliff for her birthday gift.
"Happy birthday sis," said Donna as she handed Diana a small box.
"Donna, you shouldn't have," exclaimed Diana as she opened the box to reveal a bright golden necklace.
"That's to make up for the one I ruined. Look at the inscription."
"Sisters forever," read Diana. "I love you."
She gave Donna a big hug.
"You're hurting me!"
Diana let go as a figure came walking towards them.
"Isn't this so lovely. I think I'm going to cry."
"Priscilla, what do you want?" asked Diana eyeing her.
"Why princess, I wanted to wish you happy birthday. What do we have here?"
Priscilla ripped the necklace out of Diana's hands.
"Give that back!" yelled Donna as she lunged at Priscilla, knocking her over. Priscilla pushed her off, causing Donna to lose her balance and fall off of the cliff.
Diana jumped off after her while Priscilla ran off. She caught Donna.
Donna opened her eyes to see Diana's wide eye expression. Diana was floating in mid-air.
"Ummm....why are you flying?"
"I...umm...don't know."
Diana floated back up to the cliff and landed back on the ground. Then they both ran back to tell their mom.
"You expect me to believe this," said Hippolyta.
"I'll show you mother."
Diana then started to fly in the air and circle around. Then she landed again.
"It must be a gift from the gods," exclaimed Hippolyta as she hugged Diana.
"Well, doesn't this bring a tear to your eye?"
"Lord Ares!" gasped Hippolyta as she bowed to him.
"I'm back for our rematch, Diana."
"What do you want from me?" asked Diana.
"To fight you. You are the strongest Amazon." answered Ares as he drew his sword.
"Donna, go fetch my axe."
Donna ran inside and grabbed her axe. She ran back out
and handed it to her.
"I'm ready."
Ares ran at Diana, who moved and swung her axe at him. He was able to turn and block her attack with his sword. He grabbed her arm and threw her across the courtyard. She just stopped in midair and rushed back at him. She rammed him with her body, knocking him back into a wall and damaging it.
"I see you've improved."
He then punched her in the face and ripped her axe out of her hand. She fell to the ground. He brought down his sword on top of her. She threw up both her arms and blocked the attack with her bracelets. The force of the attack caused a huge hole in the ground where he was standing. She gave him a quick knee to the gut and grabbed her axe and swung it into the back of his kneecaps.
"Argh! You stupid swank!" cried Ares in pain.
Diana then tied him up with her lasso.
"Are you really Ares, the god of war?" she asked.
"No, I'm not."
"Then who are you and where are you from?"
"My name is Craig Auron and I'm from a place called Los Angles."
"Where's that?"
"It's the outside world, in a place called America"
"But I thought the outside world was destroyed?" asked Diana eyeing her mom
"It's not."
"How did you get here?"
"In a jet that's hidden in the jungle."
"Why did you come here?"
"I was sent here to....arrraghh."
Before he could answer, something popped in the back of his head and he fell over, dead.
"You lied to me mother. The outside world isn't destroyed."
"Now listen, Diana....."
"No. You listen. I all of a sudden can fly and my strength is enhanced greatly. I'm going to find this jet and check it out, and then I'm going to travel to the outside world. With these powers I can take care
of myself."
"But sis, don't go," cried Donna, her eyes watering.
"Goodbye, little sis. Take care of mother for me. I'll be back. Remember, sisters forever," she said as she held the necklace around her neck.
Then she flew away and found his jet.
"I've never seen anything like this," she thought as she climbed inside.
"Destination please," said the voice in the jet.
"Umm, Los Angeles."
"Destination accepted. Please hold."
The jet than took off. Meanwhile, back at the palace, Hippolyta was sitting alone in the courtyard. A strange figure walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, Hippolyta. Everything's going according to plan."

Ultimate Wonder Woman
Arc One - "A Legend Is Born"
Chapter One - The Beginning Of The Legend
It was warm summer morning on a small island hidden from the rest of the world. There was a village that looked like something out of the old history books about Greece. But don't let that mistake you. The year is 1994. Here you find the home of the legendary Amazons. Amazons are warriors at heart. The story is about one Amazon in peculiar. Her name is Diana.
"Diana, where in the devil are you, girl?"
"Right here mom", answered a short girl about the age of 10. Dark black hair that flow like it's living. She wore a gold gown that shines in the morning light. Bright blue eyes that look like it radiates it's own light.
"Where have you been?", asked Diana's mother. She wore a similar gold gown but also a bright gold crown upon her head. She is the ruler of the Amazon. She is in her mid 30's and a sight to behold. Her hair is a bright gold color. "You haven't been to the caves have you?"
"No mom I haven't", answered Diana.
"You know you never could lie to me", snapped her mother. "You know your not allowed there. How can you become my replacement if you can't follow the rules?"
"But mom....", cried Diana. "I was only trying to learn more about the island that I will have to take care of someday."
"This all the Artemis girls fault", sighed her mother. "I never should of allowed her to come stay with us. I'm going to send her back to her village tomorrow."
"Noooo, she's my best friend." cried Diana. "None of the other kids even talk to me."
"This isn't up for argument", snapped her mother. "Now go to your room."
Then Diana stomped off in a hurry. She went up stairs and into her room only to find her younger sister staring at her.
"What do you want Donna?" asked Diana.
Donna looks a lot like Diana. She is about 7 but is wiser than her age shows.
"You should listen to mother Diana. She knows what she's talking about."
"Who ask you anyway. Now I've lost my only friend."
"Why do insist on keep going to the caves? Is there actually anything down there?"
"Yes, look what I found down there, but don't tell mother."
Diane then shows her two metal bracelets with weird symbols on it.
"What are those?". asked Donna.
"I don't know but check this out."
Diana then put the bracelets on and the symbols grew a bright gold.
"Now throw something at me"
"Just do it", ordered Diana.
Donna then picked up a plate at threw it at her and she reflected it with the bracelets. Then Donna picked up at pile of rocks that Diana had been collecting and threw them all at once. To her amazement Diana reflected everyone without really even moving.
"Amazing" exclaimed Donna. "You didn't seem to move".
"I know it just seems that the bracelets do it themselves. I think they are some kind of gift from the gods."
"Mom would love this."
"You can't tell mom Donna. She might think this is some kind of curse."
"How do you know it isn't?"
"Cause it just feels natural."
Chapter Two - The Truth Be Told
On a small island hidden off the coast of Greece. Lives the home of the Amazons. Warrior woman that devote their lives to the gods of old. Here we follow the story of the Amazon princess, Diana. The year is 2000. She is now 16 years old and in a fight of her life.
"Come on princess, is that all you got?" taunted Priscilla. She is about the same age as Diana and very beautiful like most Amazons. She has red fiery hair and a temper to match. She wears a red robe and gold sandals.
"You wish you never crossed me, Priscilla"
The two are in a very heated sword fight to found out who the best warrior in Themyscira is. There has always been a rivalry between the two girls. Priscilla resents Diana for being the Queen's daughter and that everything is just handed to her while she has to work hard to get where she is. The swords are crashing and Priscilla gives Diana a swift kick to the gut.
"Mom, Diana appears to have the disadvantage", said Donna. Who is now 13 and looking a lot more like Diana everyday but much different at the same time.
"But looks can be disceiving, Donna. She hasn't lost yet." answered Hippolyta. Diana and Donna's mom and Queen of The Amazons.
Priscilla then charged Diana and their swords crashed and they were locked together.
"I am going to make you look lika fool, princess and take what I rightfully deserve" snarled Priscilla.
"I have never done anything to you Priscilla but I won't give in to you or anyone else."
"You were born"
Then she overpowered Diana and knocked her sword out of her hand and went to strike her. But Diana blocked with one of her metal bracelets and then gave Priscilla a punch to the abdomen. She grabbed her sword and swing it at Priscilla. She tried to block but the force behind Diana's swing broke the sword in half. This caused Priscilla to be knocked to the ground. Diana then shoved her sword right to the edge of her neck.
"That's enough", said Hippolyta. "You both proved yourselfs well, but Diana is the winner."
"This isn't over princess, not ever will in be over", whispered Priscilla to Diane.
"You done well my daughter", said Hippolyta. "You have proven yourself to the entire colony."
"You kicked butt sis" cheered Donna.
"Thanks Donna."
"I have something to show you my daughter", said Hippolyta. "If you will excuse us, Donna."
"But I want to see to", whined Donna.
Then the two of them left the battle arena and walked to the palace and then went to a special door carved with a Golden Snake.
"Here where you shall receive your reward"
Hippolyta led Diana into a small round room. The room was tall but not wide by any means. In the middle stood an altar with sunlight pouring onto it all heavenly like. On the altar stood a bright golden lasso.
"Here it is", said Hippolyta as she picked up the lasso and handed it to Diana.
"But this is just some rope. What am I supposed to do with this?"
"It's not just some rope. It's a magical lasso blessed by the Gods. Anyone wrapped in it would only be able to speak truth. It is also unbreakable."
"Now go and rest my daughter, you must be tried after such a battle."
Diana left her mother and went to her room. She sat there for a while and stared at her new lasso. After awhile she decided she should change out of her battle clothes. She noticed her favorite robes are missing.
"DONNA!", screamed Diana.
"What?" said Donna coming into her room.
"What have you done with my favorite necklace?" asked Diana.
"Nothing. I haven't touched them"
Diana gave her a suspicious look and then remembered her new lasso. Quickly she threw it around Donna.
"Now I ask you again. What have you done with my necklace?"
"I was wearing it and slipped and felled into the mud. I tried to clean it but stracthed then So I threw them into the sea".
"Wow it works", said Diana as she looked at the lasso. Then she took it off of Donna.
:"Wait why in hades did I tell you that?"
"Watch your mouth. It was this lasso I won after the battle"
"You mean that's what Mom wanted to show you."
"Yes. But don't let that make you I forgot about my necklace"
"No Diana wait. MOOMMM HELP ME"
Chapter Three - The Gods We Worship
[/B]"You know the plan right, Hades?" asked a mysterious figure.
"Yes, master," answered a very large man dressed in black armor. He had a sword at his side and his eyes glowed red. He had black hair and very dark looking. He looked as he hasn't seen the sun in a few years. "I make sure this woman is a tough as you hope she is."
Meanwhile, on the island of Themyscira. The royal family is at dinner discussing the history of the island
"You know during the twilight of the Gods. The Amazons was one of the only tribes that still had faith in the Gods. They rewarded us for being faith by giving us this island and hiding us from the rest of the world," said Hippolyta to her two daughter's Diana and Donna.
"That interesting," said Donna. "What happened to the rest of the world?"
"They were punished for their sins"
"There's more out there, I would like to learn," said Diana staring out the windows at the stars.
"You know it's forbidden for Amazons to leave the island. That the world outside is died and unhabitable"
"I know mother, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to."
"Such an wondering mind could get you into a lot of trouble Diana."
"Life's not worth living if you don't take risk's mother."
But before her mother could say anything back in defense. A loud boom that shook the very foundations. Diana ran to the window and saw explosions off in the distance. Diana ran to grab her armor. A Golden helmet and shield. Diana is very well trained in all kinds of weapons but her first choice is always the battle axe. A bright gold one that she always polishes every day.
"What in the name of the Gods do you think your doing Diana," yelled Hippolyta.
"I'm going to help"
"No, you're not. You're going to stay safe in this house"
"I'm the best warrior on the island. I can help. I'm going with or without you're approving"
Then Diana left and ran toward the battle.
"You just going to let her go?", asked Donna.
"Do I have a choice?" sighed Hippolyta.
Diana arrived on the scene to see a lot of Amazon warriors fighting a big person in black armor.
"Stand out of my way. Do you not know who I am," yelled the black armor warrior.
"Stand Down," ordered Diana. That caused all the Amazons to fall back.
"I am Princess Diana. Who are you and what is the meaning of this?"
The Black Knight turned and looked at her. He kept staring.
"I ask again..." she was interrupted by the knight.
"I heard you. Don't get your panties in a twist. First I came here looking for you, Diana and second I am Ares, God Of War."
"You're a God? Please forgive me for my mistrust. Why am I supposed to believe you? The Gods have never shown their selves to us before."
"You want prove than?"
Ares raised his sword in the air and started glowing. Then lighting started crashing around them without warning.
"It that good enough?"
"I'm sorry for my mistrust," said Diana as she kneed down in front of Ares. "But this as never happen before."
"We've been watching you, Diana and want to test you for a special job we have for you."
"How may I be of service?"
"I want you to fight me"
"What? If I may ask how could I match the powers of a God?"
"So you refuse?"
"No I will do as you ask," said Diana as she got back on her feet and picked up her axe. She swung her axe at him and hit him dead center. He didn't move an inch. She attacked again and again with no luck. Than he smacked her with the back of his hand. Diana got back up with blood running down her face. She tried again. He grabbed her by the arm and slammed her into the ground. Then he put his foot on her chest.
"I thought you'd be more of a fight than this. Pathetic"
"I show you how good I am."
She grabs his legs and knocks him down. Then grabs his sword and shoves it into his armpit.
"Ow you *****, "he screamed in pain.
He punches her right in the jaw. And continuities to beat on her and beat on her.
"Please stop, that's my daughter," screamed Hippolyta as she ran to the battle.
"Oh right take her," said Ares lifting Diana in the air, "But when's she able I'll be back to fight here again"
Then he vanishes. Hippolyta takes Diana, who's a bloody mess, back to their home.
"Oh my.... What happen to hear mother?" asked Donna on the verge of tears.
"Did I do good?", asked Diana.
"You did here a special shot that will help you heal"
She gave Diana a shot of a strange red liquid.
Chapter Four - Up, Up, And Away
It had been two weeks since Ares attacked Diana. It took her four days to recover from her wounds. Ever since then she had been training non-stop for when he attacks next.
"Diana, it's time for dinner. Mom wants you to come in now," said Donna, walking down to the beach where Diana was practicing with a bow. "It's almost sundown."
Donna is now 17 and is becoming a beautiful young woman. Donna cares more about studying that becoming a warrior like her sister.
"Not now, Donna. I've almost broken my last record of bull-eyes," answered Diana who seems to be out of breath and very distant.
Diana had become a very breathtaking woman. Her body ad fully developed into a very curvy figure. But she still had a presence and stance of a warrior.
"But it's your 21st birthday, sis. You have to come for dinner."
"Fine. I'm coming."
The two of them made their way back to the palace. After dinner, Donna brought Diana to a cliff for her birthday gift.
"Happy birthday sis," said Donna as she handed Diana a small box.
"Donna, you shouldn't have," exclaimed Diana as she opened the box to reveal a bright golden necklace.
"That's to make up for the one I ruined. Look at the inscription."
"Sisters forever," read Diana. "I love you."
She gave Donna a big hug.
"You're hurting me!"
Diana let go as a figure came walking towards them.
"Isn't this so lovely. I think I'm going to cry."
"Priscilla, what do you want?" asked Diana eyeing her.
"Why princess, I wanted to wish you happy birthday. What do we have here?"
Priscilla ripped the necklace out of Diana's hands.
"Give that back!" yelled Donna as she lunged at Priscilla, knocking her over. Priscilla pushed her off, causing Donna to lose her balance and fall off of the cliff.
Diana jumped off after her while Priscilla ran off. She caught Donna.
Donna opened her eyes to see Diana's wide eye expression. Diana was floating in mid-air.
"Ummm....why are you flying?"
"I...umm...don't know."
Diana floated back up to the cliff and landed back on the ground. Then they both ran back to tell their mom.
"You expect me to believe this," said Hippolyta.
"I'll show you mother."
Diana then started to fly in the air and circle around. Then she landed again.
"It must be a gift from the gods," exclaimed Hippolyta as she hugged Diana.
"Well, doesn't this bring a tear to your eye?"
"Lord Ares!" gasped Hippolyta as she bowed to him.
"I'm back for our rematch, Diana."
"What do you want from me?" asked Diana.
"To fight you. You are the strongest Amazon." answered Ares as he drew his sword.
"Donna, go fetch my axe."
Donna ran inside and grabbed her axe. She ran back out
and handed it to her.
"I'm ready."
Ares ran at Diana, who moved and swung her axe at him. He was able to turn and block her attack with his sword. He grabbed her arm and threw her across the courtyard. She just stopped in midair and rushed back at him. She rammed him with her body, knocking him back into a wall and damaging it.
"I see you've improved."
He then punched her in the face and ripped her axe out of her hand. She fell to the ground. He brought down his sword on top of her. She threw up both her arms and blocked the attack with her bracelets. The force of the attack caused a huge hole in the ground where he was standing. She gave him a quick knee to the gut and grabbed her axe and swung it into the back of his kneecaps.
"Argh! You stupid swank!" cried Ares in pain.
Diana then tied him up with her lasso.
"Are you really Ares, the god of war?" she asked.
"No, I'm not."
"Then who are you and where are you from?"
"My name is Craig Auron and I'm from a place called Los Angles."
"Where's that?"
"It's the outside world, in a place called America"
"But I thought the outside world was destroyed?" asked Diana eyeing her mom
"It's not."
"How did you get here?"
"In a jet that's hidden in the jungle."
"Why did you come here?"
"I was sent here to....arrraghh."
Before he could answer, something popped in the back of his head and he fell over, dead.
"You lied to me mother. The outside world isn't destroyed."
"Now listen, Diana....."
"No. You listen. I all of a sudden can fly and my strength is enhanced greatly. I'm going to find this jet and check it out, and then I'm going to travel to the outside world. With these powers I can take care
of myself."
"But sis, don't go," cried Donna, her eyes watering.
"Goodbye, little sis. Take care of mother for me. I'll be back. Remember, sisters forever," she said as she held the necklace around her neck.
Then she flew away and found his jet.
"I've never seen anything like this," she thought as she climbed inside.
"Destination please," said the voice in the jet.
"Umm, Los Angeles."
"Destination accepted. Please hold."
The jet than took off. Meanwhile, back at the palace, Hippolyta was sitting alone in the courtyard. A strange figure walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry, Hippolyta. Everything's going according to plan."
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