The Timeline Guy
Just read UFF #58...surprisingly, its easily the best UFF issue since Millar's run (#21-32). I really liked how it featured flashbacks which explained Ben and Reed's friendship, and while the reasoning is a bit simplistic and contrived (Ben has daddy issues, Reed is nice to him), it was otherwise handled well. The rest of the issue was great! Perfect FF adventure: Ben, on his own, begins searching for Mole Man (Molekevic), as he's the only one who might be able to help Sue out of her coma (initiated by the events in Ultimatum #1). He recruits the Nursery Two kids to help locate Molekevic, and then rescues Moley from some fire ghouls or something. They return to the Baxter Building and begin plans to help Sue. Also loved the reference at the end about the Pym Particles and Ben just having gotten some "last week" (the events in UXM/UFF and UFF/UXM Annuals). It was definitely the best UFF issue in awhile. I could be biased, as I always loved the Ben characterization issues. But seriously, I was very pleasantly surprised.