Good issue. I liked the "robot manipulators" bit tying into the bugs, although I thought that indicated Doombots when he first mentioned it. Actually, it still might.
All the talk about the FF meeting up with Dooms army (see October solits - has me wondering - maybe Doombots after all? Or maybe the guy's tattoo from issue #8 turns out to be something Doom uses to control people, consciously or subconsciously.
I thought in was interesting how we see Johnny and Sue both "max out" their powers and suffer physically from it, even though it doesn't seem in either case like they came anywhere near the max of their powers in 616. Good way of showing them slowly realizing what amazing things they can do without making them into super gods or something.
I also like how Ellis/Immonen are using the flashbacks (in this issue with the robot manipulators comment and in #7 looking back at the accident). I like how they are actively using previous writers' work and not ignoring it or only mentioning it in passing.
All the talk about the FF meeting up with Dooms army (see October solits - has me wondering - maybe Doombots after all? Or maybe the guy's tattoo from issue #8 turns out to be something Doom uses to control people, consciously or subconsciously.
I thought in was interesting how we see Johnny and Sue both "max out" their powers and suffer physically from it, even though it doesn't seem in either case like they came anywhere near the max of their powers in 616. Good way of showing them slowly realizing what amazing things they can do without making them into super gods or something.
I also like how Ellis/Immonen are using the flashbacks (in this issue with the robot manipulators comment and in #7 looking back at the accident). I like how they are actively using previous writers' work and not ignoring it or only mentioning it in passing.