#1 reason not to join UC
Didn't hate it.
Vision prepares to leave while everyone else is celebrating the victory of Gah Lak Tus. Sam comes up to the roof and they give their farewells. Vision says she's been there too long already and is going off to other worlds to teach them how Earth defended themselves. Sam thinks it's a good idea to leave before Fury makes her "property of the military".
Vision takes flight.
A.I.M. is tracking her and send a signal out in space to grab her attention. She immediately turns around and phases through the space station A.I.M. is stationed in. Modok (Tarleton) greets her. She's concerned about the frequency but Tarleton gives her a short tour of the station first. He explains he's all about improving humanity and shows off his experiments. Twins who are psionically linked in hopes for the first psionic internet, a toddler made of plastic that Tarleton created to prove he could bring life from inorganic materials but the toddler can not grow past age 6, and something else I'm missing I think sorry I forget. He reveals that he himself is mostly machine (from the nipples down).
He then reveals the newest addition. A Gah Lak Tus drone that's damaged and nonoperable. He explains that he wants to study it so he can teach it a self destruct command in hopes of annihilating Gah Lak Tus if it ever comes around again. Vision cautiously agrees to help reactivate it. They hook her up to it and the transfer of power begins. It begins to get crazily out of control and Tarleton reveals he doesn't want to stop Gah Lak Tus but control it. Vision breaks free but Tarleton already has a bit of control of the drone and blasts Vision breaking *chokes on the word* "her" in half. He then radios an A.I.M. station on Earth telling them "Game On."
Would've given it a four but Vision's still a chick. Pretty good stuff though.
Vision prepares to leave while everyone else is celebrating the victory of Gah Lak Tus. Sam comes up to the roof and they give their farewells. Vision says she's been there too long already and is going off to other worlds to teach them how Earth defended themselves. Sam thinks it's a good idea to leave before Fury makes her "property of the military".
Vision takes flight.
A.I.M. is tracking her and send a signal out in space to grab her attention. She immediately turns around and phases through the space station A.I.M. is stationed in. Modok (Tarleton) greets her. She's concerned about the frequency but Tarleton gives her a short tour of the station first. He explains he's all about improving humanity and shows off his experiments. Twins who are psionically linked in hopes for the first psionic internet, a toddler made of plastic that Tarleton created to prove he could bring life from inorganic materials but the toddler can not grow past age 6, and something else I'm missing I think sorry I forget. He reveals that he himself is mostly machine (from the nipples down).
He then reveals the newest addition. A Gah Lak Tus drone that's damaged and nonoperable. He explains that he wants to study it so he can teach it a self destruct command in hopes of annihilating Gah Lak Tus if it ever comes around again. Vision cautiously agrees to help reactivate it. They hook her up to it and the transfer of power begins. It begins to get crazily out of control and Tarleton reveals he doesn't want to stop Gah Lak Tus but control it. Vision breaks free but Tarleton already has a bit of control of the drone and blasts Vision breaking *chokes on the word* "her" in half. He then radios an A.I.M. station on Earth telling them "Game On."
Would've given it a four but Vision's still a chick. Pretty good stuff though.