Ultimate X-Men #67 discussion (spoilers)

Not the best issue....but that's not a hard feet to accomplish after the "two-headed ban robber" issue. Still better than the last one though.

The only reason I'm reading this arc is to keep up with continuity.
Ultimate Quicksilver said:
Agreed. I can't see another Summers in the Ultimate Universe.

That's why you don't name him Nathan Summers. Haven't any of you read the ult. X-men title over at Marvel Omega (a fanfic site for those of u who don't know). The way Cable was delivered was awsome. They could easily put him as apart of the new Weapon X with the name Nathan Dayspring. it's that simple.
I liked the previous issue better but this was still good.

Cyclops/Jean - Nothing progressive. And suddenly we get a change in Cyclops character just because he suddenly got the balls to talk to a girl? Something's coming. And I'm thinking something directly with Scott's character not Phoenix.

Rogue/Bobby - Nothing progressive. Period.

Colossus/Nightcrawler -
Kind've disappointing if you ask me. I feel like it's being dragged out.

Kitty/Spider-Man - Keepin' it to a minimum. Just like I like it.

Xavier/Lilandra - The entire time, I was just thinking, "Spit it out already". Way too much dialogue to say in so many words, "I was screwed by Hellfire Club" and "Phoenix".

New Guy - Fury... Interesting. New Kid... confusing and uninteresting.

Sabertooth -

1. Sabertooth is telling the truth and Ultimate Sabertooth is gonna go a bit soft. Possibly joining the X-Men's ranks. I'm not against it.

2. He's lying. There's no evidence of this at all and it's completely in Sabertooth's character to manipulate like this.

2.5/5 Filler issue.
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Yea Ultimate Cable would be the ****. But I liked this issue, the art was horrible and the kid in the grass thing was lame, but that hook they threw with sabe being wolverines son was a shocker. I really said "what the F***!" out loud. It's cool because it's like a recall to the old plot twist fake in 616 where sabe said he was wolverines father. I didn't read all the posts to see if anyone else caught that but i did so nah.
I do not think Sabretooth is lying, even though he doesn't necessarily speak the truth. If Wolverine still got the ability to tell of someone is lying.

Sabertooth being Wolverine's son could become pretty interesting, but only if they got some kind of hesitant relationship going and then killed off Sabertooth to further Wolverine's character. I really don't think two Wolverines is going to last. And Sabertooth was damn ugly.

And if that New Guy is so dangerous so that he can make people die without conscious thought, why the heck would Fury go in personally to capture him? And why didn't Xavier find him first? Does SHIELD have a Cerebro too?

I agree with whoever said it before in this thread that the whole Phoenix worshipping thing is recycling, a sheitty one at that.

Hopefully Nightcrawler will stop being Colossus friend, because that is more interesting than the old "in the end, I will stick up for my friend" (no gay puns intended).

This issue was more entertaining than the last one, but it is progressing too slowly on too many fronts for me to jump the couch over it.

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Ultimate Deadpool is suppose to be coming soon to Spiderman and is coming to the X mansion with his Reavers/Marauders. Could the kid that Fury captured Deadpool?:D
Deadpool, from my experience, is a character with real personality. This boy is just a whiny little brat that cries for mommy and daddy.

Not Deadpool, and that's that.
TheManWithoutFear said:
I'm not sure how I feel about the Logan/Sabertooth right now. I guess it depends on the delivery. Since this is the case though.... I hope Sabertooth killed his mother.

I felt the same about it. I liked the reason he is still alive.
Cable was always one of my favorite 616 characaters, I would love an Ultimate version.

Also, isn't Sabertooth Wolverine's dad or brother in the 616? I thought he was... or maybe it was in the 90s cartoon... Can someone clear this up?

And lastly... I don't get why everyone, including Joe Quesada, is saying the Ultimate line is sagging right now... Ultimate Galactus Triology is great and about to have a huge climax, Silver Sable arc is best in a while, Magnetic North arc is best in a while too, and Ultimates 2 of course kicks *** right now... I am loving the Ultimate line right now... Around the time of Carnage/Hobgoblin and the same Ultimate X-Men issues around that time it was really sagging... but I think it's a lot better now. I honestly can't wait for Ultimate Spider-man 100, the end of Ultimates 2 and Ultimate Extinction. I am excited!
sskento said:
Cable was always one of my favorite 616 characaters, I would love an Ultimate version.

Also, isn't Sabertooth Wolverine's dad or brother in the 616? I thought he was... or maybe it was in the 90s cartoon... Can someone clear this up?

And lastly... I don't get why everyone, including Joe Quesada, is saying the Ultimate line is sagging right now... Ultimate Galactus Triology is great and about to have a huge climax, Silver Sable arc is best in a while, Magnetic North arc is best in a while too, and Ultimates 2 of course kicks *** right now... I am loving the Ultimate line right now... Around the time of Carnage/Hobgoblin and the same Ultimate X-Men issues around that time it was really sagging... but I think it's a lot better now. I honestly can't wait for Ultimate Spider-man 100, the end of Ultimates 2 and Ultimate Extinction. I am excited!

in 616 and in the cartoon sabretooth alludes to being wolverines father, both cases were presented differently but both times sabretooth was lying. Also if sabretooth joins the x-men again, like he did in 616. That will probably suck unless he kills some of them, like he did in 616. That would be great. then I would like it. Sabretooth and wolverine may have very similar powers but they are two different characters. Sab is like some kind of sociopath he really enjoys murder really. He doesn't do it to complete a mission or to save someone or because he has to, he does it because he wants to and he gets off on it. Like some kind of serial killer. Meanwhile Wolverine is still a blatant killer too, but usually on the "somebody has to do it" basis. Usually. Anyway that being said I don't think they are "two wolverines" like someone said earlier, so I'd like to see both of them survive this arc. Me being a wolvie fan such as I am, I love the back and forth between these characters. I've always loved it. Anyway besides those few panels featuring those two guys this comic sucked. This book is in a downward spiral.
thee great one said:
I felt the same about it. I liked the reason he is still alive.

So far, among all the guys that suddenly came back from the dead, Sabretooth was the most feasible which is pretty ironic considering how he was "killed".

I'd also say that it is false that there is no hint of evidence about Sabretooth's claims. They do have the same powers after all. Sure they were able to replicate Wolverine's ability with Deathstrike as well, but they only did this after Weapon X was botched when the mutants messed it up so Dr. Cornelius opted to modify humans instead.
While I like the "son" explanation, my favourite was the Paradise X explanation of their relationship.

It's value is in its context. I could explain it really short hand, but it won't mean anything or make much sense. The reason is good is becuase it MEANS something very powerful, and to get that meaning, you gotta read Paradise X.

But I'll give you the short answer. I strongly recommend you don't read it.

Wolverine isn't a mutant at all, but of the original human race. As is Sabretooth. They come from different 'clans' of humanity. Sabretooth is of the bear clan, Wolverine of the wolf clan.

See? It's bollocks. Because all the context is removed.

Read the trade. Get what this revelation actually MEANS and you'll see why it's my favourite. (Note, by "Mean", I don't mean -"story point" - it's not part of the story, it's just a connection that resolves Wolverine's own sub-plot in the trilogy beautifully.)
Good issue. Loads better than the last... There was actually pacing and direction this time with little emphasis on the kissy face stuff we got last time. Still, I can't say I find this new character necessary, but he's taken an interesting turn...

The Wolverine/Sabertooth revelation was great... However, the fact that Storm was present annoyed me. She shouldn't have gotten in the way, although that is entirely in her character now. I thought that the only bad thing about Sabertooth being Wolverine's son was that the revelation didn't get the full attention it needed to... In an arc like this, when something like this happens, it should take up an entire issue and leave the fluff out.

Speaking of fluff, that's what the Nightcrawler/Colossus, Jean/Scott, and Bobby/Rogue stories have become... I'm not interested in any of them.

The Magician is interesting, I guess. Like I said, his appearances are entirely unnecessarily and cut into the X-Men's screen time. He got two extremely dull splash pages this issue... For no real reason, either. I think his powers are very peculiar, like I don't know what they are at all, although I know he has them. :lol: I do believe he's got reality altering powers, though, much like Jamie Braddock or Proteus. His parents may not be dead, afterall, if that is the case...
I really liked this issue. Can someone post the page next to The Hills Have Eyes. Its a really good page and all the panels look so perfect, I want to make it into a poster. next issue seems like it will be fun. This is starting to clear up.
I think Raney really captured Sabertooth well... I think he draws villains incredibly. Just look at his Sinister Six. Well, Sinister Five.

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