What are the best Nick Fury SHIELD only reads?


Dec 13, 2023
Besides the original 60's run. I do have the lat 80's 90's set and love it. After that, what are the best SHIELD only based runs out there?
I don't think it's quite what you're asking for but I always thought that Hickman's Secret Warriors and SHIELD made for a great pre-sequel to those old shield comics
I don't think it's quite what you're asking for but I always thought that Hickman's Secret Warriors and SHIELD made for a great pre-sequel to those old shield comics
No this is what I want to hear thanks! Yeah, that series looks awesome!

Should Secret Invasion or any avengers be read with the run, to make it more complete or understand anything?
No this is what I want to hear thanks! Yeah, that series looks awesome!

Should Secret Invasion or any avengers be read with the run, to make it more complete or understand anything?
not required reading but they're good. all you need to know is Fury is on the outs with shield but has his own team