Ultimate Spider-Man "Hero"-- Like I've said before, it's the best rounded issue in a comic that I've read. Here we have action, character growth, comic relief, and, above all, meaning to what has been introduced to you in the issue. Terrific characterization of both Peter and JJ.
Ultimate Spider-Man "Detention"-- One of the most gripping issues of the series to date, the one issue that actually takes the death of Gwen head on and illustrates each supporting character's opinion of the tragedy. Also, the whole deal about Flash becoming a rotten person struck a chord with me. Bendis, excellent job.
Ultimate X-Men #41 "New Mutants: Part Two"-- Looking at it from the teenager's perspective (which I hadn't done until really, really thinking about it) hit me kind of hard. One thing that I mentioned was that my biggest fear was that I wouldn't live life to God's expectations (That's if he has one of us, I was playing with that a little bit), and this kid didn't get a chance to it. Wow.
Ultimate Spider-Man "Venom Part Six"-- Although I'm not sure the exact issue number, the last part of the Venom arc was a remarkable read. So much of Peter's father's life was littered with failure when he was within reach of something sensational. This becomes Peter's problems. The way this can tie into what Peter is doing now as Spider-Man is a very cool move on Bendis' part. I liked it.
Ultimates 2 #3 "Trial Of the Hulk"-- This issue is something that Millar should be most proud of. Here we have sympathy for a murderer, Banner, who really, honestly, should be getting none. I really loved this issue because, like "Hero" it left the traditional super hero razzle dazzle and gave you meaning. Very cool.