Just out of curiousity... it's supposedly a school... we have no school children there? Just team members? Well that's just... odd. 
Erm... because a school withouth school children isn't very schooly? LOL.Goodwill said:They could do that, I guess, but there is no real need to do so.
Well, look at the movie *ducks the rotten tomatoes*
Do they even show just generic mini-mutants running around? Or is the whole place empty?
Where was this? *rereads the topic* Did I miss a post somewhere?Goodwill said:Also, Icemastertron, Marvel told you that he would be on as long as he liked? Could this mean that he is staying on more than they expected because Singer has checked out?
Singer isn't doing X-3 anymore, so even if he remains on UXM, since he wanted to tie it in with "his" movie, I would imagine that he'd be scrambling to redo his arc. And how do we know he had an arc done? I didn't even know we had a specific date for his start?icemastertron said:What do you mean Singer checked out? What about his arcs? The first was done a while ago.
*sniff sniffs* Hey, what's that smell? Ohhh... it's bullshit! Considering I was responding to something said IN the topic... if the post is at all off-topic, it's because the matter previously posted was off-topic.icemastertron said:Now please, lets keep this on topic. You seem to go off topic a lot.