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  1. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Very interesting
  2. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Lol I've gotten so excited I've started counting down the hours. My wife is has taken offense that I seem more excited for this film to premiere than I was for our wedding but wedding didn't have Hugh Jackman in yellow spandex sooooo
  3. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Oh yeah! I keep pretty updated on leaks and the like. Thursday can't come fast enough for me!
  4. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I'm really sorry to hear that. It's a very difficult thing to go through. I've been there a couple times. I hope things get better. Remember there are people and places you can reach out to if you need to talk or even to vent. Take a little time and take care of yourself man.
  5. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Well tbh you seem a little aggressive today since the trailer dropped and I was gonna message you privately and see what was up and see if you wanted to chat but I decided against it and figured that sometimes we just need to blow off steam and let it pass. I was gonna hold off until you did...
  6. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    If you check on YouTube you can find some playthroughs but I believe they're all with commentary from the players but it'll do the trick for ya.
  7. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I think he means they'll be in Secret Wars and their subsequent adventures will be set within whatever the main MCU universe is after that
  8. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I would agree due to how it's represented, however since it doesn't have a clear present day POV I think it works as an exception here. However if people agree that it should be moved to be more in line with how moments like it are handled I can definitely make that change
  9. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    The Netflix changes Rman proposed, the AoS fix mentioned a bit ago, Audi ad removed and YFNSM release schedule added. Just the changes I should've made last week
  10. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Ah yeah I still do that too. The amount of times I go to that thread and only realize it's the wrong one cause I can't click edit is embarrassing
  11. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Did she not?
  12. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I'll make those Netflix changes, fix that AoS mistake and remove the Audi tie-in since everyone seems good with those changes.
  13. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it as you continue!
  14. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Fortunately Pro Bot is already working on an "Inspired By" timeline so stay tuned there!
  15. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I mean I can remove that if no one is against it. To me that sounds like a straight contradiction
  16. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    Alright it's been 24 hours since the vote started. It was quite close but the nays have it, but Pro Bot said he may take on an alternate MCU timeline down the line which is the perfect place for these I believe. Thanks everyone!
  17. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I agree that this is likely the best way as Pro Bot suggested before. If someone would like to take this on it'd fit best there in a new thread
  18. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    No you're right, I didn't care originally no but over the past few days various cases have been made and my mind has been changed and I agree that they shouldn't be added. I would absolutely edit the timeline regardless of my opinions and go with the majority no matter what the outcome would be...
  19. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    That being said the vote is extremely close and has clearly left a division here. I think that warrants perhaps a compromise of some kind, I just don't quite know what that compromise is yet...
  20. S

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    I hate to ruin the moment but my vote is against adding them here so it's 8-7. Sorry lol