100 Bullets Discussion (spoilers)


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2005
Vancouver, Wa
Before I go into a whole lot of explaining and stuff, is there anyone else besides Me, Bass, and Baxter that read this?

a quick intro said:
In this dark and intriguing trade paperback, the mysterious Agent Graves approaches ordinary citizens and gives them an opportunity to exact revenge on a person that has wronged them. Offering his clients an attaché case containing proof of the deed and a gun, he guarantees his "clients" full immunity for all of their actions, including murder
Re: 100 Bullets

I've been meaning to try it out, but I'd like more of an explanation.
Re: 100 Bullets

That's one of the reason why Im asking if there's anyone else that reads this. cuz i can't explain it to people. its just that good. All i use are adjectives. But i can't get the general story out, but i'll try...

its starts out with Agent graves Offering you an attaché case containing proof and a gun, he guarantees you full immunity for all of your actions, including murder. cuz once the government finds the bullets all governments won't go any further.

and then you have the people in the story, NOTHING is ever forgotten. Something might have happened 12 issues back and He brings it back. Like a picture of someone in the background, that same guy comes back. and each 'arc' is self contained. But adding little bits here and there to the story as a whole.

its got drugs, sex, gangs, the rich, the poor, myths and facts. all blended into one story. and noone is safe. sooner or later something will happen and you'll be left scratching your head, wondering HOW the hell did you miss that.

i don't want to say to much without telling the whole story.
Re: 100 Bullets

I'll Wikipedia it, and if I like the sound of it, I may try it.
Re: 100 Bullets

I bought the first two trades at a local HASTINGS for $5 a pop.

If I manage to catch any more of them, though, I'm down. It's a good series. I just got far enough along for things to get interesting and then I had nothing. I guess I could download the remaining issues with bit torrent to get current, but I'd rather have the trades.
Re: 100 Bullets

jeremiahvedder said:
I bought the first two trades at a local HASTINGS for $5 a pop.

If I manage to catch any more of them, though, I'm down. It's a good series. I just got far enough along for things to get interesting and then I had nothing. I guess I could download the remaining issues with bit torrent to get current,
I'd rather have the trades.

But your almost to the best one, #3, that has to be my ALL time favorite. its is just....yeah nothing is left out, it has it all.

Personally I think that the 1st one sucked, but as all things, the more you write the better you get.
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Re: 100 Bullets

I'm not sure how to better phrase this, so I'll just come out with it.

100 Bullets does everything but give me wood.

There. Thats all.
Re: 100 Bullets

But your almost to the best one, #3, that has to be my ALL time favorite. its is just....yeah nothing is left out, it has it all.

Personally I think that the 1st one sucked, but as all things, the more you write the better you get.

I'll ge there... But that's an eventuality and not a near future thing. Heh.

I quit reading comics between 1996 and 2005, so I've missed a lot of really good stuff that I'm only just now getting to catch up on.
Re: 100 Bullets

jeremiahvedder said:
I'll ge there... But that's an eventuality and not a near future thing. Heh.

I quit reading comics between 1996 and 2005, so I've missed a lot of really good stuff that I'm only just now getting to catch up on.
Hang up on the Down Low is the best trade released so far. It captures an estranged father son relationship that will tug at anyone thats had more than the standard poblems with thier father in a near perfect manner. I'm looking forward to reading Stricknine Lives tomorrow.
Re: 100 Bullets

Baxter said:
Hang up on the Down Low is the best trade released so far. It captures an estranged father son relationship that will tug at anyone thats had more than the standard poblems with thier father in a near perfect manner. I'm looking forward to reading Stricknine Lives tomorrow.

i got that one in last night, and let me tell you, you will be surprised to see who's playing who. and best of all..........naw i won't tell you who shoots who. its sad the way it was done, but it works.
Re: 100 Bullets

nigma said:
i got that one in last night, and let me tell you, you will be surprised to see who's playing who. and best of all..........naw i won't tell you who shoots who. its sad the way it was done, but it works.
I can't wait.

Oh, and thats the best name for V9 of a series you could ever come up with.
Re: 100 Bullets

I've been steadily disenchanted with this series the further and further I get into it. It just takes too long, drags too much with the cloak and dagger, and I just can't seem to give a **** about any of the main characters. They're all really bad, from an archetypal protagonist standpoint and I'm the world's worst critic when it comes to to fashioning a story.
Re: 100 Bullets

Ultimate Houde said:

Is that you?
*opens up boxers*

*looks down with a satisfactory grin*

Yup, it certainly appears to be me, doesn't it?

Maybe I'm just using an image inducer.


I presume this is meant to be a non-spoiler thread, yes?
Re: 100 Bullets

You should be impressed with your appearance. After all, you're taken to looking like me. :heybaby:
Re: 100 Bullets

Ultimate Houde said:
It's the only thread for it I think

Why didn't you sign on as your Ourchair handle instead of your Compound one?
Well, the Ourchair side remains permanently repressed in everything but the most dire situations.

In any case, the strange lady chose to 'wake up' my Compound persona, so that's what it's gonna be, then. Just walked right up to me and whispered CROAT... I mean, BUKKAKE.

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